

1. Fire-lighting was revolutionised by the discovery of phosphorus,isolated in 1669 by a German alchemist trying to transmute silver into gold.


2. Initiations 3024-15000 are utilized transmute all Andromedan DNA.


3. "the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained" (Suzanne LaFollette)


4. Transmute Arcanite no longer has a cooldown.


5. One must allow the biological changes that lead to the heating up of the form upon a cellular level to transmute the thought-form and become unity based.


6. To the degree that the negative of one is expressed, will the other be given an opportunity to transmute;


7. On the fifteenth day the three realms of Heaven, Hell and the realm of the living are open and both Taoists and Buddhists would perform rituals to transmute and absolve the sufferings of the deceased.


8. And so it shall continue, as the further Earth goes up in vibration, the faster she shall transmute herself into yet a higher vibration.


9. Impossible to transmute lead into gold.


10. Medieval alchemists attempted to transmute base metals into gold.


11. Why is DNA so difficult to transmute in human form, or mammal form such as dolphin and whale?


12. One's field, if properly spinning will spin off the density and patterning one must transmute each day of ascension.


13. The person has sloth.Will transmute slowly in the good environment, crock up, die.This is very dangerous, is also the most sorrow.


14. Transmute from the princess prime minister,


15. They'll transmute the abundant raw materials into finished products.


16. The subconscious mind will transmute into its physical equivalent, by the most direct and practical media available, any order which is given to it in a state of BELIEF, or FAITH that the order will be carried out.

任何下达给潜意识的指令,只要是出之以信念、信心的形式,灌输给潜意识,潜意识就会执行命令,并以最直接的实际 做法,化指令为相对应的实质事物。

17. 3.Any potential travesty is avoided by choosing to release or return the karma and transmute the thought-form instead.


18. However, Emperor's stroke covered up the disaster that supervisors began to divide and transmute.


19. That luxury appears to be fading as power consumption has skyrocketed and the circuit boards on which the microprocessors sit threaten to transmute themselves into space heaters.


20. One must also intend to release and transmute all thought-form associated with parenting styles that are omnipresent, fear-based and dictatorial in nature.


21. You don't need to have another card with the same converted mana cost in your library to play the transmute ability, and you don't need to find a card even if there is one.


22. One must analyze oneself of one's own inherent predisposition, and then begin to transmute the thought-form behind the predisposition chunk by chunk.


23. You take what was fear, what was darkness, what was void and transmute it into love.


24. You knew you could transmute it.


25. With the right rituals matter could be influenced to transmute into higher forms.


26. Allow the sun to begin to transmute the patterning and karma.


27. The Language of Light is designed to transmute the poisons associated with 3000 strands and below.


28. Transmute Primal Water to Air


29. Transmute Primal Shadow to Water CD


30. To change(one substance)into another;transmute.


31. To change(one substance) into another; transmute.


32. Gurus cannot lead another home to their own Tao or self within;nor can they help transmute the music and movements to earlier experiences in one's inheritance and multidimensional expression.


33. One must therefore be thorough, allowing all parts of the form to transmute as necessary, and give the form every nutrient necessary to bring forth it's biological transmutation.


34. It is in constant contact with the brain stem and thymus to assure that the form has the right amount of each chemical necessary to continue to transmute the body in ascension.


35. In Ascension, we "transmute" the physical body form by integrating more and more of the "Multiple Levels of Conscious Energy" of our Selves into our biological energetic template.


36. All kingdoms are retrieving their knowledge on how to transmute toxic substances at this time of ascension, as Earth overall must be detoxified due to human technological practices.


37. In autumn, some of the pine trees turn amber yellow, while the deciduous trees transmute their green leaves into patches of bright yellow, orange, and scarlet.


38. This creation is one of 3 that has ongoing problems with falls into density or matter, and each of these 3 creations received far too much darkness or density to transmute alone.


39. Transmute Primal Water to Shadow CD


40. If one has not the genealogical information to transmute scar tissue, then one can go no further, as further ascension requires the biological capacity to dissolve scar tissue.


41. to transmute elements


42. The standing alone is to transmute, livinging the body strength to transmute, the spirit stirs stanza to transmute.


43. Begin to say, "I will transmute this fear.


44. Transmute sexual energy towards the intellect, dedicating your spare time to the arts and to study.


45. As you transmute the energies, as you process the fear and the darkness into love and acceptance and light, you are making contributions to the whole.


46. As I transmute the beliefs that create my undesired life experiences, then I move beyond them and into a gentler and more joyous dreams as well as family life.


47. Ascension long ago served to transmute karma of the consensus known as Earth so that Earth could retain her vibration.


48. Somehow the neutrinos transmute into other particles and heat up the Earth's core.The Earth's crust loses its moorings and begins to weaken and slide around.


49. We can transmute water power into electric power.


50. We can't transmute base metals into gold.


51. We can transmute water power into electrical power


52. More examples: transmute We can transmute waterpower into electrical power.


53. I intend to transmute the thought-form of annihilation in my ancestry, field and form.


54. I intend to transmute all DNA that is related to the Pleiades or Orion and creates a self destructive biology.


55. All new holograms will hold the grand master information on how to ascend, transmute thought-form, alter DNA, and alter grid work.


56. Six gems plus one sword transmute into a socketed long sword.


57. the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained(bSuzanne LaFollette)See Synonyms at bconvert

把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势(b苏珊 拉福莱特)参见

58. the tendency to transmute what has become customary into what has been divinely ordained(Suzanne LaFollette)See Synonyms at convert

把已经成为常规的东西转化成为神所预定的东西的趋势(苏珊 拉福莱特)参见

59. It is possible to or=# cc0066> transmute one form of energy into another.


60. It is impossible to transmute base metals into gold.


61. Analyzing the influence of steel cable force and transmute property in twisting for steel-thread


62. Ascend, transmute and transcend, and one will embody internal beauty that shall emulate compassion in action.


63. A radioactive atom could transmute itself into an entirely different kind of atom


64. It is for this reason that mastering Language of ONE paradigms are so useful unto ascending humans, as they help to transform all other dissonant thought-form that one is vying to transmute ahead.


65. Soul will show one how to transcend and transmute such patterning so that one may create another life experience into the future.


66. Fire-lighting was revolutionised by the discovery of phosphorus, isolated in 1669 by a German alchemist trying to transmute silver into gold.


67. One of the supreme quests of alchemy is to transmute lead into gold.


68. Then you will be in position to transmute your DESIRES into their physical or financial counterpart as easily as you may lie down and quit at the first sign of opposition.

然后你已站稳脚步,可以像当初碰到第一个反 对讯号就歇手罢休一样,轻易地化你的渴望为对应的实物或财 物了。

69. As one perceives where the emotions are coming from, it is easier to understand, embrace and transmute, from the Bear Kingdom's point of view.


70. Love is the most powerful force in the universe; love can transmute and transcend any difficult pattern or dense level of thought-form.


71. Matter Rearrangement. You transmute one metal to another.


72. The object is, naturally, to acquire the ability to transmute the intangible thought impulse of DESIRE into its physical counterpart, money.


73. Her peaceful aspect is depicted by the lotus frond.Like Hindu goddess Kali, her role is to transmute suffering.Her left hand holds high the lamp of liberation.


74. The sixth shall throw down the walls of Ireland and transmute its forests into a level plain.


75. The "normal" thing is for a particle to undergo decay and transmute itself into other lighter particles


76. Guilt lowers your physical and spirtitual energy, while joy elevates you and allows you to fly. Give us your guilt and we will transmute it into joy.


77. And ascension in creations 9 through 14 is impossible because there is so much serpent souls that there are not enough dragons to transmute the darkness or density to ascend.


78. And as you do that, as you walk through the fears, you transmute all energies and turn them into an energy of love.


79. To move beyond this, one must be able to transmute thought-form, as it is after 1800 that one begins to embrace the Language of Light and transmute electrical patterning.


80. Keywords abstain;auto stop working machine;transmute;

