

1. This skyscape recorded on July 11 from Brittany in north western France captures the bright conjunction through a cloud bank.


2. Curtis Barbara H.Connolly Patrocoa C.Montgomery (Skyscape, Inc.

A-Z Drug Facts and Comparison (CD-ROM for PDAs) 作者 Skyscape K.

3. Thecolorful skyscape is a mosaic of telescopic images spanning nearly 10degrees (20 Full Moons) across the sky in the constellation Scorpius.


4. Even through clouds, both show off a lovely crescent in this well-composed skyscape from Rutherford College, North Carolina, in the eastern US.


5. A faint meteor was also caught in the view, but approaching a conjunction, brilliant Venus and ebright Jupiter dominate the skyscape.


6. A faint meteor was also caught in the view, but approaching a conjunction, brilliant Venus and bright Jupiter dominate the skyscape.


7. The gorgeous skyscape spans about 70 light-years at the nebula's estimated 6,000 light-year distance.


8. " Now I can subtly produce that my smartphone and have the entire skyscape at my disposal to make me sound like a regular Galileo.


9. They want to see the shiny new scoreboard, the 80-foot Jumbotron and the sexy city skyscape design.


10. The well-timed skyscape featuring both comet and meteor is particularly appropriate as cometary bodies are known to be the origins of planet Earth's annual meteor showers.


11. Explanation: The strange-looking rock formations in the foreground of this skyscape are called hoodoos.

说明: 在这张天空影像前景中形状奇怪的岩层被称为石林。

12. Explanation: Cosmic clouds of hydrogen gas and dust abound in this gorgeous skyscape, stretching through Monocerous in the neighborhood of The Cone Nebula.

说明: 在这张绚丽的天空美景中,充满了氢气和尘埃组成的宇宙星云,一直延伸到锥形星云附近的麒麟座内。

13. Explanation: Yesterday's skyscape featured Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, the stars of Orion's Belt.

说明: 昨天的每日一图是参宿一,参宿二和参宿三,也就是猎户座腰带上的三颗恒星。

14. Explanation: Aloha and welcome to a breathtaking skyscape.

说明: 欢迎观看如此壮观的天空景象。

15. Explanation: This fantastic skyscape lies at the eastern edge of giant stellar nursery W5, about 7,000 light-years away in the constellation Cassiopeia.

说明: 这个仙后座的太空美景位于巨大的恒星形成区W5的东部边缘,离我们约7000光年。

16. Explanation: The glow of the southern Milky Way and the well-known Southern Cross are featured in this colorful skyscape recorded in April over La Frontera, Chile.

说明: 这张4月在智利拉弗龙特拉拍摄的绚丽天空影像中,南天银河和著名的南十字星闪烁其中。

17. Explanation: Clouds of glowing hydrogen gas fill this colorful skyscape in the faint but fanciful constellation Monoceros, the Unicorn.

说明: 这张在麒麟座内拍摄到的昏暗而又奇特的彩色影像里充满了炽热的氢气云气。

18. Explanation: This colorful telescopic skyscape is filled with galaxies that lie nearly 250 million light-years away, the galaxies of the Perseus cluster.

说明: 这张彩色望远镜影像里充满了星系,它们距离我们近2.5亿光年远,这就是英仙座星系群。

19. Explanation: Recorded earlier in July, the clouds of planet Earth reflect moonlight and a faint, reddish glow in this serene sea and skyscape.

说明: 这张影像拍摄于7月初,影像中显示了地球上空的云朵反射月光,平静的海面发出昏暗微红的光芒,还有天空的美景。

20. Explanation: Bright, hot, supergiant star Deneb lies at top center in this gorgeous skyscape.

说明: 这张绚烂的天空影像里,明亮、炽热的超巨星天津四就位于影像顶端中央。

21. Explanation: The plane of our Milky Way Galaxy runs through this complex and beautiful skyscape.


22. About 1.5 million years young, the cluster stars appear in this colorful skyscape, along with dark dust clouds silhouetted against glowing atomic gas.


23. This tantalizing false-color skyscape spans about 20 light-years across the nebula's bright central region.


24. Explanation: This dramatic skyscape was recorded during the August 2008 total solar eclipse.


25. The gorgeous skyscape is a composite of narrow-band image data highlighting the glowing gas, and broad-band data of the surrounding starfield.


26. Recorded late last month, this moving skyscape features Jupiter above the southeastern horizon and the marbled streets of the ancient port city of Ephesus, located in modern day Turkey.


27. Recorded just last week, planet Mars is at the left of the skyscape, a glowing beacon of orange that is the brightest object in the frame.


28. The broad skyscape itself covers about 1.5 degrees or 3 full moons toward the constellation Canis Major.

