
trusttrustD.J.:[trʌst]K.K.:[trʌst]n.1.信任, 信赖, 相信You've betrayed my trust.你辜负了我的信任。She is my sole trust.她是我惟一信赖的人。2.信托, 托管The property is merely a trust.这财产不过是一项委托物。She left money to her uncle to keep in trust for her children.她把钱留给她叔叔, 请他替她的子女保管。3.照管, 关怀; 职责She's not yet old enough to be employed in a position of trust.她还年轻, 不能担当重任。I shall think it is a great trust to obey the wishes of my dead father.我认为按照先父的愿望去做是我重大的职责。vt. & vi.1.相信; 信任I don't trust.我不相信。We have always trusted him.我们一直信任他。I trust to hear better news from you.我希望从你口中听到更好的消息。I trust that I'm right.我相信我是对的。I can't trust what you say.我不能相信你的话。You may trust me that I'm speaking the truth.你可以相信我在说实话。You cannot trust him to keep his promise.你可不能相信他会履行诺言。

trust['trʌst]n.1.信任,信赖2.可信赖的人(或物)3.信心;期望,希望4.(因受信用而托付的)责任,义务,职责,职守5.保管,照管;托管,委托6.委托物,受托物;代管物7.【商业】信用;赊账,赊卖8.【经济学】托拉斯9.【法律】信托;信托财产,托管财产;受托人;受托人集团;托管财产的所有权10.=trust company11.信托基金机构12.[古语]可靠,忠诚,忠实adj.1.信任的,相信的;依赖的2.信托的;受托的;代管的;当受托人的3.托拉斯的vi.1.有信心,信赖,信任,相信(与in连用):I trust in your word.我相信你的话。We trust in common senes.我们相信常识。2.希望,期待(与for连用):We trust for American government's apology.我们期待美国政府的道歉。3.赊销,赊售,赊卖4.依靠,依赖(与to 连用):Don't trust to luck.不要靠碰运气。vt.1.信任,信赖,相信:I trust his word.我相信他的话。2.依靠;依赖:You can't trust the English weather.英国的天气靠不住。3.热切希望;盼望,期望:I trust that our team will win.我期望我们队会赢。I do trust you will pass the examination.我确实希望你能通过考试。4.委托,托付;托交(与to连用):I will trust my computer to my brother.我将把电脑交给我兄弟保管。He trusted his affairs to his friend.他把他的事托给朋友去办。5.赊卖给:The butcher trusted them for the meat.肉铺老板把肉赊卖给他们。6.放心让(某人)做…,相信…会:I can't trust my secretary to write my speech.我不放心我的秘书给我写发言稿。She can't trust her daughter to go out alone at night.她不放心让女儿晚上单独外出。近义词beliefmonopolyrelyhave(或put) trust in相信(某人), 信任(某人)[亦作 put one's trust in]in trust托管,保管的;受委托管理misplace one's trust= misplace one's confidenceon trust不加深究地,不加考察地,不查问证据地(常与动词take连用)赊账地,赊欠地repose trust in= repose confidence 见 confidencetake on trust不加深究(或考察)便相信…;不查问证据便信任…take something(或 someone) to trust不假思索便相信某事(或某人)to one's trust【法律】根据委托管理(财产);委托保管[亦作under trust]trust as far as one can fling a bull by the tail见bull

trusttrust[trʌst]n.1.信赖, 信任2.被信赖的人[物]3.坚定的信念, 希望4.责任, 职责, 义务5.所委托的事物6.委托, 信托;【商】赊帐, 赊卖7.托拉斯; 操纵某种行业的组合; 企业联合8.委托照顾, 监管9.【律】信托或经管财产; 托管财产的所有权10.信誉, 业务信誉trust in sb.相信某人
词性变化trust[trʌst]vt.1.信任; 信赖2.委任, 委托, 托付(to, with); 说出(秘密)(with)3.赊卖(for)4.确信, 希望, 期待(that, to do)trust sb. with sth.把某事托付给某人去办trust sb. for a camera把照相机赊卖给某人I trust that he will do it.我相信他会做那件事。trust[trʌst]vi.1.相信(in); 信赖(on); 信赖而托付(to)2.期待(for)3.赊卖I trust for his apology.我期待他的道歉。

继承用法trustern.trustless[ˈtrʌstlɪs]adj.1.不可信任的, 不相信别人的
