
seizeseizeD.J.:[si:z]K.K.:[siz]vt. & vi.1.抓住, 捉住Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.吉尔突然抓住我的手, 热情地和我握手。vt.1.夺取; 占领The following day mobs seized the Parliament building.第二天暴徒占领了议会大厦。

seize[si:z]vt.1.突然抓住,使劲抓住:to seize an iron bar抓起一根铁棍2.抓住(机会、有利条件等);利用:to seize an opportunity抓住时机3.抓获,缴获;拘押:a seized a prisoner在押犯4.理解,领会;掌握:to seize an idea理解了一个概念5.攻占,夺取;掠夺:to seize a commanding point攻占制高点6.[常用被动语态](受…)控制;(疾病等)侵袭:Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.看到那景象,我突然感到一阵恐慌。7.没收,充公;扣押:the goods that were seized by the customs被海关扣押的货物8.[亦作 seise]【法律】依法占有:She was seized of vast estates.她依法占有大片地产。9.【航海学】绑扎,捆扎vi.1.用力抓住,使劲抓住(on, upon):to seize on a lashing紧紧抓住绳索2.采用,采取;利用(on, upon):to seize on any chance利用任何机会3.(机器等因过热)卡住,咬住近义词takebe (或stand) seized of【法律】依法占有知道,了解;拥有情报(或消息等)受理,审议变形vt.seizedseizing

seizeseize[si:z]vt.1.抓获, 抓住, 夺取, 攻占2.没收, 查封, 扣押3.明白, 理解4.[常用被动语态](疾病)侵袭; (情绪)支配5.【航海】绑住(up); 结, 接seize political power夺取政权seize the city攻占城市The policeman seized the thief.警察捉住了那个小偷。They seized an opportunity.他们抓住了机会。If you don't pay your debt, your property will be seized.如果你不还债, 你的财产将被扣押。I can't quite seize your meaning.我不太理解你的意思。The child was seized with an illness.这个小孩得了病。The man was seized with panic.这个人惊惶失措。Uncontrollable laughter seized us.我们不由自主地大笑起来。
词性变化seize[si:z]vi.1.捉住; 夺取(on; upon)2.利用, 采用(on; upon)3.停止转动, 停住(up)

继承用法seizer[ˈsi:zə(r)]n.1.抓的人2.没收者; 扣押者3.猎犬
