
sparespareD.J.:[spɛə]K.K.:[spɛr]vt.1.节省, 节约, 舍不得, 吝惜She never spares the butter when baking.她煎饼时从不吝惜黄油。2.抽出, 让给, 分出, 匀出, 腾出Could you spare some time to come to our art exhibition?你能抽出时间来看看我们的画展吗?3.省去, 免除The doctor tried to spare him from pain.医生尽力使他免受痛苦。4.饶恕, 赦免, 不伤害The prisoner was spared.那个囚犯被赦免了。adj.1.多余的; 备用的Do you carry a spare wheel in the back of your car?你在车后带了一个备用的轮胎吗?These pieces of bread are spare, I don't need them.这些面包是多余的, 我不需要。2.薄弱的, 瘦的His tall and spare frame cut an impressive figure.他那修长的身材给人以深刻印象。n.1.备用零件; 备用轮胎I'll show you where the spares are kept.我会指给你看放备件的地方。

spare[spεə]vt.1.宽恕;赦免;饶过, 使不受…的伤害:to spare one's enemy宽恕了仇人She never spares any other's feelings.她从不伤害别人的感情。2.宽厚地对待;体谅:His harsh criticism spared no one.他的严厉批评伤害了大众。3.使免于(紧张、不安等);解除:to spare him the bother不要去打扰他Your joke spared her needless embarrassment.你的笑话解除了她不必要的焦虑。4.抑制,避免,省去:Spare us the gory details.别讲那些血淋淋的可怕细节了。to spare other's help无需他人帮忙5.不用:This kind of cars spares the gear lever.这类汽车不用变速杆。6.留出,抽出:Spare a plot of land for vegetables.留出一小块地种菜吧。7.(尤指不会造成不便或损失地)供给;给予:Can you spare me 500 dollars?你能借给我 500 块钱吗?Would you please spare me a cup of wine?请给我一杯酒,行吗?8.节约,节俭;吝惜[常用于否定句]:A walnut sundae,and don't spare the whipped cream.做胡桃圣代冰淇淋,就甭想少用掼奶渍。9.剩下,余下:to have a coin to spare几乎一文不剩10.放弃,摒弃vi.1.节约,节省,节俭2.饶恕,宽容3.[废语]节制,克制adj.1.备用的2.剩下的,多余的3.额外的;空闲的4.不足的,贫乏的5.节俭的,节省的;俭朴的,简单的6.消瘦的7.吝啬的8.有节制的9.(文风)简朴的,不加修饰的10.他人不需要的n.1.2.备用品3.备胎4.备用房间5.[常用复数][英国英语](机器等的)备件6.[俚语]姘妇7.【保龄球】8.二击全倒9.二击全倒的得分近义词leandrive someone spare[英国口语]令某人十分恼火令某人很担心go spare[英国口语]十分恼火;很担心If I am spared如果我能活得那么久的话spare no efforts不遗余力spare no expense不惜费用spare no pains不辞劳苦;全力以赴spare the houses[常用于否定句]犹豫不决Spare the rod and spoil the child.[谚语]棒打出孝子,不打不成才。变形vt.sparedsparing

sparespare[spɛə]vt.1.节约, 吝惜2.不用, 省掉; 略而不说3.抽出, 剩下; 出让, 割爱4.放过, 饶恕; 不杀, 饶命; 不伤害, 使某人免遭(麻烦、痛苦等)spare no efforts [pains]不遗余力spare no expense不惜工本 =spare sb. his life)饶某人一命spare sb.'sfeelings不使某人难过[难堪]She never spares the butter when baking.她烤东西的时候从不吝惜奶油。Please spare me your opinions, just tell me the facts.请你不要对我讲你的意见, 把事实告诉我就行了。Can you spare the time to help me?你能抽出这段时间帮我吗?Can you spare me this book for a while?这本书能让我看一会儿吗?Can you spare me a few litres of petrol?你能匀给我几公升汽油吗?We may meet again if we are spared.如果我们不死, 还会见面的。He does not spare himself.他对自已要求很严。He did the work to spareyou the trouble.他做了那件事使你免去麻烦。spare sb.'s life
词性变化spare[spɛə]vi.1.节省, 俭省2.饶恕, 宽容adj.1.多余的, 剩下的; 空闲的2.备 用的3.节约的; 少量的; 贫乏的4.瘦的, 薄弱的; 简陋的a spare ticket退票spare time空闲时间spare part备用件spare channel备用线路spare hand替班工人spare oil备用油a spare tire预备轮胎; [美俚]讨厌的人a spare meal不丰盛的饭菜on a spare diet在节省a spareperson瘦人spare[spɛə]n.1.节省2.备用之物3.[pl. ]备件4.[美](十 柱戏)头两球把十柱全打倒

继承用法spare-crewn.1.预备空勤人员; 预备海员spare-goalkeepern.1.替补守门员spareribn.1.带肉的(猪)肋骨(俗称小排骨)spare-setadj.1.体型瘦细的sparetimeadj.1.业余的, 闲暇的
