

slosh[slɔʃ]n.1.稀泥;半融化的雪2.泼洒声;泼溅声;(浪等的)拍打的3.猛打;重击4.难吃的食物5.[口语]稀淡的饮料6.少量液体vi.1.在水(或泥浆)中艰难行进;溅着水移动(或滚动):to slosh through the mud up to the knees在没膝的泥中艰难行进to slosh about in the shallow pool在浅水池中乱跑四处溅水花2.发出溅水声;发出液体晃动的声音:the water sloshing in the bucket在水桶中晃动出声的水3.拍打着流动,发出拍打声地流动:The stream sloshed down the mountain.潺潺溪水流下山梁。4.闲荡,闲逛:to slosh about in the square在广场上四处闲逛vt.1.搅动(或摇动)(液体);使(液体)晃动:to slosh the reagent with a glass bar用玻璃棒搅动试剂to slosh medicinal liquid in the bottle摇动瓶中的药液2.使泼溅出;把…泼溅在…上:to slosh a little coffee out of the cup从杯中溅出一点儿咖啡He sloshed the soup over the tablecloth when he put his spoon into it.当他用匙舀汤时,他把汤泼溅在台布上了。3.笨手笨脚地倒,匆忙地倾倒(饮料等):When he sloshed a cup of coffee he asked her if she would like some drink.他一边笨手笨脚地为她倒咖啡,一边问她是否想喝点什么。4.大口大口地喝,痛饮:to slosh wine with one's friends与朋友开怀畅饮5.[英国俚语]打,击打

sloshslosh[slɔʃ]n.1.雪泥, 泥泞2.溅泼(声)3.[美]流体的食物, 淡饮料4.少量的液体5.一击a slosh on the ear一记耳光
词性变化slosh[slɔʃ]vi.1.在水[泥]中挣扎[乱走]; 到处乱溅vt.1.搅动; 溅泼; 把...放在液体中摇动[搅动], [英俚]打, 击

继承用法sloshedadj.1.[主英俚]喝醉了的sloshingn.1.晃动, 晃荡