
sproutsproutD.J.:[spraut]K.K.:[spraʊt]vi.1.发芽, 抽芽, 长出We can't use these potatoes; they've all sprouted.这些土豆儿不能吃了, 都出芽了。vt.1.长出(叶、毛发等)When do deer first sprout horns?鹿在多大的时候开始长出角?n.1.新芽, 嫩枝

sprout[spraut]vi.1.(种子、植物)萌芽,发芽;抽条,抽枝:The seeds will sprout in 3 days after they are sown.这类种子种下后3天出芽。The old tree sprouted in this spring.今年春天这棵老树长出了新枝。2.开始生长;(叶、角、羽等)长出:Light green buds sprout from the trees in spring.春天,万木长出了嫩绿的新芽。New antlers began to sprout again.(鹿)又开始长出新角来。3.迅速生长;迅速发展:How can we still remain young, as our children are sprouting into manhood?孩子们已长大成人,我们怎么能不老呢?My firm has sprouted into a major group in the country.我的公司已迅速发展成了我国的一个大集团公司。vt.1.使发芽;使抽枝:You can sprout the seeds fast by soaking with warm water.你可以用温水浸泡种子来催芽。2.长出:to sprout new buds长出新芽It was 20 years old when I began to sprout a moustache.我是在20岁的时候开始长胡子的。3.除去…的芽:Potatoes should be sprouted for eating.土豆的芽必须挖去后才能食用。n.1.2.芽,幼芽;嫩枝3.后裔4.[美国口语]孩子,小伙子5.新生事物;发展初期的事物6.[用复数] = Brussels sprout

sproutsprout[spraut]vt.1.使发芽, 使生长2.[美]摘去...的芽sprout new leaves长出新叶The rain has sprouted the seeds overnight.雨一夜就使种子发芽了。
词性变化sprout[spraut]vi.1.发芽, 抽条2.很快地生长[发展]Seeds sprout.种子发芽。sprout[spraut]n.1.新芽, 籽苗; 嫩枝2.[pl. ](=Brussels sprouts)芽甘蓝, 抱子甘蓝3.幼笛状物, 年青人; [美俚]后代4.[pl. ]绒面散射纤维bamboo sprout竹笋bean sprouts豆芽a sprout who isn't old enough to go to school一个小得还不能上学的娃娃

继承用法sproutforest,sproutlandadj.1.萌芽林sprout-offn.1.【商】脂肪醇sprout-stopn.1.抑芽丹sproutedadj.1.萌芽的, 发了芽的sproutern.1.谷物发芽装置sproutingn.1.发芽, 萌发2.分枝3.新芽4.毛圈突出(地毯疵点)