

1. In the Far East, with 60 Sqn, the FR18 flew the last RAF Spitfire fighter sortie on 1 January 1951 with an attack on a terrorist hideout in Johore.


2. "Don't be a spitfire, else I won't tell you," said Tom.


3. "Don't be a spitfire, else I won't tell you," said Tom


4. The Spitfire must surely be the best known of the RAF's fighters of World War Two, but it may not be widely known that later versions were in service with the RAF until 1959.


5. A year later, in 1944, his Spitfire had been shot down over Italy.


6. A year later, in 1944, his Spitfire had been shot down over Italy.After five months with partisans, he had made a dashing journey to safety.


7. Along the way defeat dynasties, what power jellyfish, Spitfire dragon, alien robots so that they are sidelined, we are the masters, moving the thumb can move you unlimited access to the game fun.


8. Three days later, she was photographed by a Spitfire reconnaissance aircraft while resting in a Norwegian fjord (Altenfiord).


9. His previous publications include Carlton's Modern Architecture, The Car and The Train, and Spitfire (Atlantic)- all bestsellers.


10. It is no accient, he would claim, that Mitchell's Spitfire, with its Merlin engines and distinctive wings, could help win a war while also seeming wonderful to the eye and ear.


11. But none as daring as the Spitfire squadron.


12. Yet friends say they will most remember the spitfire Margaret of her '60s and '70s heyday.


13. The walls of the club were covered with black-and-white photos of Polish pilots, and a huge propeller from a Spitfire was fixed to one wall.


14. Create the awesome spitfire in this modeling and texturing tutorial.


15. IWC 3717, Pilot Spitfire Chronograph, "Antoine De Saint Exupery Edition," Reference: 3717-...

参考 371711;赤金;自动上弦;所在地: 美国, MA, Boston;

16. Iwc ,Spitfire , UTC-TZC .

参考 UTC -TZC;

17. The dilute putty also apply on the 2 SPITFIRE engine sandpaper serves later as usual.Dame!I hate this stage that it takes bloody long time to repeat them but you gonna make it looks right.


18. Hey, Babbit! I'm a Spitfire!


19. "There,Hawke meets lovely Spitfire Stevens,a pirate captain in her own right,and the sparks begin to fly;


20. Fortunately, these days the little spitfire's rarity is an illusion.


21. We had a real hero born right here in Stoke-on-Trent: Reginald Mitchell, who designed the Spitfire.

我们斯托克有一个真正的英雄,Reginald Mitchell,他设计了喷火式战斗机。

22. An analyzer sheds no tears at Spitfire Grill because he isn't looking for an experience with redemptive love, he's looking for interesting things to say in his column or show.


23. None as daring as the Spitfire squadron. Engage in dogfights with enemy bandits and protect your territory.


24. Spitfire by way of alcohol on the materials in the post-combustion removal of hair (of materials is expected to do).


25. As a result, a film like Spitfire Grill, which only works if you're willing to get emotionally involved, leave reviewers cold.


26. A cub journalist playing in the big leagues, Lexie is a spitfire newswoman who suspects there are holes in Carter's war story.


27. The tattooed, nose-ringed clerk (who looked as if she had paid for only half a haircut) was a very helpful spitfire of a goth punk-rocker chick.


28. So far, my true affection toward anything English or British can only extended to Bren gun and Spitfire plane, but as for English Tea, it was probably a little too sophisticated.


29. Spitfire with a volcanic eruption is the same principle.


30. This gourd, I used a good division of Mars Spitfire God.


31. Taken on Spitfire Lake in the Adirondack Park at around 7 a.m.


32. First starting with polys - then onto sub D`s for the detailing of the spitfire.

