
another story

1. 另一回事

It was quite another story for English farmers.

对英国农民来说, 那完全是另一回事了。

as the story goes

1. 据说

As the story goes, he has been promoted twice in five years.


to cut a long story short

1. 简而言之

To cut a long story short, I decided to stay.

简而言之, 我决定留下。

习惯用语as the story goes1.据说, 据传be all in a [one, the same] story1.众口一词blind story1.不知所云的故事Canterbury story [tale]1.冗长乏味的故事, 荒谬不足信的故事cap a story1.讲一个比别人讲的更加有趣的故事cock and bull story1.荒诞的故事, 无稽之谈It's a story. (='Tis a story)1.[儿]这是假话, 这是撒谎。make a long story short1.长话短说, 总之, 简言之make up the story1.虚构, 捏造play-by-play story1.[美](比赛等)现场报道, 实况广播shaggy-dog story1.冗长、荒诞的故事; 以会说话的动物为主角的滑稽故事short short story1.超短篇小说smoke-room story1.下流故事So runs the story [tale]. (=So the story [tale] runs.)1.据说如此, 传说如此。sob story1.[美俚]伤感的故事tell one's own story1.讲自已的身世tell its own story [tale]1.本身表明, 不言而喻tell -ries1.编故事, 说谎That's a likely story! That [It] is (quite) another [a different] story.1.[口]那是另一回事; 那就完全不同了。说得倒象真有这回事似的! [口]哪有这样的事? 说这未免太离奇了!the (same) old story1.老一套, 陈词滥调the same story over again1.翻来复去始终不变的话[情况]The story goes [runs] that ...1.据说the whole story1.详情, 始末You story!1.[儿]你说谎!story board1.节目播出顺序表, 节目串连