
supposesupposeD.J.:[səˈpəuz]K.K.:[səˈpoz]vt.1.料想; 猜想; 以为You are only supposing this on hearsay, you have no proof.你只是根据传闻想像而已, 并没有证据。I suppose he will be back by eight o'clock.我想他八点钟以前会回来。They suppose that all rich men are wicked.他们以为凡是有钱人都很坏。I hadn't supposed that I should get the first prize.我没有想到会获得一等奖。What do you suppose that dance is?你认为那是什么舞?All her neighbours supposed her to be an actress.街坊都以为她是一个演员。They supposed him dead.他们以为他死了。I should suppose him to be about fifty.我猜想他大约50岁。They suppose the box to contain books.他们猜想这箱子里装的是书。I supposed it wrong to tell a lie.我认为说谎不对。Never suppose yourself knowing everything.别以为你自己是万事通。He supposed himself doing the best thing.他以为他做得最好。2.假定, 假设conj.1.如果Suppose he can't come, who will do the work?如果他不能前来, 谁来做这项工作呢?

suppose[sə'pəuz]vt.1.假使,假定:Supposing he isn't out, how can I do then?假定他没出去,我该怎么办呢?Let's first suppose the second defense line has been destroyed.我们先来假定这第二条防线已被摧毁。2.[用于祈使句]让:Suppose we wait until tomorrow.咱们就等到明天吧。Suppose I tell you.我来告诉你吧。3.猜想,推测:I suppose he'll come back now.我想他这会儿该回来了。You can't suppose whom I met in the street.你准猜不着我在大街上看见谁啦。4.认为,以为:What do you suppose I will do?你认为我会做什么?5.意味着;说明(或证明)…的事实(或情况):The number of the cars supposes that the city traffic would get busier and busier.这些汽车的数量意味着该市的交通会越来越拥挤。That doesn't suppose you were absent at the scene of the crime.那并不能说明你不在犯罪现场。6.假定…的存在;需要…的存在为先决条件:First, we have to suppose that she was out to make money.首先,我们得假定她抛头露面是为了赚钱。7.[用于被动语态]认为应该,认为必须;认为…必要;[口语]认为可以:I'm not supposed to be at the party.我不该在聚会上露面。The motorbike is supposed to make annoying noise.摩托车当然会发出令人感到烦恼的噪音。vi.1.猜想,料想;认为:No need to suppose about.没必要胡乱猜疑。Say as you suppose.怎么想的就怎么说。conj.1.假使,假如2.假使…结果如何(或怎样)变形vt.supposedsupposing

supposesuppose[səˈpəuz]vt.1.想, 设想, 猜测; 认为, 以为2.[和given, provided 通用]假定3.包含, 意味着; 必须有, 以...为必需条件4.[用于祈使语气]让, ...如何, ...怎么样5.(=if)[口]如果I suppose you are right.我想你说得对。Let's suppose (that) the news is true.让我们假定这消息是真的。S-your father saw you now, what would you say?假设你父亲现在看到了你, 你该怎么说?Creation supposes a creator.创造必须先有创造者。I should suppose him to be about twenty.我猜他是二十岁左右。S-we go for a walk.我们去散散步吧。
词性变化suppose[səˈpəuz]vi.1.推测, 猜想I suppose so.我想是的。suppose[səˈpəuz]n.1.想象; 推测the wildest suppose最荒唐的想象


