
submergesubmergeD.J.:[səbˈmə:dʒ]K.K.:[səbˈmɚdʒ]vt. & vi.1.(使)潜入水中, 淹没The submarine can submerge very quickly.潜艇能非常迅速地潜入水中。The river overflowed and submerged the farmland.河水泛滥, 淹没了农田。vt.1.完全掩盖, 遮掩His talent was submerged by his shyness.他的腼腆埋没了他的才华。

submerge[səb'mə:dʒ]vt.1.淹没,沉浸;使沉没:The whole village and the fields have been submerged by floods.洪水已淹没了整个村庄和农田。2.把…放入(或浸入)水中(或其他液体中):to submerge one's head把头浸在水中3.使沉浸,使集中精力于:All his life was submerged in the liberation of the people.他的一生全部献身于人民的解放事业。4.湮没,湮灭:She was submerged in love.她已深深坠入了爱河。His aspirations were submerged by the necessity of making a living.他的志向被琐碎的求生事务湮没了。5.使沦落,使沉沦:to be submerged by drinking and sex沉湎于酒色vi.1.潜入水中,没于水中:Then he submerged again.然后,他又潜入了水下。2.湮没,湮灭:to submerge into a deep sleep.熟睡变形vt.submergedsubmerging

submergesubmerge[səbˈmə:dʒ]vt.1.淹没, 浸没2.使落到贫穷境地3.遮覆; 埋没4.潜航be submerged in the mighty torrent of history为历史洪流所淹没His talent was submerged by his shyness.他的才华为其羞怯所遮覆。
词性变化submerge[səbˈmə:dʒ]vi.1.没[潜]入水中; 消失The ship submerged.船沉入水中。