

1. As other people began to trickle into the hall, an usher bustled over.

/ 当其他的人开始进入门厅之内滴流的时候,一个引导员结束奔忙。

2. A decade ago Bormann got a trickle of requests to see Stasi documents.Only now is he starting to get thousands a month.


3. Based on the Yangtze river named in the stream, not because you have such generous mind, then you can accommodate trickle.


4. As you pull out, you let a little dribble of saliva trickle down...

|当你拉出来时 你让口水滴下来...

5. "No plot to trickle into a river.


6. "Tears started to trickle down my face when I heard the anthem," said Wang Hai, a migrant worker from the earthquake-hit Sichuan Province.


7. "At first this is only a trickle, but once the flow is established the heat from the water enlarges the incipient tunnel," Waitt explains.


8. The man let the water trickle gently into his glass, and as the green clouded, a mist fell from his mind.


9. A good measure of success will be if some of the hundreds of thousands of Poles now working in western Europe start to trickle home.


10. Some trickle controls are set to increase the pressure periodically and flush the lines to reduce clogging.


11. Some early theatregoers began to trickle in an hour before the show.


12. An Israeli engineer named Symcha Blass developed the idea of trickle irrigation in the 1930s, but it had to wait until plastic tubing was available to make a practical system.


13. Whenever I heard the word soul from his lips I would get hysterical; somehow it seemed like a false coin, more particularly because it was usually accompanied by a gob of brown juice which left a trickle down the corner of his mouth.


14. A river that flowed out of the lake was reduced to a trickle.


15. By 12:30 PM US Pacific time, the massive rush caused a download speeds to slow to a trickle.


16. Moments later, a trickle of bitter, rainwater dripped from the rubble above.


17. Over time, the socalled Trical Charge so-called 'trickle charge' can add up then and produce another enough electricity to recharge bettariesbatteries.


18. In less than 20 minutes all have boarded, minus a trickle of stragglers.


19. Don't watch TV. Experiments have showed that watching TV causes your brain to slowly trickle out your ears and/or nose. It's not pretty, but it happens.


20. Yet Treasury figures show the number of banks taking TARP capital has dwindled to a trickle.


21. Central banks have by now pumped hundreds of billions of dollars into the global financial system, but the flow of credit, known as liquidity, has slowed to a sluggish trickle.


22. Perhaps a small trickle J heart is too small is too small.


23. Your care was like a sluggish trickle of warm stream, Out flowing from the expression in your eyes, Nourishing those young hearts quietly like rain and dew for gentle flowers.


24. The audience trickle into the theater in two and three.


25. People began to trickle in through the gates.


26. Yet, as attested by the trickle of young Dutch ballplayers now entering the minor and even the major leagues in the United States, that wartime popularity never faded.


27. The gasoline pipeline running from the beaches to Chartres was tapped so many times only a trickle came out at the far end.


28. In the long term, Beijing should establish a catchment works will trickle into the urban and suburban reservoir lakes, urban development can be used for rainwater into the water.


29. He removed a trickle of sweat from the corner of his neat temple.


30. He removed a trickle of sweat from the cornor of his neattemple.


31. He took a pace towards his wife as if to pounce on her, and she, not knowing what storm was now to burst about her ears, felt her heart miss a beat-and a cold shudder trickle down her spine.


32. He was obliged to pause many times while dressing himself;merely putting his arms through his waistcoat made the perspiration trickle from his forehead.


33. He tossed it off the pan on to a plate and let the scanty brown gravy trickle over it.


34. A new trickle of sweat formed and rolled down his back.


35. There was a trickle of blood from the wound on his face.


36. He said as big cities rev up their marketing to woo travelers, smaller cities may get some of the trickle down tourism.


37. Eva smiles, keeping her eye on the hot brown trickle.


38. Restrictive legislation in the 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s reduced the influx to a trickle.


39. Even then, the total water flow will be a relative trickle by U.S. standards, perhaps 11 gallons per minute.


40. But international aid has begun to trickle in and authorities have reopened the damaged airport in hard-hit Yogyakarta city.


41. But now the Confederate ports were stoppered with Yankee gunboats, only a trickle of blockade-run goods was slipping in from Europe, and the South was desperately trying to manufacture her own war materials.


42. But the course of my life, when I look back, is as orderless as a trickle of water that is diverted and guided by every pebble and crevice and grass-root it encounters.


43. But in recent years, a trickle of studies have examined the question, with mixed results.


44. You do not always trickle other countries accused of human rights no freedom of speech, no!


45. To cause to trickle.


46. In-house counsel also know that good legal advice has to trickle down from the general counsel's office to business people at all levels.


47. The other roach harasses the mineral line at the Terran expansion, but reinforcements are unable to reach it as the bunker fends off the trickle of Zerg forces coming in.


48. Xu studying dozens of Spring and Autumn, cumulative, like trickle into the river pool.


49. These simple words uttered by an old woman led by a child made the perspiration trickle down his limbs.


50. By the end of the year a trickle of a hundred and seven planes had reached Egypt in this way.


51. At the end of half an hour the man was aware of a warm trickle in his throat.


52. There's a pervasive sense in Washington that nothing more can or should be done, that we should just wait for the economic recovery to trickle down to workers.


53. Even is the trickle small stream for come leisurely, also the ability irrigate the Huang of a long distance at first.


54. What is friendship, friendship as a trickle of a stream, you can find the source of downstream.


55. Ancient girders girders creak and groan , ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes oozes down a stone runnel into a used petrol can.


56. Only a trickle of water came from the faucet.


57. It was only then that her still face showed the least emotion, a tear or two beginning to trickle down.


58. See mark that spirit trickle of people indistinctly through "BI MO" only, which can seem limpid and transparent.


59. It can be said that China's history is a result of the slow trickle of globalization through history.


60. The bleeding really is like a menstrual flow; it keeps up for two, maybe three days, a slow trickle.


61. Even in an expanding economy, the benefits of growth do not always trickle down to the slums very fast.That is why other policies are needed, too.


62. After hearing the order the crowd began to trickle away.


63. Ni Zhou Yong could not help but nose-acid, the tears would trickle down.


64. But Double Eagle's future is uncertain, because the Pentagon has slowed funding to a trickle, and NASA can't afford any new missions.


65. Due to the existing of partially wetting phenomenon, the paritally wetted trickle bed operated under low liquid velocity region features differently from those wholly wetted ones, and the mechanism is also more complex.


66. In the photon picture, an electron literally absorbs a blast of energy as opposed to a gradual trickle.


67. In vegetated areas, rainwater and runoff trickle through the soil, which cleanses the water of fecal bacteria and viruses, as well as many other pollutants.


68. The isolated Burmese government up to then had allowed in just a trickle of assistance from neighbors Thailand, Singapore, China and India.


69. A trickle[1] of trucks flows along its single-lane carriageway, which stretches for less than 1km (barely half a mile).


70. The stream is reduce to a mere trickle in summer.

夏天那小河水量减少, 成了涓涓细流。

71. The stream is reduce d to a mere trickle in summer.


72. The stream is reduced to a mere trickle in summer .


73. Much of the stimulus spending is just beginning to trickle through the economy, with spending expected to peak sometime later this year or in early 2010.


74. A trickle of water could be seen from the ceiling.


75. The dark days and there were a gray, the rain drops trickle Lek Lek, faint thunder, raindrops tapping wanton and all the land.


76. She felt the stony ground of her heart break up; and tears, as difficult and slow as blood, began to trickle through her fingers.


77. If you have related content (free information) you will see a slow trickle of income from your affiliate links.


78. If you're used to the usual AI tactics found in most RTS games like the tank rush or the trickle attack be prepared to take a beating.


79. If the level is correct, fluid should just trickle, or drip out of, the centre of the drain plug.


80. You can make money if you are careful not to let it trickle through your fingers.

