
spewspewD.J.:[spju:]K.K.:[spju]vt. & vi.1.呕吐She spewed up the entire meal.她把饭全都吐出来了。2.(使某事物)喷出, 射出Water spewed out of the hole.水从孔中射出。The volcano spewed molten lava.火山喷出了熔岩。

spew[spju:]vt.1.呕出,吐出:He spewed all that he had drunk and eaten.他把吃喝过的东西全都呕吐出来了。to spew blood吐血2.喷出;涌出;放出,发出:to spew black smoke喷出黑烟The angry walker spewed his charges at a garbage can.那个忿怒的行人把怒气全撒在了那个垃圾桶上了。vi.1.呕吐2.涌出:Many new stars are spewing out of the singing circle.歌坛又涌现出了一批新人。to spew up on the bank涌上了海岸3.渗,渗出:The fear slowly spewed out of his body.他感到心头一阵恐惧。n.1.作呕吐物2.喷出物;涌出物,渗出物[亦作 spue]

spewspew[spju:]vt.1.呕吐2.喷, 涌, 渗a volcano spewing out lava喷出熔岩的火山
词性变化spew[spju:]vi.1.呕吐2.涌出, 渗出Water spewed slowly from the soil.水慢慢从土中渗出。spew[spju:]n.1.呕吐物, 喷出物, 渗出物, 作呕

继承用法spewern.spewingn.1.压出, 榨出; 吐花, 吐毛spewy[ˈspju:ɪ]adj.1.冒湿气的, 潮湿的