

1. 11.I was nauseous and tingly all over.


2. " Body Shop lce Blue conditioner is Erin's pick, because "it makes your scalp feel tingly and has an amazing mint smell."


3. But I think if it's that little tingly feeling that makes you want to see the person all the time, and that's love.


4. Lisa: I feel all steamy and tingly.


5. Some of these couples told Huston, "'I wasn't sure I was in love because I didn't have the tingly feelings you are supposed to have,'" he said.


6. Some of these couples told Huston, I wasnt sure I was in love because I didnt have the tingly feelings you are supposed to have, he said.


7. It might feel a bit tingly as this happens, like pins and needles or even a bit painful.


8. Um, it's just that, if my lips are gonnabe tingly, then I-I...

嗯 只不过 之后我的嘴唇。会变得又痛又麻 那我-我...

9. "Body Shop lce Blue conditioner is Erin's pick, because "it makes your scalp feel tingly and has an amazing mint smell."


10. If you occasionally experience a sudden flash of pain, or a mild tingly feeling when you bite into sweet or sour foods, or drink hot or cold beverages, you may have sensitive teeth.

如 果 你 偶 而 在 咬 甜 或 酸 的 食 物 、 喝 热 或 冷 的 饮 料 时 突 然 觉 得 疼 痛 , 或 有 轻 微 刺 痛 的 感 觉 , 你 可 能 有 牙 质 过 敏 的 情 况 。

11. It gives you this cool tingly feeling when you put it on.Almost all of the ingredients are natural, which is a plus.


12. We feel “tingly” or we feel “heavy.


13. I was already tingly down there form the excitement of finding such a naughty secret box.


14. I stretched luxuriously-a good and tingly sensation


15. 11. I was nauseous and tingly all over. I was either in love or I had smallpox.


16. My friend had gotten up for an early morning stroll with a lovely dog named "Tingly".


17. Jason: I don't know it's kind of a sort of a tingly, intense, light sort of super Maggie kinda thing.


18. Mike: Ah I don't specifically remember he mentioning steamy and tingly, I'll, er, have to ask him about that. Oh ha how about that study's test last Friday.


19. It's the emotion that gives youa warm, tingly feeling and makes you want to be a better person.


20. Regret tingly, lacking of information, the popularization of this method is hindered, which result in delaying to put education cost index into the comprehensive evaluation index system .

