

1. JW3107 ASE (Amplifier Spontaneity Eradiate) broadband light source is designed specially for manufacturing of optical passive components and testing of lab research.


2. For other, the joy of a trip is its spontaneity.


3. Spontaneity has never been my forte.


4. No more visual stims!Increased language, especially in spontaneity of use of words rather than gestures.Loss of residual echolalic speech.Increased social interaction and pretend play.


5. In both oral and written English ,talking is triumphing over speaking,spontaneity over craft.


6. Spontaneity is one of the key elements of creativity.


7. Clinical Observation of Central Venous Catheter Combined with Consecutive Negative Pressure Suction Treating with Spontaneity Pneumothorax


8. Clinical Observation of Central Venous Catheter Combined with Consecutive Negative Pressure Suction Treating 58 Old Men with Spontaneity Pneumothorax


9. Perhaps only after the self-consciousness matures can we begin to reminisce the innocence that spontaneity leaves behind.


10. How can one be pleased with life without its charm, naivete, and spontaneity?


11. From Spontaneity to Selfhood: Exploring the Reform of Administration in Nanhui Area Based on the Change of Economic Location


12. Here, the human body is displayed with spontaneity and directness, like one of the many natural elements that blend in with the landscape


13. They say guidebooks take the fun and spontaneity (自发性) out of traveling, and that part of the enjoyment of travel comes from the fact that anything can happen.


14. The more conscious they become of what "ought" to be, the further removed they are from the spontaneity, skill, surprise and delight they desire.


15. He offered hope spontaneity in a country in a drowning in its own passivity


16. Regretting the lack of spontaneity and real sensuousness in other contemporary poets, he deplores in Tennyson


17. He brings a lot of spontaneity to a script, always trying to make it better, questioning the words on the page.


18. His category of "Spontaneity" is not concept of nature in modern meaning.Its main meaning is being-in-itself.


19. His world is ordered and perfect, but it is not alive - he cannot allow any spontaneity or vulnerability to enter it.


20. The very spontaneity of his gestures precluded him from managing his own achievements.


21. However, on the whole the societies often suffer from fund shortage and lack of encouragement mechanism, which results in spontaneity.


22. But the great peculiarity of his talk was its spontaneity and readiness.


23. But the very essence of creativity is spontaneity.


24. But sexual attraction is based on spontaneity, unpredictability and, to Obama's point, a little mystery.


25. This spontaneity isn't much use if your friends are hundreds of miles away.


26. But the country that proudly touts the Games as its coming-out party needs to allow more spontaneity and openness to live up to its official Olympic motto of "One World, One Dream.

但该国自豪地把奥运作为其发展进步的象征,就得允许更多的自发性和开放,跟其官方奥运口号一致“同一个世界,同一个梦想” 。

27. As source and as resource, nature obsesses us, as do childhood and spontaneity, via the filter of memory.


28. You equate spontaneity with irresponsibility; abandon with evil.


29. You will develop spontaneity through preparation!


30. Within it lies the chance to experience the richness of emotion, the freedom of spontaneity, the depth of the human spirit.


31. 2.Other common symptoms include a lack of spontaneity, impoverished speech, difficulty establishing rapport and a slowing of movement.


32. characterized by spontaneity and freedom from artificiality,affectation,or inhibitions


33. It is the distribution of energy that determines the direction of spontaneity.


34. A green isle for citizen spontaneity, an oasis of recycled asphalt, tires, trees, and bushes.


35. Poetics of dynamics includes heterogeneity, velocity, spontaneity and interaction between the reader and the text.


36. The primitive conventional right, as the original form of right, is united in naturality and sociality, in egality and distinction, and in spontaneity and must.


37. To bring out students' function as subjects, we should respect students' status as subjects and give out teachers' function as organizers and guiders so that students study with spontaneity.


38. Classical life-long education thought has simple and spontaneity.


39. The birth and evolution of Jili are a transformation from spontaneity to self-consciousness.As an imperative political system, Jili plays an important role in society and life.


40. For in the miraculous spontaneity of the sun, there is discipline that utterly escapes you, and a knowledge beyond any that we know.


41. For true discipline, you see, is found only in spontaneity.


42. Thus, despite all the people thronging round town, the packed schedules and the formal dinners, Davos still retains an element of fun and spontaneity.


43. ” Thus there can be no spontaneity, impulsivity, strong emotion, dissent, opposition, time to think anything over, no time to be “ just people.


44. So while they may manage what money they have well, they are unable to create a flow of abundance and could live a life which lacks the luster that spontaneity brings.


45. In the China of today we can never dispense with leadership by the Party and extol the spontaneity of the masses.


46. Around the fifth draft, he manages to work in the touch of spontaneity that everyone likes.


47. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing over speaking, spontaneity over craft.


48. In both oral and written English, talking is triumphing overspeaking, spontaneity over craft.


49. Here, the human body is displayed with spontaneity and directness, like one of the many natural elements that blend in with the landscape.


50. "In basic terms, civilization is dependent upon the spontaneity and fullfillment of the individual.


51. In Security (Comfort zone reassured):#7Please in ambiguity,spontaneity,imagination and innovation;considers alternative possibilities instead of one right way.


52. The cause of bruxism is not clear at present considered to spiritual, emotional, dental origin, systematic, professional, spontaneity, and other factors.


53. She will see the spontaneity and decisiveness in your approach and it can only work in your favor.


54. Political leaders read speeches for accuracy and precision.They lack the spontaneity of the impromptu speech or the extemporaneous speech.


55. The metaphor shows correctly not only the spontaneity and nature of intuitive knowledge but also the sequence of the realization.Furthermore, it shows its intimacy and simplicity.


56. For the Taoist, spontaneity is not the opposite of order but identical with it because it flows from the unfolding of the inherent order.


57. Manual testing is best leveraged for those tests which require spontaneity and creativity, as well a good deal of subjectivity


58. To me my blog is recreational, and for me to work that hard at it would take much of the joy and spontaneity out of blogging.


59. Nothing kills spontaneity like having a date pencilled in the diary 12 months in advance, and even rock-solid partnerships can crack a little under the weight of expectations come 14 February.


60. Not because you are allowed spontaneity or fulfillment to individuals, but because you are denied it, and because your institutions are based upon that premise.


61. Fortunately we played with a different rhythm in the second half, we played with more spontaneity and we managed to unblock the match.


62. Consciousness and Spontaneity of the Contemporary Civil Society


63. The perturbation theory is a very appealing method in particle physics. But some times the perturbation theory will devastate symmetry in computation, and bring about symmetry spontaneity breaking.


64. On the Neural Correlates and Spontaneity of Consciousness and the Topologized of Conscious Space


65. 7.We know that it is spontaneous, and in spontaneity alone lies the true spirit of art.


66. When we do something with concentration and spontaneity, then the result come out perfect because it comes out from God, from our real wisdom, from our real nature.


67. When we do something with concentration and spontaneity, then the result comes out perfect.


68. ESOP in China was born of spontaneity and has been further developed and improved along with the development of Chinese shareholding economy.


69. I invite you to be judgemental, harsh, childish, and petty.Write with the spontaneity of a child who is sad, angry, confused, or frightened.Don't try to be wise, spiritual, or kind.

我想让妳把自己变得小心,苛刻,幼稚,小器,从一个伤心,生气,困惑,受惊的孩子的角度,进行 自发的书写,不要 试图很理智, 精神?

70. Those interests, I contend, authorize the subjection of individual spontaneity to external control, only in respect to those actions of each, which concern the interest of other people.


71. His enthusiasm was somewhat lacking in spontaneity,I thought.


72. Q: I need a response to life, not only intelligent, but also very quick. It cannot be quick unless it is perfectly spontaneous. How can I achieve such spontaneity?


73. So in yourselves, know spontaneity and in spontaneity you will find joy.


74. That Bilic remark about the loss of spontaneity, the "creative mess" of yore, is exactly wrong.

所以比利奇提到的英格兰球员的自激性和乱糟糟的 创造力的降低,显然是错误的。

75. Teambuilding to enhance the morale, cohesion and spontaneity.


76. In the natural and social scopes, there has generally been a process of matter from spontaneity to self-consciousness.


77. Abstract: Determined by its spontaneity and responsiveness, the folk law, as a developing group of norms, consists of three aspects.

摘要: 民间法作为一个渐进发展的规则集合体,由于它的自生自发性和回应性决定了它在我国由三种样态构成。

78. Only in his being, in all his spontaneity can the educator truly affect the whole being of his pupil.


79. God LPs (a new one, The Anatomy Of Addiction, is imminent) straddle jamming spontaneity and studio mixology.


80. The spontaneity, self-determination and liberty of news blog make it impossible to replace mass media.

