

1. stopgap in transit

[法] 中途停选权

2. stopgap measure

[法] 权宜措施, 临时措施

3. stopgap loan

[法] 过渡性贷款

4. A more fundamental concern is that, even extended to larger companies, credit guarantees will prove no more than a stopgap.


5. There are two kinds of measures, one being radical while the other being stopgap.


6. But this is only a stopgap measure and in long run the central bank should construct a new combination of monetary policy, which is more independent and efficient.


7. a stopgap measure


8. a crate serving as a stopgap for a chair


9. Provision of stopgap equipment to handle bottlenecks and unforeseen breakdowns.


10. In view of the experience in other countries, this can only serve as a stopgap measure.


11. Looking from the Liaoyuan Jilin Bank the market share which holds in the Liaoyuan region deposit market, the Liaoyuan Jilin Bank can only be in the region deposit market follower or the stopgap.


12. Even that proved a stopgap; on December 3rd it was announced that the banks would swap the debt for 75% of the ordinary equity and a slug of preference shares.


13. As you might guess, we prefer the evolutionary step. (Luckily, as you will see, in recent years, many other designers have already generated some momentum in this direction.) A stopgap solution


14. to cut out a piece of one's flesh to cure a boil; to resort to a remedy worse than the ailment; to resort to a stopgap measure detrimental to long-term interests; to make do by temporary improvisation without attempting a permanent solution


15. resort to stopgap measure detrimental to one's longterm interest


16. Rather than wait for the crucial middle route to be completed (due in 2010), Beijing is drawing water from the Hebei reservoirs as a stopgap.


17. Against corruption: both radical and stopgap measures in a comprehensive way


18. The one-off price increase therefore appears to be a stopgap measure made by an administration that is betting falling international prices will eventually allow it to loosen its controls.


19. Between countries through the exchange rate appreciation, to change the depreciation of the trade advantages and disadvantages, is just a stopgap measure in the long run is non-functional.


20. On the way of practice, Laotse thought that people should imitate universe, bringing out the main points and mastering gist and then apply it on everything, not taking stopgap measures.


21. 11 On the way of practice, Laotse thought that people should imitate universe, bringing out the main points and mastering gist and then apply it on everything, not taking stopgap measures.


22. Ten years ago: President Bush vetoed stopgap spending legislation passed by Congress following the collapse of a deficit-reducing budget agreement.

在十年以前: 布什总统否决了在减少赤字预算协议的崩溃之后被经过国会的堵塞物开支立法。

23. Jia Zhuang rapid growth in consumption today, it is blind optimism harmful, and accommodate the status quo, businesslike, and stopgap solutions attitudes and practices, would also help.


24. In beautifying decorative room, a space designed to be mobile space is an indispensable functional needs, rather than to resolve the limited space of a stopgap measure.


25. If you feel that you may lose the job if you delay, you can take it but think of it as a stopgap job.


26. If you are not ready for a big change quite yet, then take what is on offer, but think of the new job as only a stopgap.


27. If not so much the source of customers, the construction site near Rafah some workers stopgap.


28. In spite of such stopgap measures, soaring food prices and spreading hunger in many other countries are beginning to break down the social order.


29. Despite his recent efforts to revive reform, Mr Fukuda, a stopgap, marked a return to the old, grey, back-room style.


30. Strengthen Management, Handle a Problem with both Stopgap and Permanent Measures, Ensure Safety


31. WHEN Italy's main opposition group, the Democratic Party (PD), chose Dario Franceschini as its leader, many assumed that he would be a stopgap.


32. The factors causing accounting information distortion can be various, while the accountant appointment system is merely a stopgap measure to control accounting information distortion.


33. It was intended as a stopgap


34. Two solutions for better modeless dialogs We offer two design strategies for improving modeless dialogs.The first one is easy to swallow, a stopgap for common predicaments.


35. Two solutions for better modeless dialogs We offer two design strategies for improving modeless dialogs. The first one is easy to swallow, a stopgap for common predicaments. The second one is more radical; an evolutionary step forward.


36. I intend it as a stopgap.


37. It was intended as a stopgap.


38. There exists partial water pollution in Yangzhou.Solving the problems by taking only stopgap measures exists as well.


39. The new appointee said modestly that he was only a stopgap and would retire when a better man was available.


40. stopgap measures; a stopgap leader.


41. stopgap unit


42. This article first introduces the history , actualities of Shenzhen Wuniu Dairying Co.Ltd. and Wuniu's status in Shenzhen's dairying industry, and establishes the marketing stopgap figure of Wuniu.


43. The president has twice signed stopgap legislation to keep the government funded temporarily, even though there is not yet agreement on the new budget.


44. act temporarily as; serve as a stopgap for


45. temporary expedient; stopgap measure; makeshift


46. Taking Both of Radical and Stopgap Measures--Solutions to Emissions Control of Vehicle Diesels


47. For instance, it is necessary changing the way of “ taking stopgap measures”, namely only revising specific laws or regulations when it is needed.


48. Bibby is a nice stopgap for 18 months, but I doubt he has a long-term future in Atlanta unless he's willing to take much less.


49. Candles are a stopgap when the electricity fails.


50. merely alleviate the symptoms of an illness; bring about a temporary solution (of a problem, etc.); take stopgap measures


51. take stopgap and radical measures


52. Specially some topics already had the tendency which serves as a stopgap bored, dull, fully suffered the audience to denounce.


53. Now is the time to end this addiction, and to understand that drilling is a stopgap measure, not a long-term solution. Not even close.


54. stopgap borrowing


55. Lawmakers bristled with pent-up criticism of the auto industry, and questioned whether a stopgap loan would really cure what ails the companies.


56. The first stopgap, to stop the masonry exploding, is a ring of tensioned steel cables encircling the lowest cornice of the tower


57. Stopgap measures in an emergency


58. Filtering, while providing a stopgap, only leaves students painfully aware of how disconnected the classroom is from the real world.


59. UNICEF spokeswoman, Veronique Taveau, says her agency has set up so-called child friendly spaces in the camps as a stopgap measure.


60. Stopgap is search dog, medium search and sina.


61. Stopgap strategy


62. These savings are but a short term stopgap, and as the months pass that flexibility cushion we had will slowly erode.


63. The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.


64. Soviet experiences were similar and tracks were modified to give grip in the snow.The US Army issued extended end connectors or 'duckbills' to add width to the standard tracks as a stopgap solution.

雪曼于该时期在路上或野外行走速度良好. 在野地行走时表现不俗. 在沙漠上, 雪曼的橡胶履带表现良好.
