

1. [2]Zhao J, Yang H C, Zha Z L, et al.Inspection of Drug Toler ance of Veterinary Medicine[J].Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicin. 1998,24(11):12-13.

(in Chinese)赵静,杨汉春,查振林.规模化猪场大肠杆菌耐药性监测[J].中国兽医杂志,1998,24(11):12-13.

2. 90. Carcinoid flush cannot be reproduced by 5-HT infusion though bradykinin injection will produce a tolerably close imitation.


3. A tolerably well-behaved one would say,"Peasant association? I have lived here for decades,tilling my land. I never heard of such a thing before,yet I've managed to live all right. I advise you to give it up!"


4. "Oh, she is naughty!" I cried, perceiving the master to be tolerably sober.


5. "Better than perfect, sir," Toler told her, a crack in his voice on the last word.


6. through the forest of shins, "but I know tolerably well how todiagnose a volcano.


7. "I think Dukakis has done a tolerably good job." the consultant said.


8. "Lieutenant Toler," she said. "Mister Hakawa?"


9. In the course of one Lent, a youthful vicar came to D----, and preached in the cathedral. He was tolerably eloquent.


10. Lisa heard Toler's chair swivel.


11. At the present day it is a tolerably large town, ornamented all the year through with plaster villas, and on Sundays with beaming bourgeois.


12. A tolerably long silence ensued


13. He is not tolerably well, as he told me to tell papa;but he's better, very likely.


14. It was one of his habits to come tolerably often to celebrate the offices in the chapel of the nuns of the Petit-Picpus.


15. For many weeks he lay in a fever accompanied by delirium, and by tolerably grave cerebral symptoms, caused more by the shocks of the wounds on the head than by the wounds themselves.


16. He plays the piano tolerably well.


17. He wasted a tolerably large allowance, something like three thousand francs a year, in doing nothing.


18. He was looking tolerably mellow.


19. His bedroom was tolerably large, and rather difficult to warm in bad weather


20. He perceives his delicate constitution, and the necessity of treating him tolerably.


21. he was obliged to make a tolerably vigorous effort to recall what had been the subject of his thoughts before midnight had struck;he finally succeeded in doing this.


22. He sprang off the bed and applied his eye to the keyhole, which was tolerably large, hoping to see the person who had made his way by night into the house and had listened at his door, as he passed.


23. In this way he traversed a tolerably long distance, gazing, calling, shouting, but he met no one.


24. He plays the piano tolerably (well).


25. He was tolerably eloquent and the subject of his sermon was charity


26. Taking mechanical parts as example, the application procedures of the meth od to 3D dimension and toler...


27. But it can be done at least tolerably well.


28. For use in the food industry Toler...

刺入式热电阻Resistance Thermometers Insertion Probes 食品处理行业专用铂电阻.

29. And even if they were tolerably normal to start off with, the stress, the power and the glory often makes them demented in the end.


30. And even if them were tolerably normal to start off with, the stress, the power and the glory frequently dos them demented in the end.


31. HSIX8 at price 13850), or using the “market price” plus the “toler”.


32. except a tolerably long wooden coffer;


33. and yet entertain a tolerably good opinion of himself!


34. So this function allows user to set a stop price higher or lower than the targeted stop price, and set the toler so the total would be equal to the targeted stop price.


35. The garden was enclosed by a tolerably low white wall, easy to climb.


36. On the left hand side of Figure 1 , it is set to open a position at a particular price (i.e. sell 2 lots of at price 123.80) , or using the “market price” plus the “toler”.


37. On the left hand side of Figure 1 , it is set to open a position at a particular price (i.e.HSIX8 at price 13850), or using the “market price” plus the “toler”.


38. In any tolerably governed country they render to its operations a service far more than equivalent to the cost.


39. and in any tolerably governed country they render to its operations a service far more than equivalent to the cost.


40. Nations tolerably well advanced as to skill, dexterity, and judgment, in the application of labour, have followed very different plans in the general conduct or direction of it;


41. Cosette had been beautiful for a tolerably long time before she became aware of it herself.


42. During the daytime Valentine's perceptions remained tolerably clear, owing to the constant presence of M. Noirtier, who caused himself to be carried to his granddaughter's room, and watched her with his paternal tenderness;


43. Beneath the folds of this veil of smoke, and thanks to his small size, he could advance tolerably far into the street without being seen.


44. In the meanwhile the hours passed, if not rapidly, at least tolerably


45. In this blind alley there were tolerably low walls which abutted on gardens whose bounds adjoined the immense stretches of waste land.Jean Valjean evidently must have fled in that direction.


46. Keimer and I lived on a pretty good, familiar footing, and agreed tolerably well, for he suspected nothing of my setting up.


47. but, exerting herself vigorously to repel the ill-natured attack, she presently answered the question in a tolerably disengaged tone.


48. -- And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem, was added the distressing conviction that it was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she had chosen.


49. - and to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem, was added the distressing conviction that it was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she had chosen.


50. She had taken a few steps into the room, and had deposited a tolerably bulky parcel on the table.


51. "She directed her voice starboard, toward Toler's station beneath the threat board."Mister Toler, you're the youngest among us.How's your vision?


52. She lifted the stone, which was tolerably large.Beneath it was something which resembled a letter.


53. she plays tennis tolerably.


54. We might have got on tolerably, notwithstanding, but for two people, Miss Cathy and Joseph.


55. Andrea had formed a plan which was tolerably clever


56. As to the language, although I can speak and read it tolerably well, it will keep me busy until my dying day.


57. Greece's travails seem all the odder after a recent economic record which, to judge by the basic numbers alone, looks tolerably good.


58. The young man took the helm, felt to see if the vessel answered the rudder promptly and seeing that, without being a first-rate sailer , she yet was tolerably obedient,--


59. In order to reach them, it was necessary to risk himself in a tolerably large unsheltered and illuminated space.


60. One of your ancestors had joied the Crusades, and supposing it to be only that of St. Louis, that makes you mount to the thirteenth century, which is tolerably ancient."


61. I feel tolerably well today.


62. I'm tolerably intimate with him.


63. I hope it all went off tolerably well.


64. I have reckoned upon a medium that a child just born will weigh 12 pounds, and in a solar year, if tolerably nursed, increaseth to 28 pounds.


65. I climbed up the nearest trunk manageed to find a tolerably comfortable fork in which to sit.


66. 31. I believe that species come to be tolerably well-defined objects.


67. I have reckoned upon a medium that a child just born will weigh twelve pounds, and in a solar year if tolerably nursed increased to twenty-eight pounds.


68. Thus he proceeded in a tolerably perplexed state of mind, putting to himself a hundred questions about this enigmatical personage.


69. So in a way Canadians are always conscious of the fact that they could be beaten up;they're always conscious of the fact that the Americans in fact have behaved in a tolerably decent fashion.


70. Toler and someone else made startled sounds.


71. He had infinit patienc and toler for t hose who disagre with him.

按直线展开 , 层层深入 , 辅助句紧扣中心思想。

72. With a view to that, toler can be set to guarantee the success in stop loss.


73. 1. The observances of the Church concerning feasts and fasts are tolerably well kept since the rich keep the feasts and the poor the fasts.


74. More widely, the number of “electoral democracies” (those with tolerably free and fair elections) dropped by two, to 119 (thanks to four demotions and two promotions).


75. And a woman and several children are tied to a fellow like that!Incredible that a man can take such a face and carcase about with him, and yet entertain a tolerably good opinion of himself!


76. One poor chap, who had no other grandeur to offer, said with tolerably manifest pride in the remembrance:


77. When people who are tolerably fortunate in their outward lot do not find in life sufficient enjoyment to make it valuable to them,the cause generally is.caring for nobody but themselves.


78. I knew, through experience , that I was tolerably attractive.


79. As she was about to resume her seat there, she observed on the spot which she had quitted, a tolerably large stone which had, evidently, not been there a moment before.


80. Forsythe stepped through the hatch, throwing Toler a hard look before joining Price at one of the forward heads-up display screens.

