

1. At 2 a. m, Mrs.Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room."Tiptoe down-stairs," she told her husband."Don' t turn on the lights.

" 半夜两点,科尔肯太太确信听到客厅有贼,便对丈夫说:“别开灯,蹑手蹑脚下楼,别让贼发觉,悄悄靠近他。”

2. "Thank you," she said softly. And she moved forward, right up against him. She went on tiptoe and looped her arms around his neck.


3. look on tiptoe


4. Tiptoe is the most neutral verb.


5. be on the tiptoe of expectation

v. 翘首以待 殷切期望

6. walk on tiptoe

v. 蹑足而行

7. "Not a word," said Quilp, making towards the door on tiptoe.


8. "Even concoction," he tells us,"People led by the odor of cooking but want to stand on tiptoe beside the pots gnawing the ends of their fingers as they wait for the dishes to cool.


9. "slur-footed ironies, veiled jokes, tiptoe malices" (Edith Wharton)


10. "Good-by, for the present," replied the count, walking upon tiptoe towards the library door, and smiling with an expression so sad and paternal that the young girl's heart was filled with gratitude.


11. " Tiptoe downstairs," she told her husband."Don't turn on the lights.Sneak up on him before he knows what's happening.

“踮着脚下楼去,” 她告诉丈夫,“别开灯,在他什麽都不知道之前偷偷跑上去抓住他。”

12. Three minutes later the old man and his sons, well armed, were up the hill, and just entering the sumach path on tiptoe, their weapons in their hands.

三分钟后,老人和他的儿子带好武器上了山。 他们手里拿着武器,踮着脚进入了绿树成荫的那条小路。

13. Why did the girl tiptoe past the medicine cabinet?


14. Even if it is higher so what? Stand on the tiptoe close to the sunshine!


15. Bend thigh to horizontal level, heel should not leave the floor and the other tiptoe touch the floor.


16. They were met here by a servant and a church attendant with a censer, who walked on tiptoe and took no notice of them.


17. They tiptoe upstairs so as not to wake the baby

他们踮著脚上楼, 生怕把孩子吵醒

18. They tiptoe upstairs so as not to wake the baby.


19. They used to go upstairs together on tiptoe, each with a candle, and on the third landing exchange reluctant good-nights.


20. He discovered that with Miss Daisy Millar there was no great need of walking on tiptoe.


21. He stood on tiptoe and reached as high as he could and the barrier was still there.


22. He came back late and crept in on tiptoe.


23. He stood tiptoe upon a little hill


24. He looked round inquiringly towards his monitress, and perceived that she had gone out again on tiptoe into the reception-room where Prince Vassily had remained with the eldest princess.


25. He had to stand on tiptoe to reach the shelf.


26. He planned to tiptoe in so that she wouldn't see him; he didn't want her to be the first to witness his defeat precisely because of her high regard for him.

他想轻手蹑脚的进去,别教虎姑娘看见; 正因为她平日很看得起他,所以不愿头一个就被她看见他的失败。

27. He danced with his knees, on tiptoe, hunching his shoulders to his ears.


28. He stood on tiptoe and peeped through one of these windows.


29. He stood on tiptoe to scan the crowd.


30. He walked into the room on tiptoe, afraid of waking up the baby.


31. He walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the patient.


32. He walked on tiptoe.


33. Ernest stood on tiptoe.


34. He stood on tiptoe and tried to see over the wall.


35. He inflated his chest; he seemed to rise on tiptoe to make his concluding speech.


36. Rise tiptoe stand on tiptoe first with counting the speed of 5 slowly, but can stop a bit in apogee, count the speed of 5 again slow next calcaneal slowly put down, till the nadir.


37. 1.to expect anxiously; 2.to stand on tiptoe

38. Those who stand on tiptoe are not steady. Those who strain their strides cannot long keep up the pace.


39. The bushes are silver filigree, so light, so much on tiptoe in this enchanted world.


40. Your cap is on the table, Tom. Stand on tiptoe and get it.


41. be on tiptoe with curiosity

充满好奇心 好奇得心里发痒

42. In the intimate dark there's never an ear,Though the tulips stand on tiptoe to hear,So give;ripe fruit must shrivel or fall.


43. Back on the wall again, stand on tiptoe, register again


44. Several children are standing on tiptoe to look into the house.


45. Don't make any noise. Steal a tiptoe to the door.


46. Movement 3 slow crouch tiptoe partly outward side spreads out, hip seems to looking for a bench, slow underground crouchs.


47. I stood on tiptoe, face upward and back straightened, to hand the cloth-wrapped bundle onto the counter. How strange the pawnbroker should have put up a counter so forbiddingly high.


48. It was long past noon when he awoke. His valet had crept several times on tiptoe into the room to see if he was stirring.


49. At 2 a.m.Mrs.Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room.''Tiptoe down-stairs."she told her husband."Don't turn on the lights.Sneak up him before he knows what's happening.


50. At 2 a.m.Mrs.Culkin was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room.“Tiptoe down-stairs,”she told her husband.“Don't turn on the lights.Sneak up him before he knows what's happening.


51. When flay shoemaker and boss speak of this thing after, he takes off the shoe, showed tiptoe part to taking the white sock of ferruginous red likewise.


52. Then, after seeing her eyes closed, and hearing her breathe gently, he believed she had dropped asleep, and left the apartment on tiptoe, closing the door after him with the utmost precaution.


53. slur - footed ironies, veiled jokes, tiptoe malices(bEdith Wharton)

含糊的讽刺,模糊的笑话,偷偷的怨恨(b伊迪丝 华顿)

54. slur - footed ironies,veiled jokes,tiptoe malices(bEdith Wharton)


55. slur - footed ironies, veiled jokes, tiptoe malices(Edith Wharton)

含糊的讽刺,模糊的笑话,偷偷的怨恨(伊迪丝 华顿)

56. slur - footed ironies,veiled jokes,tiptoe malices(Edith Wharton)


57. Standing on tiptoe behind Chu Yin-chiu's seat, Chou Chungwei read the letter aloud from beginning to end.


58. Because it's the metatarsal bone that's broken, I can't tiptoe and unfortunately that's the only way to work the calf muscle.


59. Christmas stands on its tiptoe and comes briskly.Please speak out the expectations and hopes in your heart gently facing it.


60. Chritmas stands on its tiptoe and comes briskly.Please speak out the expectations and hopes in your heart gently facing it.


61. 1. I stood on tiptoe and handed the card from my school’s help-wanted board to the tall, ruddy-faced man behind the counter of Mort’s Deli at Farmers’ Market in Los Angeles.


62. Discussing his willingness to declare his lack of religious faith, he said: "I think the days where politicians tiptoe round issues because they are considered to be somehow no-go areas politically...


63. Act iii. Sc. 5. Night‘s candles are burnt out,and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain-tops.


64. The Obama and McCain campaigns tiptoe around the bail-out's specifics, all too aware that spelling out the consequences of the plan may make their party's platforms less ap-pealing.


65. She stood on tiptoe, looking over Mary's shoulders into the room where she suspected a lover to be lurking.


66. She does not tiptoe through life taking cues from others.


67. She sat down and played with them, but the thought of her husband and his causeless ill-temper worried her all the time.She got up, and walked with difficulty on tiptoe to the little divan-room.


68. She ogles at him and they tiptoe to her bedroom.


69. She had to stand on tiptoe to reach the top shelf.


70. Why did the lady walking on her tiptoe?


71. She went away, walking on tiptoe out of the room.


72. Her stand on tiptoe is worn the foot looks toward the window, see bicephalous ass is by fasten on fence, every hanged a big shop sign on asinine neck directly.


73. She walked into the room on tiptoe.


74. She stood on tiptoe.


75. If you are organized, you can tiptoe between all these retrograde dates and time your actions perfectly.


76. If I pass out during the show, please don't awaken me. God knows I need the rest. Just stand up, grab your stuff, and tiptoe [18] toward the exit.


77. If the problem is long-term, think twin beds or separate rooms. You can always tiptoe in for a morning cuddle after a good night's sleep.


78. Natasha went noiselessly on tiptoe to the table, took the candle, carried it away, and going back, sat quietly in her place.


79. She was on tiptoe on the morning of her wedding.


80. The children were on tiptoe before the birthday party.

