

1. VM ware Inc , a global leader in virtualisation software, said on Thursday it hopes to expand rapidly in China, a market where it has only recently established a toehold.

(全球最大虚拟软件生产商VMware Inc周四表示,希望在中国大展拳脚。该公司最近才在中国站稳阵脚。

2. get a toehold

vt. 想办法进入某些组织或结识某些人

3. There are factories in China that can and do produce cellular phones, but hardly enough to meet current demand or to gain a toehold for Chinese manufacturers.


4. There are factories in China that can and do produce cellular phones but hardly enough to meet current demand or to gain a toehold for Chinese manufacturers.


5. A few call centres have already got a toehold in the market and expect to expand fast when the cables arrive.


6. "But I think that the primary concern is, Peshawar is critical.They cannot allow these guys to have a real toehold in that area.


7. 1.But the latter is gradually acquiring a toehold, with the appearance of new groupings which give off the strong whiff of Bin Laden.


8. Another bank building a strategic toehold in Hong Kong is Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Ltd.


9. On the other hand, when entering a fiercely competitive market, it may be necessary to accept a short-term loss by undercutting market prices to gain a market toehold.


10. In Packard's prairie the toehold of fire enables the existence of wildflowers which enable the existence of butterflies.


11. One in three "adult-kids" whohave not left the parental nest say they are still living at home because theycannot afford to get a toehold on the property ladder by buying or renting.


12. Family connections gave her a toehold in politics.


13. Smaller numbers of Bulgarians, Romanians, Moldovans, Ukrainians, Georgians and Russians also have a toehold in Greece.


14. Drawn in by their effective advertising, we do the work of carrying apple seeds to new territory where the species can gain a toehold and expand.


15. But more importantly, once one variety of life has a toehold in a place, the inherently transforming nature of life modifies the environment until it is fit for other species of life.


16. By the end of the day, the Allies had achieved a tenuous toehold that would be laboriously expanded over the next weeks and would lead ultimately to the Nazi defeat in the West.


17. It isn't too late for companies that don't yet have a toehold outside the U.S., he adds.


18. 1.Right now CDMA has only a toehold in Asia,but it could become the standard there if it's successful in China.


19. The first phase of construction is done.Admiral Westwind has ordered a group of my men to establish a toehold further to the north.


20. American diplomacy provided a toehold on which to proceed toward peace talks.


21. In the eyes of prospering mainstream commercial theatres these days, many of those plays may not be acceptable or will even be given a toehold.


22. This is one reason why foreign banks trip over each other to get even a toehold in a Chinese bank.


23. The firm is anxious to gain a toehold in the North American market.


24. Such is our slippery toehold here on Earth, and so it has always been.

