

1. In 1935,Albert Speer,the head ar- chitect of Hitler,hat make a plan,in Reichspartei- tag Zone. He planed series buildings to make the city space.

1935年,Albert Speer(希特勒的首 席建筑师)为帝国党代会地区做了一个规划, 规划中通过一系列的纪念性建筑来塑造城市 空间。

2. Athletic pubalgia and groin pain, in Garrett WE, Speer KP, Kirkendall DT (eds): Principles and Practice of Orthopedic Sports Medicine[M].


3. Speer built a scale model of how he planned to recreate the columns of St Peter s Square, which encircle the piazza in front of the Basilica.


4. Henceforth, now that Silesia was lost, Speer could supply, he said, only one quarter of the coal and one sixth of the steel which Germany had been producing in 1944.


5. On the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations.


6. Now on the evening of April 23 Speer made a full confession of his insubordination in refusing to carry out the wanton destruction of Germany's remaining installations.


7. Before you write off these employees as nuts for voluntarily diving into human waste, note that, with above a high school education, they can make over $60,000 a year [source: Speer].


8. 49. Speer made the most straightforward impression of all.


9. "Speer's plans included the columns from the square and at the centre instead of a fountain as in Rome there would be a huge statue of Benito Mussolini.


10. Blumeria graminis ( DC. ) Speer


11. Blumeria graminis DC. Speer


12. Speer tried to summarize for the Nuremberg court the various "scorched earth" orders.


13. Not Speer, who made the most straightforward impression of all and who during the long trial spoke honestly and with no attempt to shirk his responsibility and his guilt.

斯佩尔却不然,在这一伙人中间,他给人以最直率的印象。 在长期的审判中,他讲话很老实,无意回避他的责任和罪过。

14. Speer had flown into the besieged capital on the night of April 23, landing in a cub plane on the eastern end of the East-West Axis--the broad avenue which led through the Tiergarten--at the Brandenburg Gate, a block from the Chancellery.


15. With a straight face Speer appointed ley on the spot "Commissioner of Death Ray"


16. Speer's tongue depressor


17. Yet its real precedent is Tempelhof Airport in Berlin, a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the 1930s as a gateway to a new Europe.


18. Speer built a scale model of how he planned to recreate the columns of St Peter's Square, which encircle the piazza in front of the Basilica.


19. " Speer's documents show that Hitler took a great interest in the plans and was delighted with the architect's model.


20. Speer, William


21. During the incident, Speer as a major European aviation group Airbus, a subsidiary of the chief financial officer.


22. Sources said that the European Air Group, in charge of insider stock trading case against the two judges Speer was questioned.


23. Since not only the generals but invariably Goering, Himmler and Goebbels now attended these, Speer hoped to wipe out the entire Nazi leadership of the Third Reich as well as the High Command.


24. Seven defendants at Nuremberg drew prison sentences: Hess, Raeder and Funk for life, Speer and Schirach for twenty years, Neurath for fifteen, Doenitz for ten.


25. Yet its real precedent is Airport in Berlin, a monument to air travel conceived by Albert Speer in the 1930s as a gateway to a new Europe.


26. In total, there were more than 200 boxes of files belonging to Speer, whose grand designs for the rebuilding of Nazi Berlin under Hitler were already well known.


27. Albert Speer, in charge of armament production, drew up a memorandum to Hitler on January 30--the twelfth anniversary of Hitler's coming to power--pointing out the significance of the loss of Silesia.


28. From NPR News in Washington, I m Jack Speer.


29. From NPR news in Washington ,I am Jack Speer .


30. Our firm sincerely hopes that the friends all over the world speer and contact to us . so as to devote our effort to the development of our company.


31. Albert Speer: You must be on stage when the curtain falls.


32. Study on the Virulent Genes and Frequency of Blumeria graminis DC. Speer in Heilongjiang Province

