

1. Lincoln's son, Tad, burst into a Cabinet meeting in 1863 to plead clemency for a pet turkey, named Jack, that had been sent to the White House for a Christmas feast.


2. Q) Will there be new winning conditions in TAD, like Regicide?


3. Blood group antibody Tad


4. Blood group antigen Tad


5. Tad Allagash, a stripling adman and Manhattan party animal with inexhaustible supplies of Bolivian Marching Powder (coy for cocaine).

“Party Animal”因为有“动物”二字而显得格外神秘,兽性。

6. "What? Do you need help with Calculus?" Her tone was a tad sour.


7. "We feel very comfortable and confident that what we are doing is an appropriate course of action," Cavs spokesman Tad Carper said.


8. The nickname "Rocket" might seem a tad incongruous for a man who stands six feet four and weighs over two hundred pounds.


9. "With gold up a tad in today’s trade, gold bulls are hardly out of the corral yet.


10. Some passes were a tad too slow, increased pace of ball for them which makes for better attacks


11. a little ; a little Bit;a tad


12. Growth has since slowed a tad, to 8.4% in the year to the fourthquarter, thanks partly to the intervention of a nervous central bank.


13. Last week, doctors in Massachusetts announced that senator Tad Kennedy has brain cancer.


14. Unfortunately, it's also a tad disappointing.


15. It is going to be a tad harder to make that argument with a running mate who has been in the Senate for 35 years -- 14 years longer than Sen.McCain.


16. Just a tad off this splendid natural scene is a sheep herd that wanders around the river bank for an evening browse.


17. The day off was a tad too late for some players.


18. Heiman and Diane Sanchez with Tad Tuleja.

书名 :The new conceptual selling /Stephen E.

19. Acquisitions that only a few years ago appeared a tad foolhardy now seem super-smart, if expensive.


20. Could still sense the audiences shifting a tad uncomfortably in their seats when the two characters shared a kiss, or a graphic aural sex scene.


21. That they'd play little or no part instead of leading roles might have been a tad harder to predict.


22. he played the leading roles in the Robert Luketic -directed Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!


23. His mother had only the day before returned from Marysville, where she had been looking up a seminary for the little tad


24. So much so that the ME Green in L and XL were sold out 3 hours after delivery and TAD hopes to do another run of ME Green sometime in the near future.


25. Any reason for grief was postponed until the following day, or maybe just a tad later, because this title deserved an unashamed bellyful of joy.


26. Rocks at Isua and South Africa's Transvaal Basin are just a tad younger and, some would argue, much less controversial.


27. Before all that United will be applauded on to the Bridge as Champions tomorrow, which is the correct and honourable thing to do, even if it will be a tad painful to bear.


28. In my case, however, theres just as primal and perhaps a tad stronger urge to get out.


29. But we don't, in fact, as fellow singer and bud Tanya Chua has told us a tad enviously.


30. But, that only happens when things are going well. When things go south, Yao tends to fall to the background a tad.


31. Could you turn the sound down just a tad?


32. Could you gives us any firm date of TAD's release?


33. Second, truly independent studies on ethanol, such as those written by Tad Patzek of Berkeley and David Pimentel of Cornell, show that ethanol is a net energy loser.


34. Locked in an ongoing life-or-death struggle with a humongous albino dinosaur, Buck is more than just a tad mad.But that makes him all the more fun to watch.


35. Kate slowed done just a tad, to a quick, but more reasonable pace. She forced herself to take several deep breaths. She had to keep calm. She knew that much.


36. The satisfactions of the spirit will remain satisfactions even if they have to take time out for a tad or two.


37. Grace recommended Goodwin for the part of Cathy in Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! after they had broken up, and the two are still good friends.


38. just a tad more milk


39. However, it seems that the offensive freestyle has been toned down just a tad to make it a little more realistic.


40. The rare reported cased of TAD in Taiwan might be due to low prevalence of this disorder among Orientals and/or to unfamiliarity with it.


41. Sounds a tad random to me.


42. We were not a tad surprise by the huge production of 40 fry as its brooding pouch was obviously large.


43. Since those managing the agency are unlikely to have much of a clue about the fundamental value of these illiquid assets, the TAD should arrange reverse auctions as price discovery mechanism.


44. It therefore comes as a little surprise that (young) Ghanaians might just fall a tad short of being conversationally-challenged with regard to their local language.


45. If you thought the great man was a tad tubby and of advancing years, think again.


46. Weather, and other considerations - The molded TAD logo that was sewn at the rear of the pant is now removable and located on a small velcro patch on the right cargo side pocket.


47. I understand that the core devs don’t want to be too heavy-handed in managing the project, but I think a worldwide sprint could deal with a tad more organization.


48. The pose is still a tad wonky, but I think I fixed most of the major issues.


49. It would be a tad embarrassing if Henry, age 11, and Hannah, 15, grew up to be financial ne'er-do-wells.


50. "If I didnt kick so much ass, I'd feel a tad awkward."?


51. You are so smart as before.Yes, Tad told me who you are right now. Maggie. Yuan. I miss you.


52. It may seem a tad mercenary to put them in that order, but that simply reflects Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.


53. Conclusion TAD of senior middle school students is related with school management type, and close management can he a valid way to IAD prevention.


54. And when it comes to eggs, they are a perfect packaging material - though a tad too brittle.


55. 6、Others get a tad carried away and are doused with a bucket of water to stop a particularly long smooch.


56. Will there be a TAD demo? When would it be release?


57. The name looked a tad suspicious.


58. Tip-apex distance (TAD)


59. The departure of Mr Brandon, who will be replaced by his number two, Franklin “Tad” Montross, is a blow to Mr Buffett, who for years considered him one of his closest lieutenants.

布兰登的离去对巴菲特是一个打击,他多年来都将布兰登视为自己最得力的助手之一。排名第二的接班人富兰克林塔德蒙特罗斯(Franklin “tad” Montross)将接替布兰登的职位。

60. The fallout will be a tad worse than Gulf War Syndrome.


61. Chang is a tad lightweight in such company as the wimpish Sun, and Taiwanese super-model Lin Chi-ling mostly decorative as Zhou's wife.


62. B. After you've yelled at him or hurt him in some other way and feel a tad guilty.


63. Love this masque.It can be a tad drying if used too frequently, but it really does seem to dissolve impurities, lessen oiliness, and firm up your skin.


64. a tad of

微量, 专门用在调味料上

65. He sounded a lot better than he did on the tape, and he did struggle a tad with the high notes .


66. When confronted with cases of TAD, serial sectioning of the biopsy specimen is suggested to delineate the association of the lesions with the acrosyringium.


67. Love this masque.It can be a tad drying if used too frequently but it really does seem to dissolve impurities lessen oiliness and firm up your skin.


68. color][/b][color=#660000]Love this masque.It can be a tad drying if used too frequently, but it really does seem to dissolve impurities, lessen oiliness, and firm up your skin.


69. Look, I admit I read my mind of. A little overreacted tad.


70. I daresay, had Ledger not been in this film, The Dark Knight would have come across as a tad mediocre.

我敢说,本片没有希斯 莱杰出演的话,黑暗骑士只是一部冗长的平庸电影。

71. I can't give a specific release date for TAD, but it is in the final stages of development and will be available at some point this fall.


72. I do feel, due to some of the jumps that our young players made, perhaps a tad more encouraged than I was a year ago at this time, but not much.


73. I need a tad of salt please.


74. By the end of March, with families boosting savings, repaying debt and defaulting, the ratio had fallen to 124%, a tad lower but still miles from the level of, say, 69% in the middle of 1985.


75. There is a tad of "flation", in other words, but not much sign of "stag".


76. Baby boomers who were even just a tad pudgy were more likely to die prematurely than those who were at a healthy weight, U.


77. Models of networked control systems with long delay are presented in three cases, namely, the delay varies within the sampling time; the delay is random tad in order; the delay is random hat oat of order.


78. How will the expansion work and interact with the Vanilla AoE3 players and TWC players?If I have Vanilla and TAD and I launch TAD in multiplayer, do I have access to TWC civs, cards, techs, maps?


79. Methods:The soft tube with graduation and the puncture needle were used to produce the appliance for making TAD model.


80. Head Over Heels?? Bride or Groom Bottle Stoppers say it so eloquently, though a tad ?unceremoniously,? and that's what makes them so much fun!

