

1. The 1812 shako modelled here dates the figures from that year, as correctly specified on the box.


2. eth shako a !


3. He could now see distinctly the figure of the red-haired artilleryman, with a shako crushed on one side, pulling a mop one way, while a French soldier was tugging it the other way.


4. In front of these men ran a single figure in a strange shako and a blue coat, with a swarthy sunburnt face and a hooked nose.


5. Other detail is also nicely done, with particular attention paid to the cords on the shako, which are flying around on those figures moving quickly, and in one case tucked around the plume to keep them out of the way - a common habit.


6. The shako has the plate, cockade and plume at the front, which is fine although earlier these were to the left side.


7. Taiwan's new Gong Co., Ltd. was established in 1980, the creation of "SHAKO" brand, marketing products Pneumatic components of Taiwan's most powerful R &D and Pneumatic components manufacturer.


8. In Japanese cuisine, the mantis shrimp is eaten boiled as sashimi and as a sushi topping, and is called shako.


9. The soldier was wearing a coat of blue fine cloth, he had no knapsack nor shako, his head was bound up, and across his shoulders was slung a French cartridge case.


10. My name is Shako, I'd like to learn English as well as other lanbuages.

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11. In the meadow with the rows of sweet-scented hay, through which he had ridden the day before, there lay motionless across the rows one soldier with his shako off, and his head thrown awkwardly back.


12. All the details are correct,including the artillery badge on the shako front.


13. One, taking off his shako, carefully loosened and then drew up the folds of it;


14. To the right and left of the post stood rows of French soldiers, in blue uniforms, with red epaulettes, in Hessians and shako.


15. A young soldier, with a face of deathly pallor, still stood facing the pit on the spot upon which he had shot, his shako falling backwards off his head, and his fuse dropping on to the ground.


16. The little officer-boy ran up, his hand to his shako, saluting his superior officer.

