

1. "Benevolence and good-neighbourliness"were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


2. "Benevolence and good-neighborliness" were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


3. Weapon quality( Handcrafted, Treasured, Legendary, Fabled, or Mythical) is now a greater factor in the damage potential of weapons.


4. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.


5. NIV] I will turn my face away from them, and they will desecrate my treasured place; robbers will enter it and desecrate it.


6. I will turn my face away from them, and they will desecrate my treasured place; robbers will enter it and desecrate it.


7. Study some systems.The skill that similar to in ARPG is clicked.But click and use and study the treasured book in study here.Learn to click limitedly, please choose cautiously!


8. Mr Bove argues that the golden age for equity analysts was the long bear market of the 1960s and 1970s, when advice on how to avoid losing money was highly treasured.


9. By popular request,the treasured missing portion in all Butterfly Shadow DVD/VCDs...


10. But while millions celebrate this phenomenon , it should be remembered that total eclipses have not always been such treasured events.


11. "Benevolence and good-neighbourliness" were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


12. "Benevolence and good-neighborliness"were all along regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


13. "Benevolence and good-neighbourliness" were all al0ng regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


14. A wish is a treasured in your heart.


15. Stucco building, be forced to move these treasured object his office in the hospital.


16. Was not I has not treasured is you have chosen the compromise finally.


17. Disregarding being this life, be still the future world, forever you is treasured up , is acts as my eternal friend!


18. We reap the bountiful harvest of what we have sown. Racial harmony is a hard-won prize treasured by all of us.


19. Joe often tells me how he cherishes the afternoons and evenings he has spent inthe attic,where he keeps his treasured books and toys.


20. The Shulamite desires that they might have an inseparable union and that she might be to him like his most precious and treasured possession.


21. When the dispute was at its hottest, one faction suddenly laid its cards on the table and revealed many of its treasured tricks of the past -- and there you have the White Paper.


22. Benevolence and good-neighbourliness” were all al0 ng regarded as a treasured maxim by our ancestors.


23. MANPOWER is Hong Kong's most treasured asset.


24. Since the dawn of Chinese civilization, jade has been a highly treasured object.


25. The valuable lessons learned therefrom should not be arbitrarily dismissed , but should instead be treasured .


26. Most of their wolf Kinfolk live in North America, but a few treasured members roam hidden on protected European estates and parks.


27. They were an odd crowd who treasured their oddity.


28. Their audience - whether they are lovers of nature, practitioners of the healing arts or simply fans of fine music - will find treasured values within these elegant compositions.


29. They say that it suits him to be at a club such as Brescia, where dynamism is not expected and his occasional piece of brilliance is treasured.


30. I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.


31. And He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and He continued in subjection to them; and His mother treasured all these things in her heart.


32. He sat in the concrete hull of his shop, which he cannot afford to complete, and cobwebs covered his shelf of treasured Pu’er cakes.


33. He remembered when his family was very poor and his mother had lost a pair of gloves which she treasured.


34. He treasured the machine like a jewel. He would not allow anyone to touch it.


35. He collected rumors greedily and treasured gossip. He believed all the news he heard and had faith in none.


36. He treasured honesty and directness, which were very good traits to have, but he could be overly direct.


37. It is said that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) treasured the work and had it buried in his tomb.


38. But those who expect their treasured wine mementoes to prolong the warmth and languor of the summer holiday just past are all too often disappointed.


39. Then I told myself, ’silence is the best answer.’ I treasured Bruce's friendship very much.


40. Josephine Ho is a superb scholar whose work should be treasured, not threatened and censored.


41. They are equally omnipotent in their regard as two of themost treasured Lakers in Los Angeles history.


42. Her modern art works were part of collections at museums in Taiwan and treasured by many institute and privat collectors worldwide.


43. You may not believe, but in Tibetan medicine, the shit of “living Buddha” is treated as the treasured medicine by Tibetan people.


44. You'll be up close and personal with some of the most treasured units in gaming history; units most every gamer already reveres and has had many years of experiences with.


45. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to somebody else.


46. All the things you collected, whether treasured or fogotten, will pass to someone else.


47. All the things you collected, whether treasured or ***otten, will pass to someone else.


48. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten will pass to someone else.


49. All your collection, whether treasured or has already been forgotten, will be left to others.


50. All the things you collected, whether treasured or forgotten, will pass to someone else.


51. What is your most treasured possession? Home on the Vineyard.


52. What is your most treasured possession?


53. What is your most treasured memory?


54. It is a matter of record, and our words can be read more than once, savored and treasured.


55. Yu's calligraphy has since his day been treasured by connoisseurs as it is characterized by forceful strokes that are brimming over with great inner strength.


56. Love is not onething for a moment, it must be treasured for all your life!


57. One merchant had tears in her eyes as she thanked us for this treasured gift.


58. Holly and ivy have been treasured for centuries and enhance any flowers that are nestled among them.


59. Ice cream sales vary with seasonal change. Its production costs, distribution costs, and brokerage rates are comparatively higher than other product categories. Yet, it is the most treasured among all our product categories.


60. Prepare a small-sized dressing box,fill it with skin-cleaning cotton,wet-keeping cream,lip balm,relaxing sprayer and your most treasured cosmetic and fragrant liquid.


61. His memory is treasured in the hearts of a few friends, fewer, alas!


62. Almost all these treasured works are housed in university and monastery libraries where they are seldom seen by outsiders.


63. The PRO is one of the largest storehouses of treasured information for historical and other studies relating to Hong Kong.


64. Last summer I travelled around Europe where I enjoyed the sights and I got a lot of pictures in Rome, Paris, London, Madrid and Athens, which are my treasured memory.


65. The Shang Dynasty rulers treasured bronzeware, especially the bronze sacrificial vessels.


66. An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.


67. A letter of reply is sometimes a most treasured thing.


68. Looking back over mankind's long history of war and peace,one is deeply struck by the fact that peace does not come easily and thus should be doubly treasured.


69. Cold and hard it seemed as his grip closed on it: the phial of Galadriel, so long treasured, and almost forgotten till that hour.


70. Bilibin treasured up his mots to utter them for the first time before Countess Bezuhov.


71. A quiet time, is ideal for meditation. Too much is treasured in our life, too much deserves cherishing, once and again.


72. Silence is golden if it keeps me from broadcasting that fretful self into my network of treasured relationships.


73. This beautiful deluxe edition is the perfect introduction to all the wonders of Narnia and is a keepsake to be truly treasured.


74. Here also live many treasured plants, such as sawtooth oak, ginkgo, fir, and dove tree --- the living fossil.

在这儿你还会见识许多珍稀植物-----黑壳栎,银杏树,冷杉, "活化石"珙桐树等等。

75. Step decisively toward those most treasured dreams that spring from your purpose. Right now, in this moment, fulfill the best of what you know life can be.


76. Among the treasured possessions of the church interior, the original paintings done by the famous Jesuit artist Castiglione were destroyed.


77. The Tamsui at sunset is clothed in gold. Shouldn't this river be treasured?


78. The stories of many seaeons Have become colourful pearl shells Treasured at the bottom of my heart.


79. All are treasured for their canine characteristics of loyalty, bravery, and uncomplaining service.


80. Nairn said many girls saw Barbie as an inanimate object rather than a treasured toy.

