

1. "Subtlety"(Restoration Talent) now applies to all spells, not just healing spells.


2. Cunning:Marked by or given to artful subtlety and deceptiveness.


3. While yet living her heart is broken and after death all her subtlety comes to nothing.


4. "Shadowstep" (Subtlety): The cooldown has been reduced to 15 seconds.


5. aster of Subtlety: Being under the effects of Cyclone when the buff from this talent is about to expire will no longer make it last indefinitely.


6. Has-A This is a subtlety of good abject-oriented design


7. "A book from heaven packed with abstruse and subtlety", this is Mr.X's verse full of nice lasting appeal, yet one line among his many poems with lingering charm, pretty and aftertaste.


8. The "international theme" is handled here with the greatest subtlety.


9. "Detail, focus, dimensionality, transparency, dynamic expression and subtlety all improved significantly.


10. “It will need to be more improvisational,” he said.“There will be a need for more subtlety and grayness.


11. Not only that, in ink mode will also be able to effectively reduce business card printing during hazardous gases, in Green Office, the environmental protection from subtlety embodimentsof!


12. The understated melody, the fluid rhythmical meter, the ingenious subtlety, together with random orchestration


13. The understated melody, the fluid rhythmical meter, the ingenious subtlety, together with random orchestration,


14. Crooks and turns of human craft and satanic subtlety shall be straightened for us;we shall not need to track their devious windings.


15. From us realized to the contact, I thought all are such subtlety.


16. Culinarily, sashimi represents the Japanese cultural appreciation of subtlety.


17. He placed his whole ambition in those speculations in whose beauty and subtlety there in no admixture of the common needs for life.


18. The locker rooms and stag parties and pool halls and segregated gatherings of their lives defined a certain set of male characteristics in which poetry, or anything of subtlety, had no place.


19. They can sense each other's intentions with great subtlety.


20. He felt once more that he was no match for her in selfcontrol and subtlety.


21. He delighted in female subtlety, slyness and fecundity.


22. One shrewd thing he did, which indicated the foresight and subtlety of the man.


23. He always goes for subtlety and understatement in his movies.


24. He would tell a story about a patient, full of subtlety and depth.


25. He argued his case with considerable subtlety.


26. How often had he seen weaklings no more dishonest than himself, but without his courage and subtlety.


27. His subtlety could not avail him here.


28. He has shown enormous strength, great intelligence and great subtlety.


29. characterized by disconcerting directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion.


30. Camouflage (Subtlety) reduced to 3 ranks for 5/10/15% speed and 2/4/6 secs off the cooldown of Stealth.


31. But "Talk to Me" starts out broad and schematic only to surprise you with its subtlety as it unfolds.


32. However before I send them out on important covert missions that require tact and subtlety, I will first see if there is anyone else equally qualified who would attract less attention.


33. But the most typical use of generators will be for defining iterators; so some of the subtlety is not always worth worrying about.


34. As a commentator, the auditor has considerable reporting freedom and the opportunity to communicate the subtlety of his own judgments in full.


35. You must try to comprehend the profoundity and subtlety of Chinese art.


36. Ms Pelosi is preparing to torment the president with some subtlety.


37. Exploitive styles must be conducted with great subtlety as very few counterparts are so desperate as to welcome or tolerate outright exploitation.


38. Prudence should use as much suspicion as subtlety uses snaves, and none need to be so good as to enable others to do him ill.


39. Ex 2:The intelligence agency performs its jobs with subtlety and sophistication.


40. Linguistic subtlety, innuendo, and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans, who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy, and reject anything they don't understand.

其他国家的人觉得那 么有趣的连珠妙语、含沙射影和冷嘲热讽,却令美国人迷惑不解。 他们只看表面意思,只求精确,拒绝他 们不明白的任何话语。

41. Linguistic subtlety,innuendo,and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans,who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy,and reject anything they don't understand.

其他国家的人觉得那 么有趣的连珠妙语、含沙射影和冷嘲热讽,却令美国人迷惑不解。他们只看表面意思,只求精确,拒绝他 们不明白的任何话语。

42. Linguistic subtlety, innuendo, and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans, who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy, and reject anything they do not understand.


43. Hemorrhage was intended to give heavy subtlety rogues some added damage, and to give the overall tree some additional appeal.


44. Innovate at Subtlety--Remark on Promoting Scientifically Ideological and Political Education to College Students


45. From time immemorial,the mixing of tea and water brings about an amazing color.Every cup is filled with indescribaly emotional subtlety.


46. The style of Cifu in South Song dynasty had displayed subtlety and fineness in feeling, taste of senses and freshness of skill conception.


47. developed with extreme delicacy and subtlety.


48. Another problem is that Chinese's richness and subtlety is often lost or diluted when translated into other languages, even when undertaken by skilful hands.


49. Another problem is that these short-term things are easier to find. There are fewer parameters. There's a ton of data. It's not a place where you find much subtlety.


50. Like the ancient Chinese masters, Master Au conveys an atmosphere of emptiness and spirituality via the simplicity or subtlety of the background.


51. Tasting notes: Reddish purple colour, bright and clean. Deep-rooted flavour with a touch of redcurrants, spices and tobacco, exuding freshness, subtlety and a silky essence.


52. 1. Philosophy's queerest arguments tickle agreeably our sense of subtlety and ingenuity.


53. Volume and subtlety in unison, like the aria performed by the soprano and tenor.


54. No one matched Pavarotti at his best for sheer, prodigal outpouring of vocal beauty, And what he lacked in subtlety and polish he made up for in vitality, natural talent and entertainment value.


55. Combinate western culture and fashion elements perfectly in the design methods , not only highlights the flavor of the European Ballroom, but with the subtlety of exquisite Oriental.


56. Traditional Russian hospitality was in this case blended with legendary Soviet subtlety.


57. Elegance of form and subtlety of glaze were hallmarks of imperial taste at this time.


58. The subtlety of his remarks was unnoticed by most of his audience.


59. Natural Perfection: This ability will no longer be triggered by taking critical strikes while sitting. In addition, it is now affected by the Subtlety talent.


60. Arcane Focus and Subtlety should affect all spell schools instead of just the Arcane tree.


61. 1.mystery; subtlety; secret; 2.mysterious; subtle; occult


62. Wonmen are masters of subtlety, so it's your job to remain aware of every gesture, every word, and every move they throw your way.


63. She was tired of analysis and subtlety and all the accessories of a decadent civilization.


64. Bursting with the subtlety of everyday life, miners frequent a small tailor's shop in the town of Fenyang for repairs, alterations, and vivacious chats.


65. If you come seeking theological subtlety, let alone such modern inventions as psychological depth, you'll walk away battered and empty-handed.


66. He was a muscular, square-jawed, broken-nosed guy, and subtlety wasn't his strong point.


67. Such subtlety as this, however, was often unnecessary.


68. The originality of her psychological insight, the passion and subtlety of her theological imagination , the fecundity of her exegetical talents are unevenly displayed here.


69. Butler wanted him to see clearly that fidelity was the point in this case fidelity, tact, subtlety, and concealment.


70. Objection 3: Further, fire and air are nobler than earth and water, as is clear from their subtlety.


71. When doubt occurs, it stops the expansion process because you deny the subtlety of what is coming to you.


72. Of course, understanding exactly what this signifies requires some subtlety.


73. Curiously, the able, the clever, and the ambitious and haughty are at the same time the most cowardly and muddleheaded, lacking in the courage and depth and subtlety of the humorists.


74. easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety).


75. O divine art of subtlety and secrecy! Through you we learn to be invisible, through you inaudible;and hence we can hold the enemy's fate in our hands.


76. Subtlety"( Restoration Talent) now applies to all spells, not just healing spells.


77. Subtlety - Dispel resist now applies to all spells, not just HoTs.


78. Subtlety is one of the arts of both diplomacy and statecraft.


79. ” Subtlety is one of the arts of both diplomacy and statecraft, and it often provides ways of resolving, or at least skirting, otherwise intractable differences.


80. To do business well, it is important to learn to speak with great care and subtlety, and to develop powerful listening skills.

