
subscribesubscribeD.J.:[səbˈskraib]K.K.:[səbˈskraɪb]vt. & vi.1.捐助He subscribed liberally to charities.他向慈善事业慷慨捐款。2.签署, 题词I subscribed my name to the document.我在文件上签了字。vi.1.订购, 预订I subscribed to a morning paper.我订阅了一份晨报。2.同意; 赞同I heartily subscribe to that sentiment.我十分赞同那个观点。

subscribe[səb'skraib]vt.1.捐纳,认捐;捐助,赞助:I have subscribed £20,000 for the institute.我为该机构已捐助了2万英镑。2.在…上签名,签署:to subscribe the papers在文件上签字署名3.(在文件、信件等上)签(字),署(名):Has he subscribed his name on the papers?他在文件上签名了吗?He gave me a painting with his name subscribed.他送给我一张他亲笔署名的绘画。4.[废语]同意,赞同vi.1.捐款,捐助,捐认:He subscribes to the church every year.他每年都向教会捐款。2.预订,订阅:Renew the magazines that I subscribed for another year.把我订阅的杂志再续订一年。to subscribe for a new dictionary订购了一部新字典3.认购:to subscribe for bonds认购公债4.同意,赞成,承诺:I will not subscribe to popular fallacies.我不会随声附和多数人赞同的谬误的。I will subscribe to your decision.我会赞同你的决定。5.签字,署名:Those who are willing to go with me for the task subscribe here.愿意同我一起去执行这项任务的人请在这儿签名。to subscribe to the contract在合同上签字subscribe oneself(as)把自己的名字签作变形vt.subscribedsubscribing

subscribesubscribe[səbˈskraib]vt.1.订购[阅], 预订2.签名, 署名3.捐助, 认捐subscribe an act签署法案subscribe a motto题词 subscribe 100dollars to the hospital fund捐助医院基金100美元He subscribed his name to the contract.他在合同上签名。Thousands of citizens subscribed the petition.几千名公民在请愿书上签名。
词性变化subscribe[səbˈskraib]vi.1.订阅, 预订(for, to)2.捐助; 认购3.签名, 署名(to)4.赞成, 同意subscribe for [to] a book订购书籍subscribe to a magazine订阅杂志subscribe to an opinion同意某一意见How much did you subscribe for?你捐了多少?He subscribed for 1000 shares.他认购一千股。
