

1. 10 Years after Rio: the UNEP assessment -- Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development


2. In 1987 a head-office for research and training in international desertification control was established by the UNEP in Lanzhou,capital of northwest China's Gansu Province.


3. UNEP Montevideo Program for Environmental Law Reform 2001.


4. Environment Programme (UNEP), the global Landsat dataset -- satellite images of the entire planet -- for 1992 and 2000.


5. The UNEP Sasakawa Prize will be chosen through a two-tier selection process.


6. The winner of the UNEP Sasakawa Prize will be invited to deliver a progress report at the following year's award ceremony.


7. Steiner's declaration accompanied a UNEP report that identifies plastic as the most pervasive form of ocean litter.


8. The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) was established in 1992 by WMO, IOC (UNESCO), UNEP and ICSU.


9. Two United Nations organizations - the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - establish the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


10. In 1979 China joined the UNEP's "Global Environment Monitoring System," "International Registry of Potentially Toxic Chemicals" and "International Environmental Information System."


11. China has been a member state of the successive UN Environment Program Governing Council and fruitful cooperation has been carried out between China and the UNEP.


12. China 's plantations annually far exceeds the 1 billion plantations target raised by UNEP.


13. People And Reefs: Successes And Challenges In The Management Of Coral Reef Marine Protected Areas - Unep Regional Seas Reports And Studies No.


14. This year, UNEP focuses on greenhouse gas emissions reduction.


15. There are an estimated 200 temporary or permanent dead zones up from around 150 in 2003, the UNEP report shows.


16. In South Africa, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), a ban is already working.


17. Environmental Program (UNEP), issued the warning as they launched a global program aimed at alerting schools to the dangers of exposure to the sun.


18. But The Arctic Data Directory project is now closed.For authoritative information on environmental assessment related to the Arctic, we recommend visiting the UNEP.


19. For example, UNEP publishes the International Register of Potentially Toxic Chemicals, which provides detailed information and policy proposals for more than 80,000 chemicals.


20. The Global Green New Deal and Green Economy Initiative, launched by UNEP in October, is a plan to tackle the economic slump by investing in a high job-generating and better-managed global economy.


21. Nairobi Declaration on the Role and Mandate of UNEP;


22. Caring for Climate signatories will also be invited to participate in events held in parallel to major UN meetings with the WBCSD and UNEP.


23. Two thirds of the world's total sediment transport to the oceans occurs in South and East Asia, UNEP said, and deforestation is adding to soil erosion and sediment loads in waterways.


24. By 1996 a total of 18 units or persons in China had won the "Global 500" title awarded by the UNEP.


25. China has strengthened the cooperation with the UN institutions such as UNEP and participated in the global and Asia-Pacific preparatory meetings for WSSD.


26. As shown in this photo, Tengtou Village(Fenhua County,Ningbo), awarded by UNEP as one of the top 500 ecologies globally, boasts charming rural scenery with a simple and unsophisticated sentiment of man and nature in harmonious coexistence.


27. Capacity building for sustainable development: An Overview of UNEP Environmental Capacity Development Activities


28. Finally,the future coorperation with UNEP in marine environmental protection has also been predicted.


29. Meanwhile, studies by UNEP and other institutions have pinpointed some 50 lakes that have formed recently in Nepal and Bhutan as a result of melting glaciers.


30. 10. Meanwhile, studies by UNEP and other institutions have pinpointed some 50 lakes that have formed recently in Nepal and Bhutan as a result of melting glaciers.


31. Q&A with UNEP Experts;


32. Keywords international relations;the Mediterranean;environmental protection;ecological epistemic community;UNEP;Regional Seas Programme;Mediterranean Action Program;


33. UNEP International Technical Guidelines for Safety in Biotechnology


34. China has passed its experiences and techniques on controlling desertification and building ecological agriculture on to many countries through the UNEP.


35. In Somaliland, regardless of a ban prohibiting the importation, production and use of plastic bags since March 2005, a UNEP report suggests that both importation and local production continue.


36. These agreements provide UNEP's main legal, financial and administrative framework for protecting the marine environment.


37. UNEP's Global Environment Outlook Report, to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002, will highlight the state of regional and global water resources, as well as the responses to the threats to them.

将在2002 年可持续发展首脑会议推出的环境规划署《全球环境展望报告》将重点阐述区域和 全球水资源状况及如何应对水资源面临的威胁。

38. UNEP's Global Environment Outlook Report,to be issued at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in 2002,will highlight the state of regional and global water resources,as well as the responses to the threats to them.

将在2002 年可持续发展首脑会议推出的环境规划署《全球环境展望报告》将重点阐述区域和全球水资源状况及如何应对水资源面临的威胁。

39. Mr.Zhang Shigang is holding the position of UNEP Country Coordinator in China.


40. All nominations must be received by the UNEP Sasakawa Prize secretariat by 28 February 2006.


41. The statistics compiled by the United Nations Environment Programme, or UNEP, can make for depressing reading.


42. The 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing met, if not exceeded, many of its environmental pledges, according to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Reuters reported.


43. Whatever the consensus on diagnosis, there is little agreement on action, something the UNEP warns must change.


44. Introduction: Recently, Costa de Sol was granted the Gold Award of the LivCom Award by the UNEP, hence being the 1st time that Zhuhai wins such an honour.


45. International projects from UNESCO/ASPACO, UNEP and UNDP projects have been executed by GMRC, consequently cooperation with some mangrove research institutions in some ASEAN countries have been conducted.


46. Each short-listed candidate will be required to submit a statement of no more than 1,500 words explaining how the UNEP Sasakawa Prize will contribute towards achieving tangible goals.


47. WMO and UNEP to assess scientific, technical and socio- economic information relevant for the understanding of the risk of human-induced climate change.


48. After The Tsunami: Unep's Rapid Environmental Assessment Report


49. Keywords UNEP;lesser waste;pollution prevention;harmness;comprehensive recovery;


50. Photo credits: FAO,UNEP,UNICEF and Swynk Productions B.V.Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information

照片来源: 粮农组织、环境规划署、儿童基金会和Swynk Productions B.V.联合国新闻部出版。

51. Photo credits: FAO, UNEP, UNICEF and Swynk Productions B.V.Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information

照片来源:粮农组织、环境规划署、儿童基金会和Swynk Productions B.V.联合国新闻部出版

52. The UNEP of Coal Stove


53. headed by UNEP's executive director, who is elected by the General Assembly.


54. UNEP Sends Experts to Assess Environmental Damage in the Gulf


55. Technical Cooperation Trust Fund for UNEP's Implementation of the Activities Funded by the Interim Multilateral Fund Established under the Montreal Protocol;


56. UNEP identified three key environmental factors that significantly aggravated the impacts of heavy rains: sharp declines in the waterretaining capacity of forests and grasslands due to deforestation and overgrazing;

环境规划署找出了严重加剧暴雨影响的三大环境因素: 由于毁林和过度放牧,森林和草原的蓄水能力急剧下降;

57. The initiative will also be celebrated by UNEP, in collaboration with many partners, at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, particularly in the Water Dome (see para. 38 below) exhibitions and side events.


58. The site, which is available in both French and English versions, also provides a sortable dataset list and links to the UNEP GEO collaborating centers and data providers.

网站有英语和法语两个版本,提供经过排序的数据集列表,并提供UNEP GEO合作中心和数据提供者的网络连接。

59. Furthermore, UNEP post-conflict environmental assessments clearly demonstrate that military crises are almost always followed by an environmental crisis.


60. Executive Director of the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements(Habitat)(UNEP,Nairobi)

联合国人类住区(人居)中心(环境规划署,内罗毕) 执行主任

61. Unep Programmes And Resources For Environmental Education And Training: An Introductory Guide


62. UNEP ( United Nations Environment Program )


63. UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre UNEP-IETC


64. UNEP Executive Director Achim Steiner says evidence of human-generated warming is "unequivocal".


65. UNEP's New Way Forward


66. UNEP the United Nations Environment Programme


67. UNEP administered the grants from the Global Environment Facility, United Nations Foundation, and World Bank and employed the MA Director, located at the WorldFish Center in Malaysia.


68. First World Women Environment Meeting Sponsored by UNEP Opened in Kenya


69. It argues that,it is the authority of the UNEP that leads to its important roles in global environmental governance.


70. UNEP Halon Technical Optimum Committee


71. In regard to these problems,the UNEP suggests a new strategy of ecotourism.


72. UNEP Industry and Environment Quarterly Review


73. UNEP took care to emphasis the positive results that can be expected with careful management of desert environments.


74. United Nations Environment Programme UNEP


75. The UNEP report reflects the growing concern among scientists that warming temperatures above 2 degrees Celsius could trigger increasingly rapid climate change.


76. Despite Beijing's "strenuous efforts" to reduce emissions, the widespread use of coal and a growing number of vehicles meant progress in improving air quality was slow, the UNEP report said.


77. UNEP Honours Those Who Have Made Outstanding Contributions Towards the Success of Ozone Layer Protection


78. The recent Global Biodiversity Assessment of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has identified four major causes of the present decrease in biodiversity, and a fifth, which may yet prove to be important.


79. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), established in 1972, works to encourage sustainable development through sound environmental practices everywhere.


80. Abstract United Nations Environmental Programme(UNEP)is a coordinating body withinthe United Nations system,responsible for the global environmental protection.

