

1. “Science says that energy can never be created nor destroyed, only changed or transmuted.


2. The higher the vibration that one holds, the more of the wastes are transmuted into gases rather than requiring transference via the blood to the waste management systems of the biology.


3. She transmuted the choicest slices of fish into blackened slabs of charcoal, and fresh vegetables, baptized in oil and pickled in salt, became mush.


4. That which is unloving is transmuted along with that which is of codependent love in nature.


5. All darkness must be confronted, transmuted and transcended in order for the associated lost parts of self to be reunited with the remainder of one's field.


6. Chemists tin former times spent whole lifetimes trying to transmuted lead into gold, without success.


7. They transmuted the raw materials into finished products.


8. He was a boy born to be quite wicked who was being very good and he carried his wickedness around with him transmuted into a sort of teasing gaiety


9. He was a boy born to be quite wicked who was being very good and he carried his wickedness around with him transmuted into a sort of teasing gaiety.


10. He took the sonata, symphony and concerto, consolidated in form by C. P. E. Bach, Haydn and Mozart, and transmuted them into grandiose, great and mad music of unprecedented scope and variety.


11. But fear and pain will become transmuted into an inner peace and serenity that come from a very deep place - from the Unmanifested itself.


12. One replaces what one has transmuted with the unity-based thought-form of the Language of Light.


13. The parts of your biology that still haven't been transmuted to reflect your truth are misleading you.


14. All the sorrows of saints shall be thus transmuted, even the worst of them, which look as if they must forever remain fountains of bitterness.

信徒所有的忧伤,无论是多深沈,表面上 看起来像是苦毒的泉源,都可转变成为喜乐。

15. The point is that fear is only a vibration and can be released and transmuted by one's larger chakras in the aurora.


16. The very poison that kills is transmuted into the elixir of life.


17. The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of six definite, practical steps,


18. The method by which DESIRE for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent, consists of six definite, practical steps, viz:


19. Ownership is a form of attachment that begins to be transmuted by the new rotational energy flow as this tone is mastered in one's ascent.


20. Research on the Exhaust Characteristics for the Engine Combusting with the Gasoline Transmuted from Carbinol


21. transmuted wood


22. In former times it was thought that ordinary metal can be transmuted into gold


23. metal could be transmuted into gold.


24. In former times it is thought that ordinary metal can be transmuted into gold.


25. Pale violet on the other hand is a form of erasure that allows pain, programming and machinery to be transmuted.


26. Ardath: Also visualize the negative thought inside of the bubble being transmuted and turned into something positive.


27. Peace and unity are gradually embraced as all karma for warfare and disease is transmuted from one's lengthy ancestry.


28. Therefore they are the vehicle of Buddha amitabha, who represents desire And attachment transmuted into the Wisdom of Discriminating Awareness.


29. In 2001, she was guided to no longer swim in the ocean until the ocean transmuted itself to a safer level of vibration into the distant future.


30. Everywhere the oppositional mood of the people was transmuted into a definitely revolutionary mood.


31. The original cause of any thought-form upon earth must be uncovered in order for such a thought-form to be transmuted and transcended.


32. Such DNA is generally transmuted and the associated thought-form transcended by 1800 strands in ascension.


33. Under the background of the great social change, the secret party or society transmuted and the transmutation went through three stages.


34. Through the instructions described in the chapter on auto-suggestion, you were definitely informed of the method by which DESIRE may be transmuted into its monetary equivalent.

在自我暗示那章中描述的说明指示,已确切地告诉了你化 渴望为对应财富的具体方法。

35. Earth was to be used as a place to polarize unwanted darkness and fission karma that was never to be transmuted in Sirian ascension.


36. If it is not transmuted into some creative effort it will find a less worthy outlet.


37. If the energy fails to flow in the physical, it causes physical pain and can lead to disease if not transmuted over time.


38. It is only transmuted, transformed in the birth, death and rebirth cycles of life.


39. Allow these pictures and icy cold energy to ground to the center of the Earth and all memories of death to be transmuted.


40. As the karma dissipates, the thought-form is transmuted and transcended.


41. As I, as a global consciousness ascend, the pain in my field and form is transmuted, transcended and erased.


42. As all of humanity ascends, all such unconscious karma will also be transmuted, thus allowing for the experience of peace on Earth to become a living reality.


43. As all foreign DNA is transmuted in the act of ascension, and one returns to the original genetic structure seeded upon Earth by the Sirian race, one becomes solely magnetic again.


44. As all Pleiadian DNA is transmuted in the ascent ahead, one will cease to reject oneself, and the experience of rejection will also cease in one's life experience.


45. As the genetics for ascension are embodied, the genetic material from all electrical sources, whether they be Andromedan, Grey, or Reptilian are gradually transmuted to a magnetic-only system.


46. As initiates ascend, the densest frequencies are transmuted to a point that there is nothing black, brown or gray in color in the auric field whatsoever.


47. As the denser format of dream is transmuted along with the thought-form that drew the dream unto you, then a lighter dream will manifest instead.


48. As the counter substance is blended with the toxin, the toxin is transmuted into something inert, and sometimes into something helpful to the continued ascent.


49. As the cells are transmuted in ascension, viruses that may have hidden for your entire lifetime may surface to be cleansed.


50. As the corn and the grapes are transmuted into flesh and blood, so must your natural minds be changed into spiritual.


51. As the attachment leaves, the pockets of decay and scar tissue can be transmuted upon a biological level within the form.


52. We are just trying to maintain, in a transmuted form, part of what was good of the previous generation.


53. On the Transmuted Mentality of the nuova era Writers in their "Paradise Regained"


54. It was once thought that lead could be transmuted into gold.


55. Sometimes the toxins then cause the body to die as they are not thoroughly transmuted in the choice to ascend.


56. The ashes of its funeral pyre shall be transmuted into swans, which will swim away upon dry land as though in water.


57. Gray, Reptilian and Andromedan DNA is generally cast off and transmuted in the ascent to 1024.


58. A believer in or practitioner of a system of pseudoscientific thought that held that "base" metals like lead could be changed, or "transmuted," into gold.


59. However as each layer of cause is transmuted, then one does move beyond the pain and into the authentic joy again.


60. The Red Army is like a furnace in which all captured soldiers are transmuted the moment they come over.


61. Coal transmuted to diamonds by eons of intense pressure


62. In the spiritual world, the old physician and the minister -- mutual victims as they have been -- may, unawares, have found their earthly stock of hatred and antipathy transmuted into golden love.


63. Furthermore, the very language that is electrical must be transcended and transmuted in full by 6000 strands in order to master Bodhisattva level of evolution.


64. Furthermore, one must be thorough, as any part of the form that has not been transmuted due to an incomplete ascension and the schisms associated will become diseased over time if left unattended to.


65. The grapes of the vineyard, with the other fruits are they not transmuted by the Spirit into my blood?


66. Tsai Ming-Liang, the poet of desire, despair, and longing transmuted into hope, has made his most daringly tender and personal film to date.


67. transmuted score


68. What started as a practical calculation was in time transmuted by Brand's emotional nature into a psychological necessity.


69. These are also the holographic natures that begin to be transmuted to the new astrology for ascension through the integration of the crystalline genetic materials.


70. In the alchemy of his brain, trigonometry and mathematics and the whole field of knowledge which they betokened were transmuted into so much landscape.


71. He started to quest for the relation between ceramic object and its functionality;some has its functions transmuted, some are devoid of its function.

这次展览结集了他年多以来就陶瓷器物与它的功能性的关系的创作,当中有些转化其原先的功能 ;

72. Here we see Machiavelli's legacy transmuted in Hobbes's philosophy of power.


73. It is through Soul Infusion that the remaining 30% of the serpents in their etheric grid work shall be transmuted, gradually and over time, until they enter the fifth dimension.


74. Genetic transformation occurs in many stages in ascension, and the same regions are transmuted again and again over time into yet again new biochemical systems in the journey to Full Consciousness.


75. Their ignorance can't be transmuted into awareness with money.


76. As that negative phase is transmuted the relationship is improved and the pain neutralized.


77. Darkness transmuted is light of the Light.

