

1. Dr Laureys's measured conclusion is that neurologists do not like their skills to be replaced or upstaged by a scale.


2. Voyager's view of Neptune was almost upstaged by the planet's largest moon, Triton, called "the most curious thing we've ever seen" by Voyager geologist Laurence Soderblom.

“旅行者”看到的海王星的景色,几乎全被这颗行星最大的卫星海卫一“特里同”所抢占。 “旅行者”的地质学家劳伦斯 - 索迪布洛姆把它称作“我们看见过的最奇妙的东西”。

3. A brilliant young comedian upstaged the star.


4. In general, action is presented one item at a time.If too much is going on the audience will be unsure what to look at and the action will be "upstaged".


5. Not only is it now being hollowed out by VoIP technology;it has also been upstaged in recent years by the mobile phone, a far more glamorous, capable and personal device.


6. Brailsford, who wants his new team to make its beijing tour debut in 2010Rob Hayles upstaged Great beijing's Olympic cycling heroes at the opening beijing tour stage in London yesterday.


7. He also upstaged the Socialist Party, which preaches anti-racism but never appointed any minority ministers when in power.


8. He never upstaged his wife and though intelligent and rich, he was content to be viewed as a golfing, gin-swilling duffer.


9. He upstaged the other speakers by illustrating his talk with slides.


10. Ex-Brookside star Steven Fletcher was one of the actors upstaged by the football stars but he didn't seem to mind.


11. If China was in any useful sense a leader of its region, this would be the moment for Mr Hu or Mr Wen to step into the spotlight, but they have already been upstaged by President Bush.


12. US First Lady Laura Bush has upstaged her husband at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner with a string of jokes at his expense.


13. She was furious at being upstaged by her younger sister.


14. As explained, Killzone 2 was completely upstaged by the controversy surrounding it, controversy that developer Guerrilla had itself done nothing to earn.


15. Osean Squadron I'm not about to be upstaged by a reserve pilot!


16. I knew immediately how this would go down with my Chief, whose limited capacity for forgiveness surely did not include being upstaged


17. Rob Hayles upstaged Great beijing's Olympic cycling heroes at the opening beijing tour stage in London yesterday.


18. Worse still, it was upstaged and outwitted by a tiny group of opportunists, many of them Jews (not a people beloved by the KGB), who became known as the oligarchs.


19. Lymph nodes micrometastasis rate increased significantly with Dukes upstage, and 9 patients with colorectal cancer upstaged from Dukes A or B to Dukes C.

检测发现有9例患者分期从Dukes A或B期上调到Dukes C期。

20. Speaking without notes, remembering everyone and everything, he upstaged all the incumbent professors.


21. Lawyers such as Chen Shui-bian were used to written documents, hard work, early hours, and teamwork, and the lawyers soon upstaged him.


22. Results: 3 of the 16 patients with high risk lesions by CNB were upstaged to carcinoma and 3 of the 11 patients with DCIS were discovered with occult invasion.


23. The snuff box, dusty portraits and cigar case on show at the museum would not be upstaged by the more racy Dickensworld, staff there thought.


24. Young Kirk and Young Spock have rather upstaged every other commercial movie, but that doesn't mean to say they don't have a fair amount of box-office competition.


25. The film star was upstaged by his rival at the awards ceremony.


26. It wasn't exactly what the British press had flown 3,500 miles to see: Prince Harry upstaged by a tree.

