
snatchsnatchD.J.:[snætʃ]K.K.:[snætʃ]n.1.抢; 夺; 攫取The thief snatched her handbag and ran.盗贼抢了她的手提包就跑。2.(物的)片段; 短时间; 一阵vt. & vi.1.突然伸手拿取; 攫取; 抓住It is rude to snatch.攫夺是不礼貌的。vt.1.迅速获得; 乘机获取

snatch[snætʃ]vi.1.抢夺,攫取 (at):to snatch at something抢夺某物2.一下子抓住;很快接受:When rolling down the hill, he snatched at a rock.在向山下滚的过程中,他一把抓住了一块岩石。to snatch at one's invitation马上就答应了某人的邀请vt.1.抢,夺;夺得:to snatch someone's money抢走某人的钱财2.突然抓取;一下子拉住:to snatch a stick from the ground从地上突然拾起一根木棍He was about to fall from the boat when he was snatched by his father.就在刚要跌下船的一瞬间,他被他的父亲一下子拉住了。3.及时救助,抢救出:He snatched the baby from the fire.他从大火中抢救出了那个婴孩。4.抽空做;抓住机会做:to snatch half an hour of sleep抽空睡半个小时to snatch a meal抓紧时间吃顿饭5.[俚语] 绑架;抓走:to snatch a little girl绑架了一个小女孩Tom’s neighbour was snatched by the FBI.汤姆的邻居被联邦调查局抓走了。n.1.攫取,抢夺;夺取2.(突然的)抓取;猛地一拉3.小量;点滴,片断4.[常用复数] 片刻,短时5.[俚语] 绑架,抓走6.[英国俚语] 抢劫(案)7.【举重】抓举[参较 clean and jerk]8.[俚语、粗俗语] (女性的)阴部;阴道近义词takeby (或in)snatches断断续续地make a snatch at something试图抢到某物,伸手攫取某物

snatchsnatch[snætʃ]vt.1.抓住, 抢(去), 掠取, 夺得(away, off, up, down, from)2.趁机获得; 侥幸救出3.诱拐, 绑架snatch a thing from a person's hand从旁人手中抢东西snatch a victory out of defeat转败为胜be snatched away by premature death突然夭折snatch a kiss冷不防接一个吻be snatched from the jaws of death侥幸得救The wind snatched his cap off.风把他的帽子吹掉了。
词性变化snatch[snætʃ]vi.1.掠取, 抢夺, 抓住(at) snatch at the chance of抓住机会snatch[snætʃ]n.1.抢夺, 抓住; (举重)抓举2.小片,破片, 片刻, 片段3.[美俚]诱拐, 绑架a snatch of sleep短短一觉snatches of song断断续续的歌唱
