

1. Of the 43 cases,the percutaneous working tunnel was successfully established in 42 cases(97.7%),while a conversion to open surgery was needed in 1 case because of uncontrolled hemorrhage after puncture.


2. In the others. orbital exenteration was performed for reasons of uncontrolled tumor in one case, secondary glaucoma in two and corneal ulcer in two others.


3. People with hemophilia A, the most common form of the disease, are deficient in Factor VIII and suffer episodes of uncontrolled bleeding.

A型血友病是血友病中最常见的类型。 病人第8因子缺失,罹患无法控制的出血。

4. PTEN has instructions to produce a protein that stops the uncontrolled cell growth of cancer.


5. One's unconquered self, unconquered passions and uncontrolled sense-organs are one's own enemies.


6. Some people with ALS experience what looks like emotional instability (sometimes called “emotional lability”), with spells of uncontrolled laughter or crying.


7. Certain medical conditions such as uncontrolled high blood pressure, blood-clotting problems, or the tendency to form excessive scars could cause problems with the procedure.


8. An uncontrolled flow of reservoir fluids into the wellbore, and sometimes catastrophically to the surface.


9. Unlike deep sea diving, where depth and uncontrolled ascent are the great dangers, the peril of cave diving is disorientation.


10. The uncontrolled copy is allowed to be revised without notifying the holder and could be discarded.


11. In many books it is stated that Philip was a man of incredible cynicism and of uncontrolled lusts.


12. In may books it is stated that Philip was a man of incredible cynicism and of uncontrolled lusts.


13. Electric arc welding should not be carried out on equipment suspended from a crane because of the risk of damage to lifting wires from uncontrolled stray currents.


14. And not be like their fathers, a stiff-necked and uncontrolled generation; a generation whose heart was hard, whose spirit was not true to God.


15. Ecologic factors pertaining to uncontrolled urbanization and environmental pollution are contributing to many emergent disease episodes.


16. Specialists say China has some of the best environmental laws in the world, but the sheer scale of development, inadequate planning, corruption and poor enforcement often result in uncontrolled pollution.


17. Concerns for uncontrolled excesses of individual amino acids.


18. For added safety there is a built-in thermal fuse and a flow restrictor which prevents an uncontrolled drop in pressure in the event that one of the supply lines becomes damaged.


19. Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease, an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements.

之 后 她 开 始 表 现 出 亨 廷 顿 舞 蹈 病 的 症 状,这 种 病 是 一 种 遗 传 性 大 脑 紊 乱 , 会 使 病 人 产 生 可 怕 的 幻 觉 和 无 法 控 制 自 己 的 行 为 。

20. Only later did she begin to display the symptoms of Huntington's Disease,an inherited brain disorder that produces horrific delusions and uncontrolled movements.


21. Later signs can include uncontrolled shivering, unconsciousness and death.


22. Say no more words of pride; let not uncontrolled sayings come out of your mouths: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, by him acts are judged.


23. Son of man, has not Israel, the uncontrolled people, said to you, What are you doing?


24. MYC in human epidermal stem cells can stimulate differentiation rather than uncontrolled proliferation.


25. Instead, they would rely on decentralized, uncontrolled life to sort itself out and come to some self-enhancing harmony.


26. Any large event requires a deliberate process to minimise the unexpected and uncontrolled environment. The system commences with a risk assessment followed by liaison, coordination, communication and contingency planning.


27. Stoppage time was firstly a succession of uncontrolled volleys all over the pitch, and then a fine Ballack free-kick which brought another save from Isaksson.


28. Uncontrolled bleeding from any wound also calls for professional care. So does coughing or vomiting blood.


29. But uncontrolled indulgence in physical recreation may lead us to the point of being strong in body but weak in brain.


30. Say now to this uncontrolled people, Are these things not clear to you?


31. Symptoms include uncontrolled moements, emotional disturbances and mental deterioration.


32. A blood vessel from which there is uncontrolled bleeding.


33. Sideways glances and suppressed grins slowly gave way to open laughter. Harry even had to cover his face and duck out of view to hide his uncontrolled guffaws.


34. The woods, always a menace even in the past, had triumphed in the end. They crowded, dark and uncontrolled, to the borders of the drive.


35. Even with her addictions, however, she periodically will fall into her well and her feelings may come up in a most uncontrolled fashion.


36. However, studies on resuscitation using norepinephrine in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock are lacking.


37. The thoughts rushed into my mind uncontrolled.


38. Uncontrolled Internet surfing has raised the hackles of many office managers.


39. When reacting with acid splitting products NEUTRACID develops always a new active surface, that means constant efficiency. Besides NEUTRACID stops through its granulated structure uncontrolled boiling problems.


40. And, there can be no uncontrolled injection of hot glue when using the new KHS nozzle.


41. Harry even had to cover his face and duck out of view to hide his uncontrolled guffaws.


42. An eighth of lowland forest on the island disappeared between 1989 and 2000, driven by a rapid and uncontrolled expansion in global demand for palm oil.


43. The authors examined the effects of norepinephrine in combination with saline infusion in uncontrolled hemorrhage in rats.


44. This is the microscopic appearance of neoplasia, or uncontrolled new growth.Here, the neoplasm is infiltrating into the underlying cervical stroma.


45. In an age of smartness and superintelligence, the most intelligent control methods will appear as uncontrol methods.


46. Many of the processes in the sprint phase are unidentified or uncontrolled.


47. Protests have erupted throughout the country over complaints by farmers that uncontrolled discharges by factories are ruining crops and poisoning water supplies.


48. By coaxing ES cells into a more stable, yet still flexible, progenitor-cell stage before administering them, we can avoid uncontrolled differentiation while still taking advantage of environmental cues to generate the desired cell types.


49. For fourteen years, under the framers' system, a work would be presumptively controlled.After fourteen years, it would be presumptively uncontrolled.


50. Of all the ecologic factors contributing to arthropod-borne zoonotic viral disease emergence, uncontrolled urbanization is the most important.


51. In delayed resuscitation after burn,rapid fluid replacement can quickly decreased the level of inflammatory factors and ease uncontrolled inflammatory ration.

在烧伤后延迟复苏情况下 ,快速补液可以迅速降低体内炎症介质含量 ,可能对减轻失控性炎症反应有积极作用。

52. In the sterilized and spotlessly clean laboratory, even the safest and most common experiment, when released into the uncontrolled environment of nature, was a source of disaster.


53. In nature, most of things is uncontrolled by human.


54. After disconnecting the autopilot it went into an uncontrolled dive, made a full 360 degrees aileron roll, and became supersonic for a short time.It recovered at 9000 feet.


55. During this time, the uncontrolled blood glucose and insulin levels will be having a deleterious effect on the bodys internal organs and nerves.


56. In the days of uncontrolled banking, checking deposits were held by the Medicis or the Rockefellers or their equivalent, not by the average person in the economy.


57. Terrestrial Photogrammetry of Weather Images Acquired in Uncontrolled Circumstances.


58. Most people think that fruit is rich in cellulose, almost free of fat and protein, and thus can be rest assured that uncontrolled consumption, this is actually a misunderstanding.


59. If the control stamp color is not in red, this is an unc uncontrolled copy.


60. If uncontrolled, the shortage would set off a new rise in meat prices.

如果不加控制, 这种短缺会引起肉价再次上涨。

61. If uncontrolled,the shortage would set off a new rise in meat prices.


62. If prices were uncontrolled, it would be the old-age pensioners who would suffer.


63. If prices were uncontrolled, it would be the old-age pensioners, the lowly paid-it is these people who would go to the wall.


64. If he exceeds this amount, any excess undead become uncontrolled, but may not attack or impede him or his minions.


65. If this condition goes uncontrolled, abnormally high insulin leels may cause irreersible brain damage.


66. Such rapid and uncontrolled growth helped to turn parts of cities into slums.


67. Kidney failure produces a fishy smell and uncontrolled diabetes generates fruity fumes, for instance.


68. Here "madness" is defined as uncontrolled or "out-of- order" behavior, behavior which transgresses socio-cultural norms.


69. During its uncontrolled fall from the sky, the plumping spaceship produced shock waves of incredible force.


70. In practical terms, a hazard often is associated with a condition or activity that, if left uncontrolled, can result in an injury or illness.


71. The inspiration to space comes from ceaseless soul, uncontrolled and unconstrained, let it free in large scale .


72. It is a shame to waste all this energy on uncontrolled dreams, so I suggest L.D. be used as a secondary goal.


73. And they gave him seventy shekels of silver from the house of Baal-berith, with which Abimelech got the support of a number of uncontrolled and good-for-nothing persons.


74. He whose rod was on the peoples with an unending wrath, ruling the nations in passion, with an uncontrolled rule.


75. Although human intelligence is excelling, it is totally submitting to the most evil and uncontrolled of desires.


76. This view is coming to be widely accepted among population experts, even as the public continues to focus on the threat of uncontrolled population growth.


77. Even so, each team looked for their own tactic to bring the ball forward in this chaotic and largely uncontrolled game.


78. They tended to attribute negative events to whole and uncontrol factors, and there are differences in different majors.


79. The potential danger now is the gradual fad in importance of science while technology continues to expand in an uncontrolled manner.


80. But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are anti-science, as an essay in US News &World Report last May seemed to suggest.

