

1. See "Accessing Remote Data" [ SQL Anywhere Server - SQL Usage ].

"访问远程数据"《SQL Anywhere服务器-SQL的用法》。

2. ADO uses SQL to query data in a database.


3. Server"[ SQL Anywhere Server - Database Administration ].


4. The BLOCK clause is for use in Embedded SQL only.


5. DISTINCT column-name cannot be used from dynamic SQL.

DISTINCT column-name不能在动态SQL中使用。

6. The NULL value introduces the concept of three valued logic to SQL.


7. The OLE DB source can use an SQL statement to extract data.

OLE DB源可以使用SQL语句来提取数据。

8. Slammer worm exploiting an MS SQL overflow.


9. SQL Critical Update is supported in a clustered environment.

SQL Critical Update支援丛集环境。

10. SQL Server 2005 limits you to one IP address per network.

SQL Server 2005使您只能为每个网络指定一个IP地址。

11. SQL Server 2005 stores XML data using the UTF-16 encoding scheme.

SQL Server 2005使用UTF-16编码架构存储XML数据。

12. SQL Server 2005 uses two pipelines to report usage data.

SQL Server 2005使用两条管道来报告使用情况数据。

13. Named instances of SQL Server 2005 listen on dynamic ports.

SQL Server 2005的命名实例侦听动态端口。

14. SQL Server 2005 also introduces mirrored backup media.

SQL Server 2005还引入了镜像备份媒体。

15. SQL Server Express is a limited edition of SQL Server 2005.

SQL Server Express是SQL Server 2005的受限版本。

16. SQL Server generates a unique name for each TDS endpoint.

SQL Server为每一个TDS端点生成唯一名称。

17. ID of the SQL Server Agent job schedule.

SQL Server代理作业计划ID。

18. The SQL Server Agent service cannot be run under this account.

SQL Server代理服务不能在此帐户下运行。

19. SQL Server uses the typical Microsoft "nn. Nn. Nnnn" format.

SQL Server使用典型的Microsoft“nn.nn.nnnn”格式。

20. SQL Server creates a static snapshot cursor.

SQL Server创建了一个静态快照游标。

21. SQL Server puts restrictions on various classes of nondeterminism.

SQL Server对各种类型的非确定性函数进行了限制。

22. SQL Server treats this character sequence as one quote.

SQL Server将此字符序列视为一个引号。

23. SQL Server limits the size of the values for these attributes.

SQL Server限制这些属性的值的大小。

24. The SQL TRUNCATE TABLE command does not invoke DELETE triggers.


25. SQL query syntax invalid or unsupported.

sql 查询语法不正确或不被支持。

26. Some keywords in SQL are also reserved words.


27. SQL Critical Update must be run on the local machine.


28. Object identification number of the SQL object.


29. SQL or EJB-QL that is needed to implement custom finder methods.


30. Hash map of the plan for SQL execution.


31. SQL is the language for accessing databases.


32. The SQL Writer service must run under the Local System account.


33. SQL statements can be on one or more lines.


34. SQL Trace can monitor any trace event class.


35. The SQL pane displays the SQL statement for the current query.


36. A complete RFT SQL schema listing follows.

一个完整的RFT SQL模式如下所示

37. A single SQL statement can act upon multiple rows.


38. The next step is to construct the SQL Query.


39. This table describes the SQL Server Access Methods counters.

下表描述了SQL Server Access Methods计数器。

40. The following examples show the use of OPEN in Embedded SQL.


41. SQL statements are not case sensitive.


42. However, each database can implement SQL in its own way.


43. Doesn't apply in SQL safe mode.


44. To reset all SQL Remote information for all remote users.

为所有远程用户重置所有SQL Remote信息。

45. One of the nine SQL Server languages.

九种SQL Server语言之一。

46. Transactions are sets of atomic SQL statements.


47. Describes installing SQL Server Mobile on a smart device.

介绍如何在智能设备上安装SQL Server Mobile。

48. He's written over 100 articles and coauthored a book on SQL Server.

他曾撰写过100多篇文章,还与人合著过有关SQL Server的书籍。

49. The following paragraphs describe the editions of SQL Server 2005.

以下段落介绍SQL Server 2005的多个版本。

50. The SQL Server Service Manager window is displayed.

会显示“SQL Server服务管理器”窗口。

51. Then generates any additional SQL statements that you do not set.


52. SQL Server does not exist or access denied.


53. SQL Server errorlog for more information.


54. Use DBA for the Login name and SQL for the Password.


55. Use the name and password used to start SQL Server.

使用启动SQL Server的名称和密码。

56. Leave the default of Use SQL statements and click Next.


57. Modify the SQL syntax to match the selected function type.


58. The cursor moves down one line in SQL view.


59. Get your free copy of REAL SQL Server Developer Edition.

免费获取REAL SQL Server开发者版。

60. Relational database with SQL query and report generation.


61. Deletes the package specified by the SQL, DTS or FILE option.


62. Dynamic SQL supports the operators listed in this section.


63. The Java application that contains SQL and JTA calls.


64. A single credential can be mapped to multiple SQL Server logins.

单个凭据可映射到多个SQL Server登录名。

65. Click Add to add the WHERE clause to the SQL statement.


66. Issue a SQL statement to change the price of Tee shirts.


67. SQL tracing is not restricted to Web tests.


68. You can install DSO from SQL Server 2000 Setup.

可以从SQL Server 2000安装程序安装DSO。

69. You can collect SQL trace data during a load test to analyze later.


70. See how an attacker can tamper with an SQL query.


71. SQL statements can be on one of more lines.


72. The backstage is a SQL Server database server.

后台是sql Server数据库服务器。

73. Otherwise, SQL Server follows the standard matching process.

否则,SQL Server将按照标准的匹配过程进行处理。

74. Command between SQL statement to receive results from each one.


75. Therefore, SQL Server does not support this element.

因此,SQL Server不支持此元素。

76. They will operate in parallel in SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition.

在SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition中,它们将并行操作。

77. Direct system catalog updates are not allowed in SQL Server 2005.

在SQL Server 2005中,不允许直接更新系统目录。

78. SQL Server does not accept my-domain-name. Com in the Domain field.

在SQL Server中,“域”字段不接受my-domain-name.com。

79. Open the union query in SQL view.


80. The values can be derived from any expression in the SQL language.

