

1. Students should be able to describe and appreciate the common applications of SOHO networking including resources sharing, Internet access, web serving, telecommuting, etc.


2. 7.While the flexibility of working for yourself can be nice, more and more employers are offering flex time and telecommuting options.

7. 由于为自己工作的灵活性很受欢迎,越来越多的雇主提供了弹性工作时间和远程工作的选择。

3. ADSL is designed to take advantage of the fact that video-on-demand, telecommuting, and Internet access traffic are inherently asymmetrical.


4. PDA Application in CIQ Telecommuting


5. Viscusi said.“It’s easier to fire someone who’s telecommuting” because that person is out of sight, he said.


6. "Telecommuting forces managers to use discipline," says Gordon.


7. Wouldn't it be nice to have an extra week of vacationtime? Flexible hours or telecommuting might be nice. Such rewards don't cost companies much.


8. Here are six tips for successful start in a telecommuting position.


9. Yet Gil Gordon, a telecommuting expert, says that a study has shown that employees who work at home increased their productivity by 15 to 20 percent.


10. More and more people are now telecommuting one or more days a week as opposed to going to the office everyday.


11. Experts say telecommuting can help organizations keep good workers who live far from the office, or want to move out of the area.It can also help when the office itself moves.


12. The government has tried to address the problem by promoting telecommuting and encouraging workers to take leave when they start families or need to care for elderly parents.


13. People can take fewer unwanted trips (telecommuting instead of vehicle commuting) and pursue the travel they cherish (adventure, family visits) in fuel-efficient vehicles running on low-carbon fuel.


14. Telecommuting a couple of days a week may be a possibility.


15. But a dark side of the telecommuting force is foreseen for basic clerical staff who may wind up as poorly paid workers in their cottage office.


16. Not to worry though, here are some tips that will have you on the path to telecommuting success with just at little effort and preparation.


17. But the pros and cons of home businesses versus telecommuting come into play as we assess whether we even have the personality for working at home.


18. Telecommuting sounds like a dream come true.


19. What's good for the bottom line and worker morale is also good for the atmosphere: One person telecommuting just one day a week can reduce emissions by 400 pounds per year.


20. Try joining the American Telecommuting Association to meet fellow telecommuters and get advice and resources that can be helpful.


21. Many large corporations are also expanding experiments in "telecommuting", which enables employees to work from home, using computers with Internet access, just as they would in the office.


22. What suddenly propelled ISDN back into the limelight is the growth of the internet and the rapid acceleration of telecommuting.


23. 21. Telecommuting creates a sense of estrangement among individuals and telecommuters may become indifferent to others and lack a strong team spirit.


24. Telecommuting workers soon learn that it is almost impossible to concentrate on work and care for a young child at the same time.


25. How will it affect the telecommuting (VPN) community?


26. The accomplishment of telecommuting with Windows XP


27. Home Business vs. Telecommuting Job - Which Is Right for You?


28. Telecommuting reduces pollution and allows people more time with their families, but few offices have adopted telecommuting policies.


29. Work-life benefits might include permission for telecommuting, flexible hours and on-site or subsidized child care.


30. Then came the nineteen nineties, and the rise of the personal computer and the Internet. Today, telecommuting is gaining much wider acceptance.


31. Flexible working arrangements may cut down on yourstress as well as free up some of your time. Telecommuting,job-sharing, flex hours or a compressed work week are all potentialoptions.


32. Telecommuting can help you drastically reduce the number of miles you drive every week. For more information, check out the Telework Coalition.


33. It can be tough to hang onto a part-time or telecommuting setup when you're going through a recession.


34. Telecommuting isn't for everyone, of course, but surveys have found that both employers and employees are warming up to this option.


35. Successful telecommuting provides flexibility and benefits to eng employee and to the firm.


36. Maybe we'll put less value on things that use lots of materials and more on things that don't swallow up resources-like telecommuting and the Internet


37. Perhaps those likely to be the elite creative should ponder the strengths and weaknesses of the new telecommuting life.


38. By one estimate 10 million Americans will be telecommuting in 5 years and in the process saving three quarters of a billion gallons of petrol.


39. The Terminal Designing and Solution of New Tridimensional Telecommuting System


40. Tasks better suited to telecommuting include reading, writing, making phone calls, data processing and other jobs that can easily be performed independently.


41. Some jobs are better suited to telecommuting than others. For instance, if you are a security guard, you probably cannot telecommute.


42. Every morning on the Santa Monica freeway there are thousands of commuters so hungry for telecommuting they can almost taste it.


43. Joan: I'll be in on Monday. For the rest of the week, I will be telecommuting.


44. The idea of telecommuting by computer goes back more than thirty years. For awhile, it did not gain as much popularity as its supporters had expected.


45. While the flexibility of working for yourself can be nice, more and more employers are offering flex time and telecommuting options.


46. Telecommuting Working at home and communicating with office by means of computers.


47. Study and construction on encryption telecommuting system for electric power industry


48. Telecommuting -- substituting the computer for the trip to the job -- has been hailed as a solution to all kinds of problems related to office work.

电子交通 电子交通--用电脑取代上班的往返--作为对各种各样的办公室工作问题的解决办法已受 到了欢迎。

49. electronic telecommuting

电子式上班, 电子通勤

50. Indeed,there are aspects of telecommuting that we should all examine before we burn those season tickets.


51. Indeed, there are aspects of telecommuting that we should all examine before we burn those season tickets.


52. Objective:To introduce the wireless technology appling the medical treatment, include the medical treatment of the telecommuting 、the hospital of the administration 、the case of the track and so on .


53. A flexible work life such as telecommuting, is good for your health, researchers said.


54. The study found that more than one hundred forty thousand Federal workers took part in telecommuting in 2004.That was up from about seventy three thousand in April of 2001.


55. Managers have discovered that telecommuting revitalizes their skills.


56. integrated national telecommuting


57. already demonstrated a powerful urge to dc-urbanize and telecommuting could spread them far beyond the most distant suburbs.


58. What with Houston's traffic jam horror, Route 101 in Mann County, the dying commuter railway lines of the North East, there are serious physical advantages to telecommuting.


59. Although the media has paid a great deal of attention to telecommuting in most cases it is the employee's situation, not the availability of technology that precipitates a telecommuting arrangement.

虽然传媒对电子交通 投入了极大的关注,但在很大程度上,是员工的实际情况而不是技术的可能性促成电子交通 的安排。

60. prove that telecommuting can increase workplace flexibility and add to productivity.


61. Making a telecommuting program work requires careful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular images.

要使电子交通成功需要仔细的计划并且理解电子交通的现实状况 和流行的想象之间的区别。

62. one of the main reasons many offices experience decreasing productivity is because of reverse telecommuting - staff doing personal tasks on work time.


63. Telecommuting, flexitime and job sharing were the main types of flexibility cited in the study published in the Psychologist-Manager journal.


64. Teaching Information Telecommuting and Effect in Language Lab


65. Michael: Why do you think that telecommuting would be perfect for you?


66. Michael: Billy, these days more and more people work from home. It's called telecommuting.


67. The absolute greatest scam on the planet has to be telecommuting.


68. These people are among a growing number who work from home at least one day a month.Some even do this every day.This way of working is called telecommuting or teleworking.


69. A 24-hour community telecommuting network will allow users to communicate with elected represent actives and retrieve information about government services.


70. This way of working is called telecommuting of teleworking.


71. This way of working is called telecommuting or teleworking.


72. telecommuting workers


73. Telecommuting, job-sharing, flex hours or a compressed work week are all potential options


74. Telecommuting office workers have the opportunity to fan out to the beauty spots of all the continents from where they teleconference to swap news and views and conduct their business through computer terminals.


75. Telecommuting, otherwise known as working from home, is one of the most magical buzz words yet to surface on the US micro-computing scene.


76. It is of importance and value to the fields such as remote medical treatment, videoconference, telecommuting and electronic business.


77. Users who already are skeptical of cable TV service will be unlikely to trust serious work such as telecommuting to a cable network.


78. According to George Hender of the Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council, which helps American banks plan for disasters, "99% of the business interruption plans [of the financial industry] are based on telecommuting.


79. Aside from that, I love telecommuting, I really do. And I'm sure you will too.


80. These regulations become increasingly sound and rising fuel costs, many enterprises want to implement a telecommuting, but paper files at this point you will become a stumbling block to them.

