

1. In the test of dot taint for 2205 stainless steel,taint effect of chlorine ion directly influences testing result according to character of mixture liquor.

22 0 5不锈钢材料的点腐蚀试验是以三氯化铁+盐酸的混合溶液为特征,其中氯离子的腐蚀作用直接影响着测试结果。

2. The Test of Dot Taint for 2205 Stainless Steel


3. Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping--Taint testing method for aquatic organism


4. taint with

vt. 受 ... 损坏(受 ... 玷染)

5. That decision, by a court fractured along philosophical lines, left one liberal justice charging that the high court's proceedings bore a political taint.


6. taint damage

[经] 沾污损失

7. "No, 'taint likely, Tom.


8. No, 'taint likely, Tom. He had liquor in him;


9. clover taint


10. to be free from the taint of corruption


11. No. I have brought my share of death and destruction to this land. But I see a larger purpose behind it...I seek to end the possibility of Bhaal's return forever, and to wipe his taint from the land.


12. Paper and board intended for contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 2: off-flavour (taint).


13. the taint of scandal


14. acetone taint


15. "The owner of copyright in a book or play has a monopoly in that particular work, and his control over the extent of its dissemination and the price charged for its use, if arbitrary, may carry the monopoly taint."


16. This then taints their view of all polymer sealants unfairly.


17. Taints Cultivation Plan


18. Beginning today I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image, my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.


19. Further questioning determines that Scarlatti has obtained his wife's consent, is guilty of no form of sacrilege or crime, and that his ancestry is free of Moorish taint.


20. No taint of dishonor ever touched him.


21. They have also been renowned for their talent at scouting out Wyrm taint where no one else could find it.


22. There seems to be a taint of drunkenness in his family.


23. He says the new names have been welcomed by Enron's employees, who are relieved that they no longer have to bear the taint of working for one of America's most infamous companies.


24. Whose senses are quieted, just like horses well tamed by the charioteer, even the gods do envy such one, who has abandoned pride and is free from taints.


25. To remove the taint, combine your item with an Essence of Cleansing at the final altar within the raid.


26. Doubt was indiscriminately cast on the pricing of securities that had any taint of subprime backing.


27. The Sith deception was devilish enough to point Vos in false directions, and to corrupt the wayward Jedi and color him with the taint of the dark side.


28. Your taint and your blessings


29. Can you take these taints out with gasoline?


30. You turn the one decent thing in your life and you taint it, strip it of all meaning.


31. To taint; contaminate.


32. boar taint


33. Doping is a curse that taints the achievements of clean athletes and robs them of the respect they deserve.


34. The actuality leads to the cultural theme taint and the tourism atmosphere desalted .


35. This disease of money and greed taints other people.


36. The mobilized soldiers have to lead an army life for a long time, which may impair their attitude to labour and so turn some of them into loafers or taint them with certain bad habits characteristic of the warlord armies.


37. Go now, and spread the taint as I have shown you!


38. Indeed, it is rare to find one who is entirely free from all taint of self-seeking.


39. The contaminated milk powder was sold by New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra's Chinese joint venture partner, Sanlu - raising fears the scandal could taint New Zealand's reputation in the massive market.


40. Sanjay Gupta: Only a few E.Coli 0157 cells can taint an entire crop.


41. He felt only the taint of such a transaction between a man like Trenor and a girl like Lily Bart.


42. a taint on one's honor


43. Then, slowly, he began to take a terrible joy in his taint.


44. 4.for never came almond glove or aromatic ointment on her palm to taint it.


45. Beware, therefore, from spoiling your deeds, which make up your provision for the Hereafter, by the taint of hypocrisy and showing-off.


46. With the use of a cork as a closure for a wine or champagne the main concern is the usual cork taint Gout de Bouchon (trichloroanisile,TCA) and Gout de Bois (a woody aroma that comes from the cork).


47. Bad books will taint the young mind.


48. “Shell’ s scofflaw approach on Sakhalin II taints the reputation of all banks associated the project,” said Doug Norlen, policy director for Pacific Environment.


49. Quality also includes exterior appearance of defects, absence of Prism, and none Kok, crack, pigmentation, color line, Hang Waterloo, marble sheet also warping, dents, taint other appearance defects.


50. Both man and boy drink from the river, not a risk-free move given the sewage, silt, and mining chemicals that taint the waters.


51. Meat taints readily in hot weather.


52. Mine, as whom washed from spot of child-bed taint


53. This is a great artist and I hope no one will taint her reputation and development due to whatever the motive.I hope we can see Ms.


54. If you fail to pay your debt to the bank in time, you will be punished both financially and mentally,as there will be taints on your credit profile.


55. William Wallace, you stand in taint of High Treason.


56. It can be used on fresh spinach and lettuce too before rinsing under running water, because vinegar isn’t going to taint the taste of your salad!


57. It was raised only recently by the powerful druids, who hope to use the island as a sanctuary for the Kaldorei while Ashenvale is cleansed of demonic taint.


58. Nothing, perhaps not even drugs, taints a contest as much as the suspicion that it has been fixed with an envelope full of notes.


59. It's a sad irony that abusive treatment sometimes drives the metis to the Wyrm, which only proves the metis! Taint in the eyes of the more hard-line elders.


60. It's a sad irony that abusive treatment sometimes drives the metis to the Wyrm, which only proves the metis!taint in the eyes of the more hard-line elders.


61. Huck, being uncommitted as yet, joined in with Tom, and the waverer quickly "explained," and was glad to get out of the scrape with as little taint of chicken-hearted homesickness clinging to his garments as he could.

尚未加盟的哈克现在站在了汤姆一边。 于是那个动摇分子马上为自己“辩护”,极力开脱自己,不想被胆

62. Even the lives you save you dismiss.You turn the one decent thing in your life and you taint it, strip it of all meaning.You're miserable for nothing.I don't know why you'd want to live.


63. Although it took place more than 70 years ago, it is still remembered with anger in China, and continues to taint the country's relationship with Japan.


64. kexey taint


65. Normalizing dirty work: managerial tactics for countering occupational taint By: Ashforth, Blake E.


66. Everything possible should be done to free them from the economic taint.


67. They don't belong there, of course, and those jeans taint your whole wash with a tinge of grey and spoil the clean freshness of that cycle.


68. And although the Tour de France is not, strictly, an American sport, the mounting evidence that doping is rife in it can only taint the Americans who have won it in the past.


69. Lawyers who allow themselves to be in such a conflict are in a position to do injustice which inevitably can taint and corrupt the system.


70. cirtical taint count


71. You are King Argos, leader of the courageous Spartan warriors waging war to destroy an evil cult that taints Greece with blood.


72. Consider, can't the mentally dense of strange this time taint with her to compromise her dirtily.


73. 28The slanderer taints himself and makes himself hated by all around him.


74. So when he accidentally taints his blood with the potion, he hardly expects his fate is about to change forever.


75. Can we be sure they are free from any taint of disloyalty?


76. What we smell with cork taint is mould, smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag - phew!


77. 5.What we smell with cork taint is mould, smelly socks cabbage or a wet hessian bag -phew!


78. Every day!And I should have communicated to you a share in my taint every day!


79. The Mitzvah Incense, which means that our mind is free from taints of misdeeds, evil jealousy, avarice, anger, spoliation, and hatred.


80. How to doing well monitor control and manage of OPS taint about surgery nurses

