

1. "For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return.


2. "Elijah:Hebrew prophet. The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice. according to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire."


3. Some new luxury hotels have soared skywards and a fair number of Victorian houses have been combined to form private hotels" of standards from the comfortable to the repellent.


4. Some New Luxury hotels have soared skywards and a fair number of Victorian houses have been combined to form private hotels of standards from the comfortable to the repellent.


5. When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long to return.


6. For once you have tested flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you long to return.


7. Soon the spires of Silvermoon rose skyward once again, powered by volatile magics.


8. But today just the emergence of the plan was enough to send the markets skyward.


9. But in 2008, as the recession hit full force, investors piled into the safety of Treasurys, which sent prices skyward and yields crashing.


10. The world is still consuming almost as much oil as it can pump, so any reduction in supply could send prices skywards again.


11. The Chinese routinely turn powerful lasers skywards, demonstrating their potential to dazzle or permanently blind spy satellites.


12. One day, to pay homage to Albert for all that he had sacrificed, Albrecht Durer painstakingly drew his brother's abused hands with palms togetherthin fingers stretched skyward.


13. Out of my deeper heart, a bird rose and flew skywards.


14. Out of my heart a bird flew skywards.


15. Every spring since then these small creatures praise Him, head turned skywards, for the joy of the beloved, for the secret nest.


16. Seemingly lost for a moment, he stared skyward.


17. "They will keep it up. You know," he said, pointing a finger skywards, "before the Olympics, before the World Expo, it is safe."


18. But his eight-powered telescope, and the more powerful models he soon produced, when pointed skywards led Galileo to a series of groundbreaking conclusions.


19. But it soared skywards again with a loud flap.


20. But this transforms into severe apprehension once you have been hoisted steadily skywards and are broughn to a holt atm he peak of the ride.


21. But today, there is another potential crisis looming on the horizon, war in Iraq, and that could send oil prices skyward.


22. But more importantly I looked skyward and implored, "Protect that boy! He has the heart of a Barbarian!"


23. Hebrew prophet. The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice. According to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire.


24. Most volcanic eruptions in recorded history have blown skyward


25. Late last year, yields on corporate bonds were pushed skyward, adding to the difficulty of issuing new bonds.


26. Can come into a twist (like revolved Janusirsasana) by folding over one leg and rotating chest skyward (advanced students may hold the foot with both hands);

可以进行扭转 (类似扭转的单腿背部前屈伸展式) 一腿屈膝折叠,胸部转向天花板(高级学员可以双手抓脚);

27. He is standing on a lotus pedestal with the right hand rises up holding a vajra while the left raise skyward.


28. The noise would send a flutter of pigeons skywards.


29. In a moment of distraction, as a native Felucian bird took wing and drew Aayla's attentions skyward, Bly and his troops opened fire, riddling Secura's body with blaster bolts and killing her.


30. At my office, I got good results by attaching the antenna to a venetian-blind slat and tinkering with the skyward aim.


31. In an alt-alz ( Dobsonian ) mount since the mirror, no matter how it points skywards, is always symmetrical about a vertical plane and hence a true floatation cell will not give astigmatic mirror.


32. Prayer lanterns float skyward in Taiwan, fires rage in Australia, Israel readies for Tuesday's elections and more.


33. She walked with her shoulders back and her nose pointing skyward.

她抬头挺胸,鼻孔朝天地走 。

34. She pointed skywards.


35. She sat c1osely against him and the great wheel turned and sent them skyward


36. Now the internet, low-cost airlines and rising Asian wealth are predicted to send the numbers really skyward.


37. As expected, the federal budget deficit is climbing skyward.


38. A maple tree stretched skyward from the living room, its branches lifting the roof's frame from the structure's walls.


39. 5.The broad, tree-lined boulevards and European architecture are witness to its past, the glass-walled towers that soar skywards a portent of its future.


40. Comparative Kinematics Analysis on the Balancing "Stretching Leg Skyward Aside"of Wushu Champions WANG Xiao-nan and ZHANG Ya-nan


41. She sat c1osely against him and the great wheel turned and sent them skyward.


42. And nearly every spacecraft that has ever rocketed skyward has depended on purple-blue panels of solar cells.


43. Low-cost airline has been a funny name like Go or Buzz. Now they are having the last laugh as they soar skywards leaving the traditional trailing in their wake.


44. Soon the spires of Silvermoon City rose skyward once again, powered by volatile magics.The blood elves have even begun retaking portions of Eversong Woods.


45. Once you have flown, you'll walk the earth eyes skyward;for there you have been, and there you long to return. -- Leonardo Da Vinci


46. You sit and sing, Your fingers playing the mandolin Point skyward to invite the moon. I see the moon pause high in the sky.


47. Perched above the lighted city of Catania, Italy, Mount Etna hurls a fountain of fire skyward as rivers of lava spill down its flanks.


48. Tourists look on as Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park's most famous geyser, sends a tower of scaling water skyward.


49. I see, just see skyward, great cloud-masses, Mournfully slowly they roll, silently swelling and mixing, With at times a half-dimm'd sadden'd far-off star, Appearing and disappearing.


50. I unfurled my hands, Looked skywards, And saw the feathers falling into. My world.


51. Keep the skyward look, my soul;keep the skyward look!


52. Standing outside the hotel, craning my head skywards to its apex, I began to feel faintly nauseous.


53. The same can be achieved in self-cultivation, and that in a more practical way, by looking earthward instead of skyward.


54. seesaw sb. skywards


55. According to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire.


56. Motorbikes were set on fire, sending bursts of bright flame skyward.


57. The greatest prophet of the Old Testament, he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice.According to Scripture, he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire.


58. The greatest prophet of the Old Testament,he sought to abolish idolatry and restore justice. According to Scripture,he did not die but was carried skyward in a chariot of fire.


59. Tilting her head skywards Spring Moon dreamed.


60. Eight 13,500-watt projectors light the fountain's majestic column in the evening as it soars skywards,from early March until the second Sunday of October.


61. Eight 13,5 watt projectors light the fountain's majestic column in the evening as it soars skywards, from early March until the second Sunday of October.


62. Skyward sing through curved necks! Plumage floating in green streams; Red paddles stirring up clear ripples.


63. To the left is the Chapel, with its forest of pinnacles perpetually pointing skyward, not to be sullied.


64. When his friends cut the anchor lines, Larry, lifted by the 42 balloons, shot skyward at an astonishing speed.


65. Ye Meng seemed entranced, her face lifted skyward, her jet black hair ca.wcading down to her waist. The image reminded me of Xiangjun.

望望叶梦,痴了一般,只管仰着脑袋。 那一脉乌黑秀发从肩头蜿蜒而下,垂到腰际,使我忽然想起湘君的神逸来。

66. A Chinese vessel this week soared skywards amid nervousness from ordinary folk that it could soon come crashing down to earth.


67. The gentle sweep of the dune bisects the frame and the energy of the plant is reinforced by its stalks thrusting skyward.


68. Smoke, black and boiling, shot skyward from the stack


69. The rocket soared skywards.


70. The skywards path of the rocket


71. Yet out fo my heart you rise skyward, and it is my heart that hold you, and i shall be content.


72. Shepherds fired guns from mountaintops. Red flares whizzed skyward from luxury yachts. Police, already on full Olympic patrols, let down their guard for a moment to hug and dance.


73. Shepherds fired guns from mountaintops. Red flares whizzed skyward from luxury yachts. Police - already on full Olympic patrols - let down their guard for a moment and hugged and danced.


74. The elevator surged smoothly skyward.


75. white breakers leaping skywards


76. The higher pressure below then forces the plane skywards.


77. Instead Clayton Homes kept its prices level and jacked its production skyward.


78. Misjudging the number of permits, in contrast, could send permit priceseither skywards or through the floor, with immediate, and costly, economicconsequences.


79. Social Validation On a wintry morning in the late 1960s, a man stopped on a busy New York City sidewalk and gazed skyward for 60 seconds, at nothing in particular.


80. STEP 2: Prepare to cross your Skis as you reach the lip. Incline your head back when you take off as if you are looking skyward.

