

1. “Tweet, tweet,” sounded over her head suddenly.


2. “Tweet, tweet,” sounded over her head suddenly.


3. tweettweet,” sounded over her head suddenly. she looked up, and there was the swallow himself flying close by. as soon as he spied tiny, he was delighted;


4. Why not tweet about it and let your friends know you liked it?


5. The nineteen fifties song "Rockin' Robin" was about a bird that loved to tweet, or sing.

五十年代的歌曲“Rockin Robin”是一首关于一个爱唱歌的鸟的歌。

6. People monitoring their diet using Tweet What You Eat!


7. People "tweet" each other on their computer or phone through quick, frequent exchanges limited to 140 characters.


8. After that, you watch what you tweet.


9. “Greet the little swallow from me, if you should see him again.” “Tweet, tweet,” sounded over her head suddenly.


10. He doesn't tweet, update his website or write anything on Facebook, so there's no telling what he's been up to this summer.


11. He spread his wings and flew a-way, Tweet, tweet, twee!


12. Doctor said he can the tweet tweet call.


13. But to a new generation of high-speed communicators, a tweet describes a message sent through a popular new service.


14. I am thankful that none of my children will ever be birds, for they can do nothing but cry, ‘Tweet, tweet,' and always die of hunger in the winter.


15. You've got to tweet for the Birds, clap or slap the Bugs and toot for the Beans.


16. How miserable it must be to be born a little bird!I am thankful that none of my children will ever be birds, for they can do nothingcry, ‘Tweet, tweet,’always die of hunger in the winter.


17. Add #GFW onto each tweet of yours, let #GFW climb the trending topics.

在你的每条推上加上 #GFW ,让 #GFW 登上热词榜。

18. Sophisticated software allows officials to look at a website or tweet and see the IP address it came from.


19. Had a very long and productive day. In bed going to sleep. Tweet Dreams everyone!


20. Can I edit a tweet once I post it?


21. my 1000th tweet, dedicated to those who have spiritual pursuit but are currently troubled by existence.


22. “Tweet, tweet,” sang the bird, as he flew out into the green woods, and Tiny felt very sad.


23. Tweet: Don’t try to be a twerp.

指在 Twitter 上表现不好的用户。

24. We are specialized in automobile accessories, electronic accessories for automobiles ,for example tweet device , working light ,warning light ,spotlight and so on.


25. After all, if a user is willing to tweet about an ad, that's a very strong sign that the ad was relevant to the user and, by extension, will also probably be relevant to this users' followers.


26. The swallow sang, “Tweet, tweet,” and from his song came the whole story.


27. The swallow sang, “Tweet, tweet,”from his song came the whole story.


28. Reply | Original | Permalink | Share | Tweet 12 weeks ago Evelyn on Mr./Ms. Days - 网路, 资讯, 观察,


29. * You can now see both the number of friends, followers, and tweets sent when viewing the details of a tweet.


30. Now user is able to open shown link or tweet in phone browser.


31. Tweet: I have read lots of twerminology before writing this post.

由 Twitter + terminology 组成,指对 Twitter 术语的研究。

32. 7.Trivial rain falls to ground drops, maybe on being able to have swallow having soaked by heavy rain to stand in wire , beneath the house eave the tweet song.


33. Ingels says Adams read his light-hearted tweet and returned to the restaurant herself several weeks later to hand him the $3 he believed he was owed.


34. a faint and mournful “Tweet, tweet,” was all it could utter, then it bent its little head towards the flower, and its heart broke for want and longing.


35. The brunette ran up a tree and a police officer yells "who is there?" and the brunette says "tweet tweet". So the police officer walks away.


36. Police officials said they aren't concerned about the public flocking to an active crime scene because they receive a tweet about an occurrence.


37. By allowing teams and ghost writers to "fake tweet" for celebs, it seems as if we're going back to the old ways of marketing, albeit on a new platform.


38. I tweet!


39. 2. Avoid sending a tweet in the heat of the moment.


40. So why all the excitement about V40 that no one knows anything about, except from a tweet?


41. The only question was how do you get 12seconds users to tweet out videos about the brand?


42. The birds do not tweet, the leaves do not whisper, the insects do not sing.

