
swarmswarmD.J.:[swɔ:m]K.K.:[swɔrm]n.1.蜂群, 一大群There is a swarm of bees in the tree.这树上有一窝蜜蜂。A swarm of ants are moving busily.一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家。vi.1.密集, 云集, 挤满The place swarmed with tourists.那个地方游人云集。2.成群地移动When the bell rang, the children swarmed out of the school.铃声一响, 孩子们蜂拥而出离开了学校。

swarm1[swɔ:m]n.1.(为建新巢而离群的)迁蜂群,分蜂群2.(原蜂房的)蜂群3.(尤指集团性迁移的)一群;一批人(或生物)4.[用复数]许多,大量(常与of连用)5.【生物学】游动的单细胞生物群6.【地质学】(特定地质现象)群,密集群集;群集期vi.1.(蜜蜂)分群,分蜂,成群分迁(常与off连用)2.蜂拥;集团性活动(或运动、飞动等):The students swarmed out of the classroom.学生们蜂拥着跑出了教室。The fans are swarming round their singing stars.歌迷们把他们的歌星团团围住。3.云集,密集:Many people are still swarming in front of the gates of the stadium after the football match began.足球赛开始后仍有许多没能入场的人们云集在体育场的门前。4.充满,(地方)被挤满;被侵扰(常与with连用):The beach swarms with children.海滩上到处是孩子们。The city is swarming with flu.该市正在流行流感。5.【生物学】成群浮游;(从孢子囊等中)成群袭击vt.1.蜂拥;云集:to swarm the ticket office蜂拥在票房前2.挤满:The lift was swarmed by us.我们那会儿都挤在电梯中。 swarm2[swɔ:m]vt.,vi.1.爬,攀(up):to swarm (up) the top of the tower爬上塔顶

swarmswarm[swɔ:m]n.1.群; 蜂群2.【生】游走细胞胞[生物]群, 游动孢子a swarm of people一群人swarms of stars繁星
词性变化swarm[swɔ:m]vt.1.群集, 蜂拥; 挤满; 攀缘swarm (up) a rope攀缘绳索The garden was swarmed with bees.蜜蜂在花园里成群地飞来飞去。swarm[swɔ:m]vi.1.(蜜蜂)结队离巢2.群集, 蜂拥3.攀缘4.被拥挤, 充满5.挤, 一拥而进The beach is swarming with bathers.海滩满是海水浴的人。The mosquitoes swarmed about us.蚊虫成群地环绕着我们飞。People swarmed into the cinema.人们拥进电影院。
