

1. Dave Sokol and Greg Abel, the managers of this operation, have achieved results unmatched elsewhere in the utility industry.


2. BYD caught the investors' attention in part because of its army of 10,000 technicians and engineers, many fresh out of college and technical schools, says David Sokol, chairman of MidAmerican.'Mr.


3. It operates a worldwide cargo and domestic passenger charter services from Voronezh, as well as regional passenger and cargo services from Sokol.

ZAO "Polet Airlines" (Russian: 袟袗袨 芦袗胁懈邪泻芯屑锌邪薪懈褟 芦袩芯谢械裈禄) is an airline based in Voronezh, Russia.

4. "Gone are the days of just listing job titles and responsibilities," says Leslie Sokol, co-author of "Think Confident, Be Confident.


5. "Gone are the days of just listing job titles and responsibilities," says Leslie Sokol,co-author of "Think Confident,Be Confident.


6. “Gone are the days of just listing job titles and responsibilities,” says Leslie Sokol, co-author of “Think Confident, Be Confident.


7. The main armament consisted of 57mm (Russian Sokol or Belgian Maxim Nordenfeld) gun and six heavy machine guns.


8. David Sokol, chairman of Berkshire utility MidAmerican Energy Holdings Co., paid a visit to BYD's factory in China and agreed with Mr.Munger's assessment.


9. illustrated by Bill Sokol.

作者声明: Lloyd Alexander ;

10. Inhaled Nitric Oxide for Acute Hypoxic Respiratory Failure in Children and Adults: A Meta-analysis (Review Article) Jennifer Sokol, Susan Elizabeth Jacobs, and Desmond Bohn


11. Sokol S. Abnormal evoked potential latencies in amblyopia.Br J Ophthalmol, 1983, 67: 310.


12. Bottoms SF,Rosen MG,Sokol RJ.The increase in the cesarean birth rate.N Engl J Med,2005

