
sniffsniffD.J.:[snif]K.K.:[snɪf]vt. & vi.1.以鼻吸气; 嗅; 闻When Jenney had stopped crying she sniffed and dried her eyes.珍妮停止了哭泣, 吸了吸鼻子, 擦干了眼泪。n.1.以鼻吸气; 嗤之以鼻; 嗅

sniff[snif]vi.1.(出声地)用鼻吸气;吸气清鼻:Blow your nose. Don't sniff!把鼻子擤干净,别呼哧呼哧的!2.= sniffle3.(吸着气)嗅闻:to sniff at wine闻闻酒香4.好奇(或怀疑)地看:to sniff about四处查看5.蔑视,嗤之以鼻 (at):He sniffed at my offer.他对我的提议不屑一顾。vt.1.用鼻吸入;吸进:to sniff the air吸入空气to be sniffed into the cleaner被吸入吸尘器2.嗅(或闻)…的味儿:to sniff the flowers嗅闻花香3.发觉,察觉 (out):to sniff out a scandal察觉到一宗丑闻4.轻蔑地说,嗤之以鼻地表示:“Take your money, ”he sniffed. “Get out!”他轻蔑地说;“拿上你的钱,滚吧!”n.1.用鼻吸气;出声的吸气2.用鼻吸气的声音,哧哧声3.一次的吸入量4.气息,气味5.轻视,嗤之以鼻

sniffsniff[snif]vi.1.呼呼地吸气2.3.嗤之以鼻, 轻视(at)sniff at flowers嗅花They all had colds and were sniffing and sneezing.他们都伤风了, 呼呼喘气而且打喷嚏。
词性变化sniff[snif]vt.1.以鼻吸气; 嗅, 闻2.嗅到; 发觉, 怀疑3.以轻蔑的口吻说sniff the sea air吸入海上的空气sniff a rose闻玫瑰花sniff (out) danger觉察有危险The offer is not to be sniffed at.出价还算得过去。sniff[snif]n.1.吸; 嗅, 闻; 吸气(声)2.嗤之以鼻3.从鼻子吸入的东西Take a sniff at everything and distinguish the good from the bad.对任何东西都要用鼻子嗅一嗅, 鉴别其好坏。

继承用法sniffern.1.嗅探者[器]; 检漏头; 吸气探针; 取样器; 自动投弹雷达sniffy[ˈsnifi]adj.1.[口]傲慢的; 微臭的