

名词 tease:

someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)

同义词:teaser, annoyer, vexer

a seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men

同义词:coquette, flirt, vamp, vamper, minx, prickteaser

the act of harassing someone playfully or maliciously (especially by ridicule); provoking someone with persistent annoyances

同义词:teasing, ribbing, tantalization

动词 tease:

annoy persistently

同义词:badger, pester, bug, beleaguer

harass with persistent criticism or carping

同义词:razz, rag, cod, tantalize, tantalise, bait, taunt, twit, rally, ride

to arouse hope, desire, or curiosity without satisfying them

tear into pieces

raise the nap of (fabrics)

disentangle and raise the fibers of

同义词:tease apart, loosen

separate the fibers of


mock or make fun of playfully

ruffle (one's hair) by combing towards the ends towards the scalp, for a full effect

