

1. Methods 14 cases of soft tissue defects in cnemis,ankles and feet were repaired with reversed sural posterior fasciocutaneous island flaps.


2. The sural neurovascular flap was used in 9 cases for foot dorsum defect and lateral malleolus and heel soft tissue defect.


3. Also have the much sheet that send a gender neuritis and the person that change without dermatosis, good hair nerve is feet, in the middle of, oar, ischiadic, leg, sural, facial nerve and neck Cong Er are raised.


4. Keywords Lower rotating point;Sural nerve;Flap;Electric injury;


5. Under the light microcopy, the biopsy of sural nerve showed segmental loss of myelin sheaths in different extent, incrassation, regeneration, atrophy and inflammatory cell infiltration.


6. Sural biopsy showed Cogon red staining material deposited in the interstitial and neurilemma, and the amyloid deposition was strongly reactive to TTR antisera in immunohistological studies.


7. Keywords Lateral Malleolus;Sural nerve;Superficial Fibular nerve;Applied Anatomy;


8. Keywords island flaps;superficial sural artery;foot defect;


9. Keywords weightlessness simulation;tail-suspension;dielectric property;sural muscle;


10. Keywords flap;small sapheonus vein and sural nerve;


11. Keywords Peroneal artery;Sural nerve;flap;skin defects of lower leg;


12. Keywords Arteria peronea Sural nerve Perforating branch Flap Repair;


13. Keywords Sural nerve;Flap;Foot;Repair;


14. Treat Severe Open Fracture in Tibia and Fibula with Single Arm External Fixture and Medial Sural Graft Transplation


15. The diagnostic sensitivity of biopsy was 58% at the superficial peroneal nerve and peroneus brevis and 47% at the sural nerve.


16. Clinical application of distally based sural neurovascular flap with anastomosing small saphenous vein


17. Diagnostic value of sural nerve biopsy in chronic inflammatory demyelinating poly-radiculoneuropathy


18. In all body regions tested, quantitative vibration measurements correlated with sural SNAP amplitudes and were more strongly related to sural SNAP results than to qualitative evaluations of vibration.


19. The sciatica is the main symptom of lumbar protrusion of the intervertebral disc, sciatic it is by sural total nerve and leg nerve is comprised actually.


20. Keywords surgical flaps;sural nerve;saphenous neurocutaneous;soft tissue injuries;


21. Risk of anaesthesia after damage of the sural and superficial fibular nerves during the operation on lateral malleolus


22. It was found that the rat CDP evoked by the stimulation of the sural nerve is composed of N_1, N_2, P_1, N_3, P_2 and N_4 waves.


23. The contents of SP and CGRP in DRG and the levels of NG F in serum and sural nerve of DNP rats decreased significantly(P<0.05). The treatment with ARI significantly increased them(P<0.05).

实验性 STZ DNP大鼠 DRG中 SP、CGRP和血清及坐骨神经中 NGF水平下降 (P<0 .0 5) ,ARI治疗后均得到显著增高 (P<0 .0 5)。

24. lateral cutaneous sural nerve


25. Anatomical study and clinical experience of the island flap based on small saphenous vein-lateral sural nerve nutritional vessel


26. sural neuro-veno-fasciocutaneous island flap


27. The Brazilian left back didn't make it to the derby squad list and continues recovering from his strained and fatigued sural triceps of the right knee.


28. The anatomy study of island flap with vascular axis of the sural nerve


29. Repair of defective soft tissues in leg and ankle with backward island skin flap of sural nerve accompanying with vascular pedicel


30. Repair of skin defect in heel by island reverse skin flap of sural nerve and nutrition blood vessel


31. The clinical application of distally based island flap pedicled with vascular axis of the sural superficial nerve.


32. Repair of the heel skin defect using the reversed island skin flap with sural vessels


33. Medial sural artery perforator pedicled flap to cover tissue soft defects on the lower extremity


34. Keywords delated;sural neuro-veno-fasciocutaneous island flap;soft tissue defect;surgical treatment;


35. Keywords Open fracture;Leg;Vacuum-sealing drainage;Reverse sural neurocutaneous flap;


36. The authors report their experience in caring patients with bigger sural neurocutaneous vascular flap.


37. Two cases of soft-tissue loss, over the anteromedial aspect and heel region of the lower leg respectively, were selected for reconstruction with distally based superficial sural artery flaps.


38. My leg is sural total nerve is bad, not active, is there the fast idea that has done not have?


39. Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical application of sural neurovascular flap to be transfered distally for repairing tissue defect around the heel, foot dorsum and proximally for knee.

摘 要: 目的探讨腓肠神经营养血管皮瓣逆行转移修复足背、足跟及踝部组织缺损,顺行转移修复膝部组织缺损的临床应用效果。

40. Objective To study the effect of reverse sural neurovascular island flap in clinical practice.


41. The Clinical Application about Reformed of Distally Bosed Superficial Sural Artery Flap


42. Abstract: Objective To investigate the anatomic foundation of using main branch of posterior femoral nerve to restore the sensation function of distal based sural island flap.

文章摘要: 目的 研究应用股后皮神经主干重建逆行腓肠神经营养血管岛状皮瓣感觉功能的解剖学依据。

43. Abstract: Objective: To summarize clinical application of the medial sural artery perforator pedicled flap to cover soft tissue defects on the pretibial region.

文章摘要: 目的:总结应用腓肠内侧动脉穿支皮瓣修复胫前软组织缺损的临床应用效果。

44. Methods: 18 pateints with soft tissue defects around the ankle, foot and heel were treated with distally-based sural neurocutaneous flap pedicled with saphenous vein.


45. Methods: By recording the action potential of sciatic trunk and contract curve of sural muscle of hoptoad, and checking the time of fatigue in nerve center, neuro-muscular junction and muscle.


46. Methods 16 cases with distal leg,ankle,and calcaneal skin defects were repaired with reverse sural neurovascular island flaps.


47. Methods 18 cases with soft tissue defect in malleoli causing infection following posterior trauma were repaired by distal vascular flap with sural nerve.


48. Results Superficial sural artery concomitants with sural nerve through deep fascia, and distributes many nutrition branches at superior-middle portion of leg, and gi.


49. [Methods] To 31 examples of tissue defect of shanks applying sural neurovascular flap,1 example chronic ulcer and scar hyperplasia,the other all are caused by the wound.


50. Methods To 32 examples of tissue defect of shanks applying sural neurovascular flap, 1 example chronic ulcer and scar hyperplasia, the other all are caused by the wound.


51. Methods Diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin were killed after twelve weeks.The morphometric quantitative analysis and ultrastructure of sural nerve were performed.


52. Methods 67 cases of soft tissue defects in cnemis,ankle and feet were repaired with calf and sural distal fasciocutaneous flaps.


53. Methods Summarizing 33 cases prothesis with this flaps,including 18 flaps of sural nerve,8 flaps of saphenous nerve and 7 flaps of ficial branch of radial nerve.


54. Methods Report 3 cases proven by biopsy of the sural nerve and skin,and analyzed with review of literatures that clinical features,pathological changes and treatment of this diseases.


55. Methods摘要:By means of regional perfusion and dissection in51cadavers,sural nerve blood supply from peroneal artery had been analysed .In clinical practice,48 cases had been surveyed.


56. Methods: The action potential of sciatic trunk and contract curve of sural muscle of hoptoad were recorded, and the time of fatigue in nerve center, neuro-muscular junction and muscle was checked.


57. Methods Using the skin flap with sural nerve vasa vasorum, 14 cases associated with cutaneous injury and soft tissues defect of ankle were repaired.


58. Methods:By means of regional perfusion and dissection in51ca.vers,sural nerve blood supply from peroneal artery had been analysed .In clinical practice,48 cases had been surveyed.


59. Keywords Amyloid neuropathies;Sural nerve;Point mutation;Biopsy;


60. Sural nerve biopsy showed Cogon red staining material depositing in the interstitial and neurilemma.

病理学检查发现 3例先证者均有刚果红染色阳性的淀粉样物沉积于神经束间质及神经内膜中。

61. Comparison of epidermal nerve biopsy with electrophysiology and sural nerve biopsy in patients with peripheral neuropathies


62. Objective:To summarize clinical application of the medial sural artery pedicled muscle flap to cover soft tissue defects on the prepatellar region.


63. Objective:To discuss the operation and clinical effect of the treatment of open tibial fractures with the sural nerve pedicled island flap and external fixation apparatus.


64. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the blood supply and clinical application of reverse island flap pedicled with sural nerve and its nutrient vessels.


65. Objective To introduce the diagnosis and local injection treatment method of the lateral sural cutaneous nerve neuralgia .


66. Objective To study the clinical,electrophysiological and neuropathological features of HNPP.Methods 4 cases of HNPP were diagnosed by sural nerve biopsy.


67. Objective To report the results of reversed sural neurovascular fascio cutaneous island flap in clinical application.


68. Objective To report the clinical effect of treatment of severe open fracture in tibia and fibula with single arm external fixture and medial sural graft transplation.


69. Objective To explore and report the anatomical features and clinical results of reversed island flap pedicled with nutrient vessels of sural nerve and lesser saphenous vein.


70. Objective To explore the therapeutic effects of clinical applications of distal vascular flap with sural nerve for renovation of sofe tissue defect in malleoli.


71. Objective To observe the therapeutic effects of distal vascular flap with sural nerve for renovation of skin defect in malleoli.


72. Objective: In order to research the anatomical characteristics and blood circulation mode of reverse insular flap of medial sural cutaneous artery.


73. Compared with placebo, ALC was associated with significant improvements in sural nerve fiber numbers and regenerating nerve fiber clusters.


74. Clinical study of nerves end to side anastomosis about sural neurovascular flap to repair the tissue defect in ankle


75. Clinical study of reconstructing the sensation of the sural island skin flap by the way of end-to-side neuro-anastomosis


76. Keywords nerve transfer;saphenous nerve;sural nerve;tibial nerve;sense of the sole;


77. Keywords fascial pedicled flap;soft tissue defect;sural nerve;


78. RESULTS: A longitudinal vascular network was formed between those nutrient vessels of the sural nerve and the perforating branches of peroneal artery, those clinical f...


79. Results: Sensory symptoms or signs were present in 32% of patients, sural sensory nerve action potential amplitudes were abnormal in 27%, and pathologic abnormalities were present in 91% of patients.


80. RESULTS: Transection of the tibial and sural nerves induced cold allodynia and moderate mechanical hyperalgesia.

