

1. Livesey,' returned the squire, you are always in the right of it.

' 一路上快马加鞭,直到到了利弗西医生的家门口才勒住马。

2. (smiling bright.y at him)right. squire


3. 'Nay,' replied the squire, 'Hands was one of mine.'


4. 'Mr Dance,' said the squire, 'you are a very noble fellow.


5. ‘Perhaps, sir, you don't like the ship? ' said the squire, angrily.


6. 'As upon myself,' declared the squire.

“他们就像我本人一样可靠。” 乡绅庄重地说。

7. “O,that,” cried the cautiouspolitic Squire, who did not they outh's ardent glances admire,“isa thing called a Goose,my dear son ;


8. 'Dr Livesey,' he said, 'in how many weeks do you and squire expect the consort?'


9. 'Livesey,' returned the squire, 'you are always in the right of it.


10. 'Livesey,' said the squire, 'you will give up this wretched practice at once.


11. 'Livesey, that must have been you or Hawkins,' cried the squire.

“利维塞,肯定是你或霍金斯说出去的。” 乡绅又嚷道。

12. 'Don't you take on, sir,' he said, shaking the squire's hand. 'All's well with him;


13. 'Why,' I cried, 'the squire's a gentleman.


14. "My lord," he said. "I regret that I have no squire to ride forward and give notice of my coming. Forgive my intrusion at this unseemly time of night."


15. ‘Quite right, ' said Mr Dance. ‘ He's the local judge, and I ought to report Pew's death to him or Squire Trelawney.


16. ‘Quite right, ' said Mr Dance. ‘ He's the local judge, and I ought to report Pew's death to him or Squire Trelawney. I'll take you with me to his house. '


17. 'Silver, if you like,' cried the squire; 'but as for the intolerable humbug, I declare I think his conduct unmanly, unsailorly, and downright un - English.'


18. 'As you will, Livesey,'said the squire; 'Hawkins has earned better than cold pie.'


19. ‘I don't want your thanks ! 'cried the squire .


20. "I never told that," cried the squire,"to a single soul."


21. 'Like iron,' answered the squire.

“我们已经铁了心。” 乡绅回答。

22. 'And now,' said the squire, 'for the other.'

“我们现在来看看另一样是什么东西吧。” 乡绅说。

23. 'I never told that,' cried the squire, 'to a soul!'

“我绝对没有对任何人说过这些。” 乡绅嚷道。

24. 'Now, captain,' said the squire, 'you were right, and I was wrong.


25. 'And now, squire,'said the doctor.

“我说,乡绅。” 大夫说。

26. 'And now, Livesey,'said the squire, in the same breath.

“我说,利维塞。” 乡绅也同时说道。

27. 'And now, Livesey,'said the squire, in the same breath .


28. 'Well, squire,' said Dr Livesey, 'I don't put much faith in your discoveries, as a general thing; but I will say this, John Silver suits me.'

“我说,特劳维尼先生,”利维塞大夫说,“我一向对你发现的人或事不抱多大的信心,不过我倒是觉得约翰 - 希尔弗很合我的意。”

29. 'I am always at the captain's order. Show him in,' said the squire.

“我随时听候船长的吩咐,快请他进来。” 乡绅说。

30. 29. 'I am always at the captain's order. Show him in,' said the squire.


31. 'All hands aboard by four this afternoon,' shouted the squire, after him.

“所有船员今天下午四点在船上集合。” 乡绅冲着他的背影喊了一声。

32. There was a local squire named Wang Lun who was widely known for his hospitality and generosity. He had long been an admirer of Li Bai's poetic works and hoped to make the latter's acquaintance.


33. Well, squire,' said Dr Livesey, I don't put much faith in your discoveries, as a general thing;


34. 'Tom,' said the squire, 'say you forgive me, won't you?'


35. 'Captain,' said the squire, 'the house is quite invisible from the ship. It must be the flag they are aiming at.


36. 'Would that be respectful like, from me to you, squire?'


37. 'The man's a perfect trump,' declared the squire.

“这个人很可靠。” 乡绅说。

38. ‘And now, squire, ' said the doctor, ‘ you have heard of this Flint, I suppose? '


39. "Well, I am sorry the squire can't come yet," says my landlord.


40. 'Is there anyone inside?' cried the young man in his loudest voice; 'anyone who will give a knight hospitality? Neither governor, nor squire, not even a page?'


41. 'Now, Hawkins,' said the squire, 'you have something say. Speak up.'


42. 'Hawkins, I put prodigious faith in you,' added the squire.


43. A country squire and his fat wife occupied the tapestried chamber;


44. A squire approaches you and hands you a spotless suit of Plate Mail.


45. A gruff squire on horseback with shiny topboots


46. A young squire won his spurs in battle.


47. neither you, nor squire, nor captain; and no more will I.


48. and before they recovered, not only the squire and I, but Hunter and Joyce from the block house, had time to fire.


49. a medieval gentleman-soldier,usually high-born,raised by a sovereign to privileged military status after training as a page and squire


50. Livesey,' returned the squire, you are always in the right of it.I'll be as silent as the grave.


51. Livesey,' returned the squire, `you are always in the right of it.I'll be as silent as the grave.


52. He consults Squire Gaylord about ways of preventing the affair from becoming public.


53. A bearer of armor for a knight; a squire.

为骑士持武器的人; 骑士的扈从

54. a bearer of armor for a knight; a squire


55. Joyce lay dead , shot through the head ; and the squire was half-carrying the wounded captain .


56. Since he could not be sponsored as a squire, Anomen chose the route of the warrior and priest of Helm, the god of guardians, and has fought many battles over the years against forces of evil.


57. the squire, Hunter, and Joyce, upon the other.


58. The squire raised his gun, the rowing ceased, and we leaned over to the other side to keep the balance, and all was so nicely contrived that we did not ship a drop.

乡绅举起枪,我们停止划船,全都靠到船的另一侧以保持平衡。 一切都布置得很好,所以小船没有进一滴水。

59. The squire has been talking, after all.'


60. The squire, at this, would turn away and march up and down the deck , chin in air.


61. Both the squire and I returned the shot; but as we had nothing to aim at, it is probable we only wasted powder.


62. The squire was hard at work at Bristol.


63. The squire was sitting down, as white as a sheet, thinking of the harm he had led us to, the good soul!

乡绅坐在那里,脸色苍白得像张纸,心中想着他给我们带来的灾祸。 他真是个好人!

64. Squire Trelawney, Dr Livesey, and the others have asked me to write down all I know about Treasure Island .


65. the squire's country seat.


66. The squire had had everything repaired, and the public rooms and the sign repainted, and had added some furniture - above all a beautiful arm-chair for mother in the bar.


67. inquired the squire, very angry, as I could see.

乡绅问。 我看出他非常恼火。

68. 2, the decline of the squire class and the corruption of the rural power;


69. Tell us, squire, when you see the match, and we'll hold water.'


70. That morning , when the doctor saw I had to go with the pirates to find the treasure , he had left the squire to look after the captain , then took Gray and Ben Gunn with him to be ready to help us .


71. A gentle slope ran up from the beach to the entrance of the cave. At the top, the squire met us.


72. They were in the elegant Squire Room of the Fairhil Hotel, where they had met for lunch at Nim's suggestion.


73. A squire's equipment depends on what his Lord can afford.Light amour a, shield and a mace are the most common equipment of the average squire in Outremer.


74. A squire's equipment depends on what his Lord can afford.Light amour, a shield and a sword are the most common equipment of the average squire in Outremer.


75. In the country he played the squire, while in town he became the spy.


76. He worked extremely hard yet retained his outside interests, notably collecting art, shooting and playing the squire on his country estate.


77. He is a rich squire in this area.


78. It has been known of the staunchest women who retain the name of their first husband, or do not hamper his title with a little new squire at their skirts.


79. Plumdamas, who acted as squire of the body of the two contending dames, instantly saw the hazard of entering into such delicate points of chronology


80. Would you think it likely, now, that your squire would prove a liberal-minded one in case of help - him being in a clove hitch, as you remark?'

