

1. the song thrush


2. wood thrush

n. [鸟]画眉鸟

3. hermit thrush

n. 【动物,动物学】北美隐居鸫

4. Seven Islands Thrush

n. 七岛鸫

5. Plain-backed Mountain Thrush

n. 光背地鸫

6. Kurrichane Thrush

n. 利邦鸫

7. Cataponera Thrush

n. 卡塔鸫

8. Taiwan Whistling Thrush

n. 台湾紫啸鸫

9. Sentinel Rock Thrush

n. 哨矶鸫

10. San Cristobal Ground Thrush

n. 圣克里地鸫

11. Verreaux's Song Thrush

n. 宝兴歌鸫

12. Little Rock Thrush

n. 小矶鸫

13. Mountain Thrush Babbker

n. 山非洲雅鹛

14. La Selle Thrush

n. 拉塞尔鸫

15. Hottentot Thrush Button-Quail

n. 撒哈拉三趾鹑

16. Chestnut-breasted Quail Thrush

n. 栗胸鹑鸫

17. Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush

n. 栗腹矶鸫

18. Orange-billed Nightingale Thrush

n. 橙腹夜鸫

19. song thrush

n. 歌鸠

20. Slaty-backed Nightingale Thrush

n. 灰背夜鸫

21. Spotted-winged Ground Thrush

n. 点翅地鸫

22. White-speckled Laughing Thrush

n. 白点噪鹛

23. White-bellied Thrush Babbler

n. 白腹鸫鹛

24. Frantzius' Nightingale Thrush

n. 红顶夜鸫

25. Malabar Whistling Thrush

n. 马拉巴啸鸫

26. Rose-breasted Thrush Tanager

n. 鸫形唐纳雀

27. Black-billed Nightingale Thrush

n. 黑嘴夜鸫

28. Black-headed Nightingale Thrush

n. 黑头夜鸫

29. beggiatoa thrush

[医] 白硫菌性鹅口疮

30. thrush breast

[医] 鹅口疮状心白斑

31. "an aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,/In blast-beruffled plume" (Thomas Hardy).


32. 'Do you remember,' he said, 'the thrush that sang to us, that first day, at the edge of the wood?'


33. One northbound wood thrush, however, chose not to cross the Gulf of Mexico, possibly because it was underfed and tired due to environmental damage in its wintering grounds in South America.


34. A thrush and its young family nest in traffic lights in Leeds city centre, oblivious to the constant traffic.


35. A few opportunistic infections and symptoms such as candidiasis of the mouth, throat or vagina (thrush), herpes zoster (shingles) and herpes simplex can be managed effectively through home-based care.


36. One early thrush gave me a note or two as I drove along the woodland path.


37. an aged thrush,frail,gaunt,and small,/ In blast - beruffled plume(Thomas Hardy.


38. an aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small, / In blast - beruffled plume(Thomas Hardy.

一只脆弱、瘦削且小巧,被风吹乱羽毛的老鸫(托马斯 哈代)。

39. A thrush had alighted on a bough not five metres away, almost at the level of their faces


40. One day, Study of Heathcliff and Catherine secret out of the neighboring understanding of the thrush farmstead master aidejia•


41. One day, Study of Heathcliff and Catherine secret out of the neighboring understanding of the thrush farmstead master aidejia? Clinton.


42. A small thrush(Oenanthe oenanthe) having a gray back,buff breast,and white rump,found in open areas of most northern regions


43. common Old World thrush noted for its song.


44. medium-sized Eurasian thrush seen chiefly in winter.


45. They discoered that existing anti-fungal treatments based on azoles already target P450s, for instance in the treatment for Candida albicans (the causatie agent of thrush).


46. 2. They discovered that existing anti-fungal treatments based on azoles already target P450s, for instance in the treatment for Candida albicans (the causative agent of thrush).


47. Seeing a thrush sitting upon a tree, he wished to take it, and fitting his twigs to a proper length, watched intently, having his whole thoughts directed towards the sky.


48. He and Julia had spoken only in low whispers, and it would not pick up what they had said, but it would pick up the thrush.


49. tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song


50. tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song.


51. North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song


52. North American thrush noted for its complex and appealing song.


53. large European thrush that feeds on mistletoe berries.


54. Thrush, Robert Baldwin, Laurie Blass.

作者声明: Emily A.

55. Other causes of fussiness in babies include diaper rash, thrush, food sensitivities, nipple confusion, low milk supply, etc.


56. A few days later, Clinton died Study of Heathcliff became thrush farmstead owners.


57. Using a spacer will also help reduce the possibility of thrush.


58. Alias: necks XiangSiDiao jade, green, necks avalokitesvara. QiaoXingMu genera, thrush, flycatcher subfamily. Some in the Yangtze river basin and in jiangnan area.


59. Draw thrush line, eyebrow ministry modelling, need to turn gently only, do entirely calm.


60. An Old World thrush(Turdus pilaris) having gray and reddish-brown plumage.


61. "Your little boy is a bit wasted from his long fever, " the doctor said, "but we'll soon have him as far a young thrush again."


62. "Your little boy is a bit wasted from his long fever," the doctor said,"but we'll soon have him as far a young thrush again."


63. ' Twas the blackbird and thrush;


64. Or let thrush singing in the wall or let the cat lazily to sleep on the wall?


65. Before serious symptoms occur, an infected person may experience fever, weight loss, diarrhea, fatigue, skin rashes, shingles, thrush , or memory problems.


66. On the other hand, she thinks very rationally again, Mr.Lin of the thrush country villa can give she the nobility of everything experience.


67. Zhou Zhuren prompted an oral candidiasis, also known as thrush.


68. Across the hush a fluting thrush, Sings evensong alone.


69. Commonly found in high mountain regions above 2,000 meters, the Formosan Laughing Thrush is another bird species unique to Taiwan.


70. Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush's and a blackbird's song is the exception.


71. Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish between a thrush's and a blackbird's song is the exception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticed them.


72. When thrush, carry brows up a bit, will nose profile spins to nose ala, used base of pink of a few light color downward in the nose.


73. When thrush, want picture of besmear of ground of a root, color dizzy catch, this meeting lets brow look stereoer nature.


74. There are thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three feathers on that thrush's throat.


75. ground thrush


76. nightingale thrush


77. 7 Even the stork in the air knows it seasons; Turtledove, swallow and thrush observe their time of return, But my people do not know the ordinance of the LORD.


78. If you use preventer medicine there is a small risk of having a sore tongue, sore throat, hoarseness of the voice and a mouth infection called thrush.


79. If your child uses preventer medicine there is a small risk of them having a sore tongue or throat, hoarseness of the voice and a mouth infection called thrush.


80. Any of various similar or related birds, as a water thrush or thrasher.

