
shineshineD.J.:[ʃain]K.K.:[ʃaɪn]vi.1.发光; 反射光; 照耀The rain has stopped and the sun is shining.雨停了, 太阳照耀着。The moon is shining bright.月亮发出了明亮的光。2.表现突出, 出众He's a pretty good student, but sports are where he really shines.他是个很好的学生, 可体育运动才是他真正出色之处。vt.1.照射2.〈美〉擦亮Have you shined your shoes?你的鞋擦亮了吗?n.1.光亮; 光泽The windows gleamed gold in the shine of the setting sun.窗子在落日的余晖中金光闪闪。The wooden surface had a beautiful shine.那木质的表面有美丽的光泽。2.磨, 擦Those shoes need a shine.这些鞋需要擦一擦

shine1[ʃain]vi.1.放光,发光;发亮:the object that shines发光体2.照耀;闪闪发亮:The moon is shining.月光照耀。to shine with excitement露出兴奋的神色3.(光)照得眩目,耀眼:the scenic lights that shine令人眼花的舞台灯光4.(感情等)流露;变得明显:Loving shines in her eyes.她的眼睛流露出爱情。5.成就突出;显出才干(或智慧):Do you shine at tennis?你网球打得出色吗?vt.1.[口语]2.使发光,使发亮3.把…光投向…,把…光对准…(at,in,into):to shine searchlight beam at the crossroads把探照灯的灯光对准十字路口4.[过去式和过去分词用 shined]使亮,把…抛光:to shine one's shoes擦亮皮鞋n.1.光亮,光辉2.光泽;光彩3.阳光;晴天4.(新板球的)光亮球面5.擦皮鞋;磨,抛光6.[俚语]喜爱,迷恋;爱恋7.[俚语]骚乱;吵闹8.[常用复数][美国俚语]恶作剧;诡计9.[贬义]黑人(come) rain or shine不论晴雨,风雨无阻无论怎样,无论如何cut up shines[美国俚语]恶作剧shine up to someone[俚语]竭力讨好某人,巴结某人take a shine to[美国口语]喜爱,爱上take the shine out使失去光泽使逊色变形vi.shoneshining shine2[ʃain]n.1.[俚语]月光

shineshine[ʃain]vt.(shone[ʃɔn, ʃəun], shined)1.使发光, 使照耀2.[过去式和过去分词用shined] [口]擦亮shine one's shoes擦皮鞋S-your flashlight over here.把你的手电筒往这里照。
词性变化shine[ʃain]vi.1.发光[亮]; 照[闪]耀2.杰出, 出风头3.(感情等)明显流露The star shone red on his cap.他军帽上的红星闪闪发光。She shines as a teacher.她当教师很出色。Her eyes shone with excitement.她兴奋得两眼闪光。Happiness shone from her face.她面露喜色。shine[ʃain]n.1.阳光; 晴天2.光亮[辉, 采], 擦(亮)3.[常用复]恶作剧; 诡计4.擦鞋5.[美俚]爱好6.[英俚]纠纷, 混乱7.[美俚, 蔑]黑人works with a high literary shine光辉夺目的文学作品put a good shine on boots好好擦亮靴子give one's shoes a shine擦皮鞋Rain or shine, we'll set out tomorrow.不论天气好坏, 我们明天出发。

