
squeezesqueezeD.J.:[skwi:z]K.K.:[skwiz]vt. & vi.1.挤, 榨, 捏He can't squeeze the wet coat dry.他拧不干湿上衣。The room was crowded but I managed to squeeze in.房间人很多, 不过我还是设法挤了进去。This only gave them opportunity to squeeze profits.这只能为他们提供机会榨取利润。vt.1.榨取, 挤出We squeezed the juice from an orange.我们从橙子中挤出汁来。n.1.挤, 榨, 捏2.亲切的拥抱或握手He gave her an affectionate squeeze.他亲热地拥抱她。3.拥挤, 积压It was a tight squeeze in the crowded bus.公共汽车上载客太多, 挤得很。4.缺乏钱或时间等所引致的困难或困苦, 拮据, 短缺When the government is in a tight squeeze it usually tries to borrow money from abroad.每当政府陷入财政困难, 总是试图借贷外债。

squeeze[skwi:z]vt.1.挤,压;硬挤:to squeeze oneself into the lift挤进电梯He squeezed my handbag carefully but didn't find my little gun.他仔细捏了捏我的手提袋,但没发现我放在里面的小手枪。2.挤出,压榨出:to squeeze an apple榨苹果汁to squeeze juice from an apple榨出苹果汁3.把…硬塞进(in, into):to squeeze in an advertisement between a five-minute TV play在一段五分钟的电视剧中间硬塞进一段广告He squeezed six big bags into the boot of my car.他把六个大提包硬塞进了我车子的行李箱。4.紧抱,拥抱:a mother who squeezes her baby一位紧抱着婴儿的母亲He squeezed her to his breast and calmed her down.他把她紧抱在怀中,使她安静下来。5.握住,抓住:to squeeze one's hands tightly紧紧握住某人的双手His mother squeezed his arm.他妈妈抓住他的胳臂。6.敲诈,勒索;索取(好处等):to squeeze one's property敲诈某人的钱财He was squeezed out of 300 dollars.他被敲去300美元。7.巧取,设法得到:Try to squeeze a plane ticket for tonight.一定要设法搞到一张今晚的机票。to squeeze even more profit by decreasing the costs减少费用以获得更多的利润8.压缩,使减少:to squeeze rich food to eat减少油腻食物的摄入9.使负担沉重;使经济拮据:manufacturers squeezed by high tariffs过高的关税令生产商不堪重负10.扣压(枪的扳机)11.【印刷】用(印模等)压印、拓印12.【棒球】13.使(三垒跑垒员)在轻打战术中得分(常与in连用):He squeezed him in with a perfect bunt.他以一记漂亮的轻打使他得分。14.用轻打战术得分(常与in连用)15.【桥牌】紧逼(对方)被迫垫掉一张赢牌vi.1.压,挤压;被压榨:to squeeze out water挤出水2.挤过,挤进(常与through, in等连用):to squeeze through a crowd从人群中挤过去She asked if she could squeeze in as the door of the lift was closing.电梯门就要关上时,她问她是否可以挤进去。3.勉强通过;勉强赢得:to squeeze through a gap勉强挤过一个缺口4.压榨,敲骨吸髓n.1.挤压,压榨2.受挤压3.抱紧,拥抱4.挤出(或榨出)的东西;少量5.[口语]敲诈,勒索,榨取钱财(或好处等)6.拥挤;拥挤的人群7.拮据,紧缺;经济困难8.【经济学】银根紧缩;通货紧缩措施9.加压装置,控制机构10.【印刷】压印,拓印11.【采矿】矿层的变薄;变薄的矿层12.[英国英语]纺织品13.[英国英语]颈14.【证券】杀空头,空头扎平15.【棒球】轻击抢分战术16.【桥牌】17.紧逼打法18.被紧逼垫去的赢牌19.[美国俚语]密友,情人put the squeeze on对…施加压力Squeeze one.[美国俚语]来一杯橘汁。squeeze someone until (或 till) the pips squeak[口语]强迫某人从重交纳(税、费等)squeeze the orange见 orangesqueeze the shorts见 short变形vt.squeezedsqueezing

squeezesqueeze[skwi:z]vt.1.榨, 挤(出)(out, from), 塞, 压进, 挤入 (into), 紧握2.压榨, 剥削, 勒索, 敲榨(from)3.使(利润)缩减4.勉强赢得[赚得]5.压印(硬币等)6.(桥牌中)逼(对方)出牌; 以逼法赢得squeeze juice from an orange榨桔子汁a squeezed orange [lemon][喻]被榨干后(抛弃)的人squeeze oneself into a crowded bus挤入拥挤的公共汽车squeeze money out of [from] sb.勒索某人的钱财squeeze the shorts(交易所)杀空头
词性变化squeeze[skwi:z]vi.1.榨, 挤, 压2.压榨3.勉强通过[赢得]squeeze through the crowd挤过人群The measure squeezed through the parliament.议案在议会上勉强通过。squeeze[skwi:z]n.1.挤压, 压榨[缩, 实, 印]铆夹; [口]压力; 银根紧的时候2.握[抱]紧, 塞紧, 拥挤3.[口]榨取, 勒索, 贿赂4.榨出的少量东西5.密集的一群人6.佣金, 回扣7.(桥牌中)被扔出的牌8.(碑铭等的)拓印9.难逃脱的境遇10.弯曲机, 压实造型机asqueeze of lemon柠檬汁a squeeze of people密集的一群人We can not borrow money during the present credit squeeze.在银根紧的时候, 我们借不出钱来。

继承用法squeeze-outn.1.挤出, 压出 -zability

词性变化squeeze[skwi:z]n.1.可榨取2.可敲诈3.可挤塞4.可压[缩]实性 -zableadj.1.可榨取的2.可敲诈的3.可挤塞的 -zablyadv.