

1. “But even if we never find that smoking pig, we can surmise that this is probably where it came from.


2. "Mrs. Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law," said Heathcliff,corroborating my surmise.


3. Some commentators surmise that the Mithraists worshipped Mithras as the mediator between Man and the supreme God of the upper and nether world.


4. Many people surmise “procrastinate, not quickly also light” the lucky psychology, steps loses weight the road.


5. But one may surmise that the choice of this style was partly motivated by a desire on Mizoguchi's part to create a recognisably Japanese aesthetic for foreign consumption.


6. based primarily on surmise rather than adequate evidence.


7. You had no need to look at the red button that adorned his black coat to surmise that he was a person of consequence.


8. What is more difficult to surmise is how they would have reacted to the 17 factors or 50 which would have resulted if their original paper used 90 security groups .

什么更难推测是怎么他们会起反应到会收效的17 因素或50 如果他们的原文使用了90 个安全小组。

9. From the structure of the mithraea it is possible to surmise that worshippers would have gathered for a common meal along the reclining couches lining the walls.


10. From the moment I telephoned news of the catastrophe to West Egg village, every surmise about him, and every practical question, was referred to me.


11. The overall result, they surmise, has been a mild stimulus to growth in the recipient countries, but without a measurable effect on poverty: it is better-off, urban families that tend to send someone abroad, and then reap the benefits.


12. They surmise that inflation in services is being underestimated, causing real growth to be overstated.


13. They surmise that members of this kingdom may be considered the largest organism in the world.


14. They surmise that associative connections between ideas and imagination that already exist in the mind become weaker and are transformed by new information.


15. Mr. Lorry was already out when he got back, and it was easy to surmise where the good old man was gone.

他回到银行时,罗瑞先生已经外出。 这善良的老人的去向不难猜测。

16. 10.He was afraid she might surmise the truth.


17. Because of this he could not follow the arguments closely, and he could only guess at and surmise the ideas wrapped up in such strange expressions


18. and all his men Look'd at each other with a wild surmise ? Silent, upon a peak in Darien.


19. he watched his jeans and sneaker, he dived into his unironed suit to felt for some coin, four on the left, six on the right, some of which are small, may be not the same face value, he surmise.


20. But only havoc can result from confusing a surmise with a proposition for which there is already evidence.


21. As you may surmise, this movement involves organic produce a lot.


22. Were you able to surmise her thoughts


23. Your first surmise is right.


24. 1. Your first surmise was right.


25. What differences can you surmise between the Spurs and the rest of the teams?


26. Vesper Lynd: What else can you surmise, Mr. Bond?


27. " convinced her that he had nothing more to say or surmise about Hartfield.


28. It seems logical to surmise that pressure spikes from other events could also induce rupture, although we have not looked at that possibility directly yet.


29. Did he refuse to give up those feelings, or was de-evolution something completely different from what we might surmise?


30. Even without opening any of the links, it's easy to surmise that a widget is currently used to describe some kind of techy add-on feature for Web sites.


31. but the next instant he dismissed the surmise as hopelessly impossible.


32. Still, it sure is tempting to surmise that it's partly your grandmother's positive attitude that has kept her alive this long.


33. And because scientists surmise that language arose only once, they believe that before leaving Africa to colonize the world, all humankind spoke one language.


34. You may surmise that we all come in different shapes and sizes, so something as simple as BMI could be inaccurate.


35. We surmise that containment shifts development from exurban and rural areas to suburban and urban ones because of containment boundaries.


36. Therefore, we not solely are the students, we love the baton, we must surmise feel grateful, walk life each step.


37. Nor had a single scandalous surmise reached the ears of the secluded inhabitants of the cottage at St. Leonard's


38. After your consistent and annoying harassment of my co-workers and me during our commission of duties, I can only surmise that you are one of the few true genetic wastes of our time.

在您一致和讨厌的骚扰我工友和我以后在我们的职责委员会期间, 我能只推测, 您是少数真实的基因浪费我们的时间的当中一个。

39. In an early sonnet Keats rhymes" eyes" with" surmise.


40. In an early sonnet Keats rhymes "eyes" with "surmise".


41. She was right in her surmise.


42. 2. She had a guilty look which immediately roused surmise in his mind.


43. A very painful surmise arose concerning her character


44. Also be willing even hep personage to be in rarely new to this kind policy will be at present right Chinese market generation is how old and minatory have surmise.


45. Mrs Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law,' said Heathcliff, corroborating my surmise.


46. Heathcliff is my daughter-in-law,' said Heathcliff, corroborating my surmise.


47. Several of Halsey's group commanders were making the same surmise.


48. It is only by acting on our surmise that we can procure the evidence in its favor.


49. We can only surmise that the next tragic chaos of the economy is a more serious inflation will be V-shaped reversal.


50. We correctly surmise designed objects, such as stone tools, to be the product of an intelligent designer and thus naturally assume that all functional objects, such as eyes, must have also been intelligently designed.


51. With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position/where they are.

我们没有探险者的消息, 只能猜测他们现在所处的位置.

52. 4. With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position/where they are.


53. With no news from the explorers we can only surmise their present position.


54. 9. We surmise that the delay is caused by some accident.


55. But more than that we were never destined to know, though t here was much which we might surmise.


56. I can only surmise that JBoss is concerning itself with increasing its niche platform portfolio.


57. I surmise that he will take the job.


58. I surmise the Dementors and their hungry young will find the spot as well.


59. mere speculation or conjecture; statement out of surmise


60. The bay-crown's shade, Beloved, I surmise,


61. Until some such good luck, it was as well to laugh and blush as if the surmise of her having a lover was not very far from the truth.


62. At all stage of flag leaves senescence, we can find the activity of C_4 pathway enzymes:PEPCase,PPDK,NADP-ME,NADP-MDH. We surmise that there are C_4 path-way in hybrid rices.


63. This, as you might surmise, has great effects on the system as a whole.


64. Every surmise about him, and every practical question, was referred to me.


65. Historians surmise that the tribes represented by Emperor Yan and Yellow Emperor inhabited the Wei river basin (in present-day Shaanxi province) in the late period of China's primitive society.


66. surmise a person's motive


67. It's likewise safe to surmise that the Clippers have never had a pair like Cassell and Dunleavy, claiming that their mere presence could alter long-held perceptions about this franchise.

现在下定论还太早,不过有几点是肯定的:在Donald T.Sterling(快船老闆)入幕快船的24年以来,从未去得像现在这样的良好开局。

68. With his 20-power telescope and with his eyes in bad shape he might have mistaken Saturn's gaseous ring to surmise that it was formed of one planet with two moons as satellites.

由于伽利略用的是20倍的望远镜,而且他眼睛的状况也很糟糕,他很可能把土星的气环搞错了,并因此得出结论 - 土星是由一个行星和两个卫星组成的。

69. From this we can surmise that Lirongju is likely to be approached on the human body during pregnancy poisonous substances, which leads to foetal deformities.


70. The researchers surmise that we may take more emotional cues from same-sex associates.


71. That change, the researchers surmise in the November 2, 2001, Science, may have affected the evolution of various marine organisms, such as algae, corals and sponges.


72. Now it is true that in the absence of omniscience we must trust our soul's surmise;


73. Scientists surmise that it jumped from an animal population to humans via a bite or meat.


74. not appear to have been tampered with, we surmise that they must have been short-shipped.


75. It turned out that my surmise was correct.


76. A wild surmise filled Robertson.


77. Archeologists still can only surmise as to the origin of Man.


78. Archeologists surmise that the gardens were laid out atop a vaulted building, with provisions for raising water. The terraces were said to rise from 75 to 300 ft.


79. conjecture; surmise; guess


80. Since the 1980s, some people have predicted the surmise of Hong Kong as 1997 approaches.

