
testtest[test]n.1.测验The candidate has passed all the tests.那个应试者已通过所有的考试。2.化验You'd better not eat anything before a blood test.在验血前你最好不要吃任何东西。3.试验, 检验Tests have shown that these new tyres are significantly safer.试验表明这些新的轮胎要安全得多。4.考验Obviously they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。5.试验品, 试金石; 试验的手段Employers will use this agreement as a test in dealing with future wage claims.雇主们将这份协议当作处理未来加薪要求的判断准绳。vt.1.测验, 考查, 检查, 检验I'll test my judgement.我要考查一下自己的判断能力。2.考验Your patience is tested by time.时间将考验你的耐心。3.勘探, 探测

test1[test]n.1.试验;测验;试用2.试验方法;测验方法3.(检验、试验)标准;准则;试金石4.考查;考验5.测验;考试;小考6.【化学】化验;化验法;化验剂;化验结果7.[英国英语]【冶金学】(提炼、分析金属的)灰皿;烤钵8.[英国口语]= test matchvt.1.测验;试验;检验:The teacher will test us on our French.老师将要测我们的法语。She has had her eyes tested.她已经检查了视力。2.考查;考验:She tested her boy friend's honesty.她考验她男朋友的诚实。to test someone's power of endurance考验某人的耐力3.【化学】化验:to test ore for gold化验矿石以确定含金量to test urine for sugar化验尿样以确定含糖量4.【冶金学】在烤钵中精炼(金属)vi.1.受试验;受测验;受考验:to test for blood sugar做血糖试验2.测得结果:He tested high in English, but low in Physics.他在英语测验中考了高分,但在物理测验中却考出低分。3.进行试验;进行测验;测试鉴定(与for连用):He used different methods to test for allergies.他用不同的方法测定变态反应性。近义词trialbattery of test(为选择职业或为学业考核而进行的)一系列综合性测验bear the test经受住考验;测试合格;经得起检验on test经受考验(或检验);经受测试put (或 bring) to the test试验;检验;使经受考验stand the test= bear the test test2[test]n.1.【动物学】(棘皮动物和被囊类动物等无脊椎动物的)甲壳;介壳2.【植物学】= testa (1.)

testtest[test]n.1.测试, 试验, 检验v.1.测试, 试验, 检验n.1.【动】介壳2.【植】种皮