

1. Colonists first found Roon by following the trail of the rainbow comets, which pierced the veil of the Cloak of the Sith and pass by Roon on a regular basis.


2. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith was the top grossing movie of the year -- earning close to $850 million globally at the box office.


3. "And it doesn't make me a Sith monster, either," Han retorted.


4. A twin-branched Sith tattoo was emblazoned on Qel-Droma's forehead to mark his status.


5. The two dueled, and at Palpatine's goading, Anakin killed the Sith Lord.


6. As befitting the Dark Lord of the Sith, the chamber was an ominous, spherical construct that opened by splitting into two halves like some gaping maw.


7. In the interests of concealing the Sith presence from the Jedi, all of Maul's missions were executed from the shadows.


8. Sith was communion part, people presented asked many question they concerned and he answered all patiently.


9. Ulic brandished the Sith amulet like a weapon, and repulsed his former friends.


10. Kun was fixated in unleashing pure, unbridled power through ancient Sith means.


11. Feeling as if they were winning, while in truth they were being chivvied ex actly where the Lords of the Sith wanted them to go.


12. Their agenda revealed to all, the Sith Lords Sidious (Ian McDiarmid) and Vader (Hayden Christensen) need not lurk in the shadows any longer.


13. He convened with other survivors on Kessel, and felt the Jedi needed to respond and attack the Sith.


14. He brandished a Sith lightsaber with twin blades that increased the potent weapon's lethality.


15. So complete was his devotion that he even endured the agony of having intricate Sith tattoos applied to his entire body.


16. He was a dark lord of the sith,so powerful and wise he could use the force to influence the Midi-chlorians to creat life.He had such knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.


17. His goal was singular -- to exact vengeance upon the Jedi for the decimation of the Sith ranks.


18. He decried the Republic as meaningless, and spoke of the coming Golden Age of the Sith.


19. He invited Imperial Admiral Screed to his salvaging operation in the Cloak of the Sith nebula.


20. The Wookiee world became backstory, remarkably detailed, yet ultimately unexplored on film until the conclusion of the saga, Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.


21. The Clone Wars were just part of an intricate Sith plan concocted by Palpatine.


22. But nothing could hide her from the Sith Lord.


23. The Sith deception was devilish enough to point Vos in false directions, and to corrupt the wayward Jedi and color him with the taint of the dark side.


24. " Mace leveled his blade."You lost for the same rea son the Sith always lose: defeated by your own fear.


25. What qualities do you think you bring to this character that couldn't be effectively expressed in a male Sith?


26. The army of light outnumbers the sith!


27. After decades of war, a tenuous truce has been established between the Sith Empire and the Republic, but events occurring in the game are leading the galaxy back to an all-out war.


28. The remaining Sith forces have chosen their posts well, my lord.Lord Hoth is marching straight into their hands!


29. Karath filled the cavernous hangar bays with two squadrons of agile Sith fighters, which supplemented its formidable arsenal of20 quad laser cannons, a tractor beam projector, two ion cannons and four turbolaser batteries.


30. The most powerful Sith Empire in history has emerged from deep space to attack the Republic and its legendary Jedi guardians.


31. The characteristic and application of multi-harmonic converter and electric power &electronic divice (VDMOS, IGBT, SITH, MCT)is discribed.


32. The impact of mesa etching on the device characteristics of power SITH


33. I cold sith comed back home,Always runing at the nose,NO good.


34. An enormous Sith invasion followed, sparking the Great Hyperspace War that tore many worlds and civilizations asunder.


35. Because they fought as they had been trained, by releas ing all desire and allowing the Force to flow through them, they had no hope of countering Dooku's mastery of Sith techniques.


36. With the Sith long believed extinct, lightsaber dueling occurred only within the practice chambers of the Jedi Temple.


37. He watched helplessly as Maul killed Qui-Gon, and rushed to kill the Sith Lord in turn.


38. Weakened by infighting, the Sith were easily wiped out by the Jedi.


39. His identity was exposed during his quest for the ultimate Sith apprentice.


40. Recognizing that Phobos and her sect posed a major threat to the galaxy, the Jedi grudgingly joined forces with the Sith to hunt her down.


41. In the lightsaber duel that ensued, Obi-Wan was knocked unconscious by a withering telekinetic blow delivered by the Sith Lord.


42. As Juno rescued the Senators, Starkiller confronted the Sith Lords who had been manipulating him for years.


43. As the Ebon Hawk blasted off from Taris filled with Republic fugitives, the Sith utterly razed the planet.


44. Beneath the jungle canopy, amid the ruins of ancient Sith temples, Anakin dueled with Asajj, their ferocious lightsaber attacks illuminating their dank surroundings.


45. Their world was destroyed by the massive multiple-supernova Cron Drift explosion sparked in the Great Sith War, killing all life on the planet.


46. En route, they encounter the mystery of heaven as one card of the Sith, their journey has now begun.


47. A flurry of blows from the fledgeling Sith leave Obi-Wan on the defensive before we see him flung backwards across the room.


48. The current incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order.


49. Guarding a back door to the Sith cave! Is this why I volunteered?


50. Without his mentor's guidance, Anakin attacked Dooku alone.The Sith Lord goaded Anakin's rage, and the young Jedi took revenge against the warrior who had severed his arm years before.


51. Anakin confronted Palpatine about this arcane knowledge, accusing the Chancellor to be a Sith Lord.


52. The fear of losing power is a weakness of the Jedi and the Sith.


53. For sheer fan hysteria, nothing this year topped the Cannes showing of "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith."


54. Although use of the lightsaber is strictly reserved to the Jedi -- the only ones capable of handling the difficult weapon -- it is also used by their sworn enemies, the Sith.


55. Traveling aboard his sleek Sith Infiltrator, Maul scouted the galaxy for the missing monarch, and reported his findings to his master.


56. When their early spacefaring efforts revealed to the Dashade a larger galaxy populated by Jedi and the ancient Sith, it only strengthened these ideas.


57. As they move into close-ups, Lucas says, "Take it one step further: You realize that by telling the Jedi about Palpatine being a Sith that Padme is going to die.


58. When Count Dooku flies at him, blade flashing, Watto's fist cracks out from Anakin's childhood to knock the Sith Lord tum bling back.


59. With the death of Darth Maul at Naboo, the Jedi Council realized that the Sith menace was true.What they hadn't puzzled was whether Maul was the master, or the apprentice.


60. When that apprentice succeeded him, that new Sith Lord would take an apprentice.


61. While Qui-Gon Jinn was escorting the fugitive Queen Amidala from Tatooine to Coruscant, Darth Maul swept down from above, lunging at Qui-Gon from his rocketing Sith speeder.


62. The Dark Lord of the Sith quickly educated Motti as to the Force's true power by inflicting a telekinetic stranglehold on the admiral.


63. Lumiya was sequestered on the ancient Sith world of Ziost when the Battle of Endor forever changed the Empire.


64. We broke the ranks of Kaan's army, the vassals of sith died by the thousands!


65. I'll tell you something about the Sith Lords, my sons.The sith were thought dead more than once, but they always come back.


66. I'm in love with a future Sith Lord.


67. I really thought and hoped that little Tsui Choi had a real shot at being in Revenge of the Sith.


68. Having now grossed more then $379 million domestically Revenge of the Fallen is now posed to also surpass Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith for the number 9 spot on the all time list.


69. Thousands of years ago, the Sith Lord exile Naga Sadow fled to Yavin 4, escaping enemy forces from the Great Hyperspace War.


70. Will you sith love me tomorrow


71. Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith Sets Single-Day Box Office Record


72. Star Wars: Episode 3 - Revenge of the Sith


73. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith


74. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith


75. Yes, during character selection you will align with the Republic or the Sith Empire.


76. Once a Zabrak from Iridonia, Maul abandoned all trace of his former identity when he took on his Sith name.


77. The histological analyses of the induced rat periapical periodontitis treated sith binidazole


78. Eventually, her Sith brethren turned on Phobos, destroyed her ship in low-orbit.


79. In the middle of his trial, Ulic was rescued by Kun and Mandalore as they barged into the courtroom filled with thousands of Jedi that were imobilized by Kun's Sith spell.


80. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades.

