

1. Toro have been struck by a series of setbacks, ruling out Axel Konan and the suspended trio of Gabriele Cioffi, Jacopo Balestri and Gianluca Comotto.


2. However, it is significant that later in HBP6 when the Trio confronts Draco and his mom and when they follow Draco, Ginny is not with them.


3. His trio, The Jimi Hendrix Experience, took Europe by storm before rocketing to American fame at the 1967 Monterey Pop Festival.


4. In 1988, it was taken over by a trio of club promoters and now concentrates on spectacular late night parties.


5. Imam Rauf said he told the trio that religion was an extremely important part of the solution.

Imam Rauf说他告诉他们三位,宗教是解决问题极之重要的一部分。

6. Trio No.7 for violin (or clarinet), viola (or cello) and piano, by W.A.Mozart, Opus.

K498 钢琴, 小提琴 (或 单簧管), 中提琴(或大提琴). (音频的编号.

7. TRIO's coarse material washers and blade mills incorporate the heavy duty features required to scrub and clean material up to 3" in size.


8. TRIO is dedicated to advancing translational cancer research by bringing innovative and targeted therapeutics to clinical practice.


9. An Italian trio was heading the bill at the charity event.


10. Police say the trio broke into a local newspaper office housed in the same building in Vara, 200 miles south-west of Stockholm.


11. A Bengal tigress called Sita rests with one of her trio of six-month-old cubs.


12. A golden retriever has come to the rescue of a trio of baby white tigers, who were abandoned by their mother.


13. Last autumn A trio tossing acorns To carp in this pond; Now, cold fingers intertwined, Only the two of us in the morning wind.


14. The trio also sang these new songs a capella on the spot.Their beautiful harmonizing completely mesmerized everyone.


15. The trio had fallen off a ledge Sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them Monday morning.


16. The trio had fallen off a ledge Sunday and had to hole up until rescue crews could find them on Monday morning.


17. The trio had their jail terms suspended for two years.


18. The trio thought there should be a better way.


19. Stooge-like antics result as the trio try to outwit the rich widow and her scheming big-shot lawyer, who also wants to run the ballet.


20. The excited trio of Dorsey, Stone and Villains launched a full-scale version of Twitter in the summer of 2006.


21. The trio had apparated there after the attack at the wedding.


22. The trio solved the mystery of how chromosomes, the rod-like structures that carry DNA, protect themselves from degrading when cells divide.


23. With a merry trio of chunky goblets swaddled in sprigs of holly or other fresh greens.


24. A trio of researchers compared donors with a gaggle of crop-growers, spraying water hither and thither, leaving some plants parched, others deluged.


25. The trio's participation is far from certain after they suffered a weekend of disappointing results.


26. American drummer Stewart Copeland caught his act and convinced him to try rock. Joined by Brit guitarist Andy Summers, the trio formed the Police in 1977.


27. Trio for violin, viola &cello in C minor, Op.


28. Trio for violin, viola &cello in D major, Op.


29. Trio for violin, viola &cello in G major, Op.


30. Trio for violin, viola &cello in E flat major, Op.


31. This trio of historians arrived at a suitable moment.


32. Enter a trio of open source contenders, designed deliberately to offer an alternative to the Exchange hegemony.


33. What is the chance he can follow Carles Puyol and Steven Gerrard to make it a trio of homegrown captains lifting the European Champions Cup?


34. Meanwhile, Pasquale Marino played Coda and Eremenko to replace the suspended Felipe and Inler, and the trio of Pepe-Quagliarella-Di Natale up front.


35. Despite CTU's confirmation of the evidence against the trio of culprit countries, Syed Ali staunchly denies that the recordings are authentic.


36. The trio tries every means to interfere and jeopardize the romance.Unfortunately, all efforts and tricks fail to cool down the courtship.


37. The trio are being hawked around by the Italian giants subject to the club regaining its Serie A status next season.


38. I lifted my cup to invite the moon, and my shadow joined us instantly to make a trio.


39. The trio then decided to expand.Kevin Richardson was the next to join the group, and soon Brian completed the fivesome.

五个满怀理想的少年组成一个以美丽合音见长的乐团, “后街男孩”于是诞生!

40. The trio are believed to have drowned in the San Francisco Bay and are officially listed as missing and presumed drowned.


41. Campbell-Brown was also backed up by the trio that swept the Women's 100m on Sunday: Shelly-Ann Fraser, Sherone Simpson and Kerron Stewart.


42. We seem to be attracted by clarinet music this year.Clarinet appears in both trios that we stopped to listen to.


43. He arrested the dazed trio for malicious destruction of property.


44. Sheltering from a rainstorm in an abandoned factory, the boys encounter a trio of tramps.


45. The trio, who had lost almost all of their vision due to retinitis pigmentosa (RP).


46. Their first recording, of Brahms's Piano Trios Nos. 1 and 2, was released by D.G. in 1996.


47. He recently has produced a piece of trio music.


48. He brought the famous Dutch trio of Van Basten, Gullit and Rijkaard a year later.


49. But, one day I would like to take a trio or quartet on the road with me.


50. However, I believe I succeeded in astounding my trio of companions, for I departed from that room without opening the door.


51. But the Trio has not become a sextuplet;Harry thinks only of telling Ron and Hermione about the prophecy he heard from Dumbledore (OP38).


52. But since 1999 working life in China has had one big compensation: a trio of weeklong holidays.


53. You should be able to play chamber music works on the difficulty level of easy String Quartets or Piano Trios by Joseph Haydn.


54. Now, a trio of unlikely allies must join together to destroy their slithery foe before becoming its next meal.


55. These three were commonly known as the "trio"or "soft bow".


56. Clarke: Trio for Violin, Cello and Piano, 3rd mvt.


57. Trios mois de communication gratruites.


58. Other multiple award winners included Latino superstar Ricky Martin and country trio the Dixie Chicks, both of whom won three "Billboard" Music Awards.

其他多奖获得者包括拉丁超级明星Ricky Martin和乡村三重唱Dixie Chicks,他们都获得了三项大奖。

59. Grueling terrain and steep mountain passes were no deterrent for a trio of cyclists that embarked on a seven-week journey across the Alaska Range.


60. Chelsea assistant boss Steve Clarke has played down the severity of the injuries to key trio William Gallas, Claude Makelele and Arjen Robben.


61. Here comes a rare chance to appreciate the trio Tenors!


62. Andante, trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon.


63. Found his groove playing bass in a trio.


64. With the help of an unlikely friend, the trio will fight to protect the freedom of all pirates around the world.


65. New Zealand trio Dawn Of Azazel have wound themselves up and unleashed torrent number two of world-class, polished, punishing Death Metal.


66. Funeral held for them in the day, the trio was "miraculously" appeared.


67. A trio of young African wild dog pups plays near a den in Botswana's Okavango Delta.


68. At the same time, Chopin followed his professor Joseph Elsner to study 18th century theory.The piano trio op.8 was created under this situation.


69. Newcastle United trio Michael Owen, Emre and Celestine Babayaro all returned to light training on Thursday following their injury lay-offs.


70. On a cosmic timescale, the gravitational tug of war will eventually result in the merger of the trio into a large single galaxy.


71. In church, as a string trio plays Vivaldi, I close my eyes, lost in the phrasing and dynamics.


72. Do the trio use robes during the film?


73. Please keep TRIO in mind for any partial or complete turnkey system that you might have for a mine, quarry or sand and gravel operation.


74. In CoS, the trio attends Nick's Death Day party, Mrs.Norris is attacked and the existence of the Chamber of Secrets is revealed.


75. With a trio of victories under his Andean hat, Mr Morales can feel secure about his popularity at the ballot box.


76. Among the viewers who saw the trio perform in a children's hospital was Boyzone's manager,Louis Walsh.


77. Needless to say, the sight of this incongruously attired trio walking at such a time and in such a place attracted a certain amount of attention.


78. In what was a rare reunion, the trio startled onlookers with their youthful appearances.


79. The laughing trio was shocked into silence when Cenarius stepped out of a shadowed thicket and offered to teach them the druidic arts.


80. Maybe Timi Zhuo should be included in the trio;I know Timi has roughed some feathers in Taiwan but she is a singer with rare and exceptional talent!

大家都说的不错阿娟她厉害的地方就是唱的有邓丽君的好听又有自己的韵味,让大家 不会觉得他是在学邓丽君,这是别的女星做不到地方!!
