
thumpthumpD.J.:[θʌmp]K.K.:[θʌmp]vt. & vi.1.重击; (指心脏)急速跳动The excitement made her heart thump.她兴奋得心怦怦地跳。n.1.砰的重击声

thump[θʌmp]n.1.(用棍棒的)重击,捶击2.重击声,砰然声3.【无线电】键击噪音;低频噪音4.[复数用作单数]【兽病理学】猪肺病vt.1.重击;砰地撞击:He was so angry that he thumped the table with his fist.他非常生气,用拳头重捶桌子。The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.在风中,百叶窗帘砰砰地碰着墙。2.狠打,痛打;彻底击败:They thumped the thief.他们痛打了那个贼。3.重重地弹奏(与out连用):He thumped out a tune on the piano.他在钢琴上重重地弹奏出一首曲子。vi.1.重击,捶击;砰然地响:Someone is thumping at the door.有人在捶门呢。The hammer thumped against the wood.锤子砰地砸在木头上。2.(脚步)沉着地走;咚咚地走:The boy thumped down the stairs.小男孩咚咚地跑下楼梯。3.(心脏)怦怦地跳;悸动:His heart thumped with excitement at the sight of the girl.看到那个姑娘,他的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。4.全力支持;大肆宣传:All her classmates thumped for her.她的同班同学都全力支持她。

thumpthump[θʌmp]n.1.重击; 拳击; 狠打; 砰然声2.低频嗓音; 键击噪声thump filter电报干扰滤除器We heard a thump as he fell.我们听见他砰的一声倒了下去。
词性变化thump[θʌmp]vt.1.(砰地)重击, 捶击, 狠狠打2.发砰声; 砰砰地跳3.放大脚步声走路thump a glass on the table把玻璃杯砰地放在桌上The shutters thumped the wall in the wind.在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。He was thumping the keys of the piano.他用力弹钢琴。thump[θʌmp]vi.1.砰砰地走(at, on); 心脏卜卜地跳His heartthumped.他的心怦怦地跳。