

1. Don't accept the limitations of other people who chaim things are undoable or unchangeable. If it's written in stone, bring your hammer and chisel.


2. Don't accept the limitations of other people who chaim things are undoable or unchangeable.


3. Don't accept the limitations of other people who claim things are undoable or unchangeable. If it's written in stone, bring your hammer and chisel.


4. He wasn't biting on foolish fakes or fading off his man to make an undoable block.He stayed at home on Kaman, got position quickly and strongly and once there, he kept it.


5. It is futile to attempt to convince him that certain things are simply undoable.


6. The Command pattern implementation supports a request log, a queueing mechanism and undoable operations.


7. As a result, the undo engine has control over the duration of an undoable action.


8. Spend some time looking at your own application and see if you can find functions that seem as if they should be undoable, but currently aren’t.


9. Encapsulate a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize clients with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations.


10. 3.Of course, if an application confidently does something that a user doesn't like, it must have the capability to reverse the operation.Every aspect of the program's action must be undoable.


11. 27.Many programs that implement single Undo treat the last undone action as an undoable action.In effect , this makes a second invocation of the Undo function a minimal Redo function.


12. Many undoable actions are data-free transformations such as a paragraph reformatting operation in a word processor or a rotation in a drawing program.


13. The bad-boss tales I've heard include many stories of managers demanding the undoable, responding to objections by simply reiterating that it had to be done.


14. The bad-boss tales I've heard include many stories of managers demanding the undoable, responding to objections by simply reiterating that it had to be done. This creates nothing but hostility.


15. Of course, if an application confidently does something that a user doesn’t like, it must have the capability to reverse the operation.Every aspect of the program’s action must be undoable.


16. This action will not be undoable.


17. Indeed, some of its supposed safeguarding, Mr Sokolski argues, is inherently undoable.


18. Spend some time looking at your own application and see if you can find functions that seem as if they should be undoable, but currently aren't.You may be surprised by how many you find.


19. Making this function undoable would also be relatively easy to implement and highly desirable.


20. We made a bunch more features “undoable”. For example, setting autofilters, showing/hiding detail in PivotTables, and grouping/ungrouping in PivotTables are now undoable.


21. Specifically, the purpose of the application is to monitor source code as you edit it, making any changes undoable.


22. And this is not as abstract and as difficult it may sound, it’s not undoable, it’s very much doable.

